Recently, we introduced WebKnight’s Melee / Improved Melee System to our approved mod list. You'll no doubt be seeing and using it in more and more upcoming deployments so please take under consideration the following and direct others to this directive should it be required.
For all players
There is a keybind conflict between ACE Hide Weapon and WebKnight's Hide Weapon, to correct it;
Navigate to Options > Controls > Configure Addons > WebKnight’s Melee to view or adjust the keybindings.
Unbind the “Hide Weapon” key (default 0) to prevent interference with ACE’s “holster Weapon”. This will ensure you can access your medical equipment without any issues.
Friendly fire is turned off but using melee on teammates will initiate unwanted animations and sounds.
Do not engage in such actions during operations, as it is contrary to the Code of Conduct
If you encounter such abuse, report it
Please familiarize or customize your keybinds to make the most of this mod.
For MSTs/GMs (Game Masters)
Instakilling Players
Players are at risk of being instakilled contrary to policy if the OPFOR uses specified execution animations.
Instead, opt for slashing attacks to correctly implement ACE damage.
Not doing this contridicts the medical system and MST policies.
Procedure for Unintended Instakills
In case of accidental execution, the affected player will be deemed as "ARMA'ing".
The appropriate action will be a teleported reinsert for that player, as if the act had not taken place.
As always, adhere to guidelines and best practices to ensure everyone enjoys a seamless gaming experience.