Campaign Center - United Task Force (UNITAF) - Arma 3 Campaign Center - United Task Force (UNITAF) - Arma 3

Operation Tulip (2035)

The Netherlands faced a growing threat of counterfeit microchips infiltrating the market, prompting the government to deploy military forces to protect this vital industry. The Tulip Defense Corps (TDC) was formed to secure the microchip supply chain using advanced tracking systems and international collaboration. This decisive action underscored the nation's commitment to safeguarding its technological integrity.

Operation Aurora (2006)

The rise of anti-monarchy movement across the Kingom of Sahrani, and a civil war in the provice of Yulakia, has the potential to end the royal rule. The King deployed his most trusted regiment, the Royal Fusiliers, to ensure, that the monarcy won't fall and that peace is maintained across the Kingdom for decades to come.

Operation Mockingbird (2025)

The archipelago of Isla Abramia is a large island chain that is under the control of the Chernarussian government. Multiple foreign influences are trying to insert themselves. The U.S. Marines are being sent in under humanitarian aid orders to ensure that bad actors are unable to dominate.

Future Warfare Theatre (2025-2045)

This Theatre focuses on Futuristic Deployments.

Modern Warfare Theatre (1991-2025)

This Theatre focuses on Modern, Conventional War Deployments.

GWOT Theatre (1991-2025)

This Theatre focuses on Global War on Terror (GWOT) COunter-INsurgency Operations (COIN) between 1991 and 2025.

Cold War Theatre (1975-1990)

This Theatre focuses on Cold War operations between 1975 and 1990.



Operation Everyman (2015)

The island nation of Akarya became an economic powerhouse due to its natural resources but it also sold uranium to Russia and the Middle East. NATO sent a battlegroup to Akarya to try and persuade the government to stop the production of uranium.


Operation Guardian Angel (2007)

The Democratic Republic of Ritmo, an ex-colony of the Crown in the Pacific, has fallen to Turmoil. To intervene and restore peace in the region, the British Government has authorized the deployment of the 3rd Commando Brigade.

Operation Deadlock (2022)

The Sahranian Government on Lingor has struggled for years to maintain control over the island. The well-equipped but ill-trained military is riddled with corruption and incompetence, struggling to subdue drug cartel and de-facto pirates on the island and have in time sparked a revolution that has effectively taken over most of the island.

Operation Black Flag (2020)

The Black Flag task force has been dispatched to gather intel and investigate a unknown hostile presence in the region of Khushab/Jilavur in the Takistan mountains, intel gathered so far shows that they have been harassing, capturing and killing civilians by using unethical methods.

Operation Valiant Guardian (2020)

A civil war in the country of Illyria has been raging for years. The troops of the Social Federal Republic of Illyria have been hit with low morale and overstretched supply lines. With the hopes of independence being far from dead, the defenders begin a counter offensive along most of the frontline.

Operation Hetman (2023)

After a long period of political unrest between Poland and Belarus, tensions came to a boil when Belarus opened its borders for Russian Forces to bolster its own. In response to the AFRF buildup along the SuwaƂki Gap, Poland called on other NATO members to aid in the defense of its homeland.

Operation Fulcrum (2013)

The BAF has an established presence in the region of Uzbin. Having been in Takistan since the early days of Operation Enduring Freedom, the continuous occupation and support of ANA forces against the Taliban has rumours of coming to an end. Along these murmurs, a new wave of insurgency rears its head.

Operation Honeybadger (2001)

Following the September 11 attacks, the United States starts an Bombing Campaign against the ruling Taliban in Afghanistan. Just twelve days later, the first conventional ground forces arrive. Working with local militants to overthrow the government, seeing the Taliban’s Leader, Osama Bin Laden, fleeing towards Pakistan.

Operation Everglade (1984)

The USSR has invaded Norway in an attempt to bypass the NATO forces stationed in West Germany. UNITAF has been deployed to Vidda to slow down the advancing army and to buy time for a better defensive posture to be achieved.

Operation Polaris (2039)

The med has suffered a pandemic, crippling the economy, IDAP quickly overrun by the need for aid. CSAT seeing an opportunity claim the islands. With no real choice what was left of the government accepted the help. The pandemic is now over but CSAT has yet to leave and shows no inclination to do so. NATO have decided to strike back and free the islands of occupation

Operation Parabole (2017)

Multiple terror attacks have hit cities across Europe. As part of a multinational effort to bring those responsible to justice, German KSK deploys to dismantle the ring of weapon smugglers supplying the terror group.

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