ORGCOC Update and Winter Roster - Comms Center - UNITAF

Selection Boards / Personnel
ORGCOC Update and Winter Roster

Sunday 13 August 2023


Major James


Good afternoon,
I would like to provide a brief reflection on our journey over the past six months since we revamped organizational structure. Additionally, I aim to provide some insight into our challenges and priorities heading into the winter season. If you've joined UNITAF since then, you can find more information about our organizational structure here.
First and foremost, a big thank you all of our Staff and Contributors for your dedication, hard work, and continuous effort. Vital to the changes made earlier this year is enabling all of you to get involved and that is something we must continue to foster. Staff also provided valuable feedback during the Winter Selection process which has been instrumental, our ongoing aim is to optimize our operations and further empower those staff groups.
In a broad sense, new frameworks have effectively decentralized previously centralized tasks. Yet, there are areas where we face setbacks and urgently need innovative solutions. While I will delve into specific command summaries, I'd like to emphasize that Training Command (TC) will require significant attention in the upcoming winter season.


Personnel Command (PC)

The speed and efficiency with which Personnel Command, J1 Recruiting Staff, and J2 Personnel Staff have assumed their responsibilities are commendable. Their success in managing personnel administration, recruitment, and retention transitions smoothly from the Troop System I hope that this is something you have noticed too. Notably, the primary challenge for PC is dossier access for staff, an issue we have prioritized and hope to address soon. I am gratified that the entire PC team is keen on continuing their roles, and we have happily endorsed this sentiment.
Name Role Status
1Lt Korean Falcon Personnel Officer (PC) Continuing in post
Cpl T. Wolf J1 Recruiting NCOIC Continuing in post
Cpl Mr.47 J1 Recruiting NCO Continuing in post
Sgt Hrusi J1 Recruiting NCO Continuing in post
Cpl Kerry J2 Personnel NCO Continuing in post
Cpl T. Wolf J2 Personnel NCO Continuing in post
Sgt Jenkins J2 Personnel NCO Continuing in post
Sgt mbaker5114 J2 Personnel NCO Continuing in post
MSG Crossy J2 Personnel NCO Continuing in post
MSG Aiedail J2 Personnel NCO Continuing in post


Operations Command (OC)
Operation approval and practice approval were recently delegated to Operations Command and Training Command, respectively. We've observed shifts in deployment schedules and some vacancy rates during the summer, but we're taking steps to improve our forward scheduling. The Campaign Staff's management of campaigns deserves acknowledgment, and the introduction of the Quartermaster System and new policies in J5 is promising but needs further support for delegation into the winter. Like PC, OC staff is enthusiastic about their roles, and this has our full endorsement.
Name Role Status
2Lt Zuka Operations Officer (OC) Continuing in post
MSG Crossy J3 Operations NCOIC Continuing in post
Sgt Vyqe J4 Campaigns NCOIC Continuing in post
Sgt Johnson J5 Loadouts NCOIC Continuing in post


Training Command (TC)
Training Command stands out as a challenge on our horizon. Regrettably, Sgt mbaker5114 will step back from J7 Training Staff NCOIC this winter but will continue with J2 Personnel Staff. Upcoming discussions with TC, J6 Policy Staff, and J7 Training Staff will focus on streamlining the SOP approval process and exploring the potential distinction between "rules" and "guides". Significant progress has been made in J7, with the onboarding of contributors, many lesson plans and the quality of the output of the same. Equally the scheduling of practices has been consitent and caters well to requirements. We will look closely at our requirements here, as we'll need to consider changes to Tier systems and the re-introduction of the flagging system and ultimately their place in upholding SOP standards. We're keen on optimizing our staffing requirements and I'm happy that the team is eager to move forward, I will spend a significant amount of time with Training Command and Staff over this period, as this is a vital area of attention in the coming months.
Finally, I'd like to express my thanks to Sgt mbaker5114 for his time as J7 Training NCOIC, where he has quite frankly moved mountains.
Name Role Status
2Lt Whitewolf Training Officer (TC) Continuing in post
MSG Aiedail J6 Policy NCOIC Continuing in post
Cpl Jochem J6 Policy NCO Continuing in post
Sgt mbaker5114 J7 Training NCOIC Exiting post
SSG Kevin J7 Training NCOIC Entering post
Cpl mtb J7 Training NCO Continuing in post


Service Command (SC)
Service Command has showcased commendable progress. The effective handling of tasks, thanks to J9 Server Staff and J8 Mods Staff, sets the bar high. We're on the brink of introducing campaign-specific mod lists and will determine the best maintenance strategy for them.
Name Role Status
Capt Jari Service Officer (SC) Continuing in post
Cpl Grezvany13) J8 Mods NCOIC Continuing in post
SSG Kevin J9 Server NCO Continuing in post
Cpl Mohawk J9 Server NCO Continuing in post

Get involved, UNITAF needs you!
Remember our staff positions are there to be a point of contact and management for our efforts in all areas, but they can't do it alone. If you want to see progress in any area the best thing to do, if you can is to get involved. We recently changed the Monthly Preferences system so you can indicate which areas you'd like to contribute in, but you can also contact any of the persons listed above in order to express your interest in the same. If you have applied to a position, either during the selection window or using the above feature, please contact the relevant staff group, or escalate to the Command Unit if you have not heard back, or would like to discuss it in more detail.


Concluding Remarks
As we transition into the winter phase, my focus will be on moving every staff group towards self-reliance, especially Training Command and J6 and J7. I trust in the capabilities of PC/OC/SC, championed by Korean, Zuka, and Jari in that in allocating my time to this, it will have no impact on other areas. Central Command meetings will evolve to be more command-specific, allowing us to address specific challenges, in case you notice their absense on the schedule.
I'm currently prioritizing the integration of an update suggestions/feedback/issues system, aiming for a unified and transparent approach. Soon, I'll be introducing a new role in Central Command for a Command Sergeant Major (CSM) to fortify our inter-staff-group communication and to champion enlisted concerns.
Once again, thank you to our staff and contributors for your unwavering commitment.
Keep up the excellent work.

Major James

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