TFCO SITREP/1 - July 20 - Comms Center - UNITAF

Situation Reports / Headquarters
TFCO SITREP/1 - July 20

Friday 10 July 2020


Major James

Commanding Officer



I never thought I'd say this, but my staff tell me I need to talk more - so welcome to the first in a series of monthly-to-bi-monthly SITREPs. Which I hope will be a welcome and informative endeavor. The aim of the SITREPs is to improve how we communicate major changes to all members and to communicate UNITAF's areas of focus, in and out of game.


 I expect these to be issued 1-2 times per month issued always on a Friday evening, which will coincide with the introduction of any major changes; roughly in the form of;

- A major one once a month
- A minor one once a month, offset by two weeks 


So without futher ado, let's get started. 

For more meat on the below summary, you'll find it further down in this SITREP.

- Today we're issuing an annual survey for 2019/20; please submit it here
- Operation Ember commences this July 19 - mods have been published
-Mod requests are addressed in the Perspective section of this report
- If you submit 'OK' or 'Poor' AARs you'll now be required to make comments
- We're putting a heavy focus on recruitment right now 
- We're addressing SOPs that are not being executed correctly with FTXs
- We're adding new SOPs for areas we feel need more structure



Activity and Recruitment

The last few weeks have seen a general decrease in the attendance of main-line official missions, we're keen to keep this above 30, but is expected as the world exits lock-down and returns to work and education. It's important though that we turn our hand to recruitment during this time in order to flatten the curve. You'll hopefully have noticed this effort already, and anything you can do to assist your COC with this is greatly appreciated.



There are no current vacancies for NCOs, we do keep a constant eye on numbers and so anyone looking to pursue I'd advise you contact your Section commanders so they are aware for when vacancies do arise - they can also tell you what to do to get the best chance, as it is competitive. We do also have quite some PFCs who are edging towards eligibility to Specialist, but more practice hours are required before that is approved. Practices are something that I believe we must continue to do - it's evident in our performance that without consistent re-training and practice, standards cannot be maintained.



Especially given the timing of this SITREP I'd like to thank and acknowledge Cpl Mattjamco's contributions with Operation Pavise which is our #1 rated Campaign Deployment at 85% across it's 1273 man hours.
Pavise has been all around well received and houses some of UNITAFs standalone best rated deployments, with 5 of them being at or near 90% or above; including Dark Waters which achieved 100%



UNITAF Strategy

Recruitment is our main priority in the coming period, as I mentioned prior, the effects of lock-down will have an adverse affect on deployment scale, but it's a given that we remain dedicated to high-scoring and difficult operations being delivered to the schedule. We continue to believe that the more people that get to experience them the better, so quality and selective recruitment is key. If you think you can help with this effort, the best place to start is the #j1-recuiting channel on Discord.

Standard Operating Proceedures and the general improvement of our execution is our second priority. We've identified a number of weak spots in performance such as contact reporting, spacing, mission briefing which we are working on addressing in the coming weeks. This will come in the form of more targeted FTXs (hence the role preference center) and also revisions to and additional SOPs being added to cover blind spots.

Mod Requests we've received many a mod-request in the last month or so, and while there are many great mods we'd like to include, at the moment we're at our mod-limit using the current launcher-based system. We're looking closely at alternative options which will allow us to increase the number of mods used, and will as with anything consider all changes carefully. So please do keep sending them in, and be assured it is mostly for technical reasons that we have been yet unable to expand this list further. I would expect, some further news in the next SITREP regarding this.


- Marksman and Sniper loadouts have been expanded into 3 weight classes
- AT and AA Assistant roles have been added to the ORBAT system
- NVG Settings have been adjusted
- LAMBs Danger will be trialled again during Operation Ember, to increase enemy difficulty and lower enemy supidity
- We have and will continue to trial the use of specialised Weapons Squads in addition to Rifle Squads and in accordance with SOP
- All NCOs have been added as whitelisted Commanders on the Liberation Server.



Nothing to report.



The UNITAF Annual Survey 2019/20 submit it here



All in all, we've had some fantastic deployments over the last 1-2 weeks and I'm excited to see what Operation Ember brings as we ditch the Desert MARPAT and don the Woodland, a greater use of Naval, Air and Land assets should see Ember as being one of the most diversified Campaigns so far. Let's hope, as we embark on it we're joined by some new blood, and maybe some old blood too - who knows. Let's get to work and I'll see you in the next one.


Major James
Commanding Officer

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