Welcome to this month’s monthly SITREP from Headquarters. If you're joining us in the last 30 days or so Welcome to UNITAF - I hope you're enjoying your time here so far. The SITREP is a monthly to bi-monthly update which contains a range of changes both past and upcoming as well as the discussions and focuses from up and down the chain of command, it's designed to keep everyone up to speed with the thoughts of the senior Chain of Command.
For more meat on the below summary, you'll find it further down in this SITREP.
- UNITAF completes a record breaking February
- More information on current and future slot allocation progress
- Updates on general recruitment
- Updates on ORGCOC / NCO recruitment status
- Two new campaigns and current campaign plans
- Forthcoming plans for UNITAFs 2nd Birthday and the Easter Special
- Some updates on UNITAF Merch
- Numerous SOP changes and planned changes
Activity and Recruitment
The upward attendance trend continues into another record high in February, with close to 700 slots completed, with the total force strength holding steady at 94.
Deployment wise we see our second month running with over 30 deployments, again holding steady, and no significant movements in AARs.
TAFFCAST is back this month, and in a slightly tweaked format based on some feedback from the first episode. Each episode of TAFFCAST will carry a theme of some sort, and while it will touch on parts of the SITREP from the same month, we'll focus more on the theme and will also have a guest on relevant to that theme. This months guest is SFC Mattjamco, on-duty celebrity and long time Zeus turned Field Leader. We talk about Mission Development in UNITAF.
Upcoming episodes will touch on Leadership and another on the work thats involved in making the UNITAF machine work.
If you'd like to be a guest on TAFFCAST, or have questions you want to be addressed on it, fire them over to podcast cheif SFC Zero on Discord.
In the last 30 days or so, I was pleased to approve the following promotions. It see's some major movements in the ORGCOC, as we've been paving the way to double up seniority at every level, from Sections to Troops and very soon, the Task Force HQ as well.
Plenty of new joins have blessed us this month as well, and some really promising talent too.
Sergeant First Class | E-7 | Mattjamco |
Staff Sergeant | E-6 | Deksterus |
Staff Sergeant | E-6 | Cross |
Staff Sergeant | E-6 | Skelly |
Sergeant | E-5 | Reefa |
Sergeant | E-5 | Flicky |
Corporal | E-4 | Crossy |
Corporal | E-4 | Dungworth |
Specialist | E-4 | Attackbee |
Specialist | E-4 | Flubber Dubber |
Specialist | E-4 | Link |
Private First Class | E-3 | Astreo |
Private First Class | E-3 | Mohawk |
Private | E-2 | William |
Private | E-2 | Fire Hawk |
Private | E-2 | Dreolic |
Private | E-2 | SkullCollector |
Private | E-2 | Josef Pagalin |
Private | E-2 | Chelmy |
Private | E-2 | Minaus |
Private | E-2 | B.Miller |
Private | E-2 | Zack |
Private | E-2 | Edoardo |
Private | E-2 | WhiteWolf |
Recruit | E-1 | Bomer |
Recruit | E-1 | Lonosic |
Recruit | E-1 | Pepper |
Recruit | E-1 | Fish |
Recruit | E-1 | DynoSaw |
Recruit | E-1 | redcoat |
Recruit | E-1 | Sharo951 |
Recruit | E-1 | Doc Doomm |
Recruit | E-1 | Tobi |
Recruit | E-1 | TommyHel |
Recruit | E-1 | Jochem |
Recruit | E-1 | Wavan |
Recruit | E-1 | Null Sol |
Recruit | E-1 | Reidy |
Recruit | E-1 | JaSmAn |
Recruit | E-1 | choco_pie |
Recruit | E-1 | Ouroboros |
Recruit | E-1 | Noah_Hero |
Recruit | E-1 | Gianni Cammisano |
Recruit | E-1 | Boone |
Recruit | E-1 | BigCal |
Recruit | E-1 | Porter |
Recruit | E-1 | Camii Rose |
Recruit | E-1 | Kyle |
Recruit | E-1 | Oakflow |
Recruit | E-1 | Sack |
Recruit | E-1 | Aiedail |
A massive congratulations to all of the above, well deserved.
NCO Applications
As always we are always happy to hear from people who'd like to dedicate more time to UNITAF by joining the ORGCOC, speak to your COC to let them know your interested and they will try to point you in the right direction.
Changes to the Administration SOP and SOP on Leadership
The Code of Conduct has been moved to a new section of SOP under the 'administration' heading, this section houses SOP on all major functions of the ORGCOC, from the Code of Conduct to how the ORGCOC functions.
You can find this section here: https://unitedtaskforce.net/training/sop/administration
Alongside this, we've added a 'Principles' section which talks about what we expect from our Leadership, and what it means to be an effective leader in UNITAF, both in and outside of the game.
(P15-133) Principles: Introduction
(P15-134) Principles: Micromanagement
(P15-135) Principles: Chain of Command
(P15-136) Principles: Praise in Public, Correct in Private
(P15-137) Principles: Ownership
(P15-138) Principles: Relationships, trust and ego
(P15-139) Principles: Dealing with conflict
(P15-140) Principles: Summary
(P15-141) Advice for Leaders
you can find them here
Update to Mission Planning SOP
To make it clearer what is expected in the mission making process, the mission planning SOP under Field Leadership has been split into 4 new and updated SOPs - a useful read (or listen) for both mission developers and leaders;
(P1-84) Mission planning: Process
(P1-142) Mission planning: SMEAC
(P1-143) Mission planning: METT-TC
(P1-144) Mission planning: Making the Plan
you can find them here
A new ORBAT slot allocation policy
P15-145 Policy: ORBAT Slot Allocation condenses years of SITREP updates to the slot allocation system to provide a central policy and location. This is something that has been requested and we want to ensure that fairness and transparency is provided here. You can find the policy linked on all ORBATs and you can read or listen to it here.
ORBAT Release times
Release times typically have been 4 days exactly before an operation execution time, but this often resulted in ORBATs releasing during other missions, so by default this is now 90 minutes before the execution time. So many releases will now happen around 1730 UTC.
Annual Survey Results
While I won't go through the full rundown of the survey, I did want to share some of the responses from this years, compared to last years results.
(Below) 2021 Survey - Progression
(Below) 2020 Survey compared to 2021 - Personal Progression
(Above) These two demonstrate the work done over the last year to improve personal progression, work that is ongoing and we hope over this year, to improve this even further with a robust Advanced Core Infantry Training program.
(Below) 2020 Survey compared to 2021 - Progression Paths
(Above) It's promising to see that efforts to improve clarity in the progression paths with the tier system are bedding in, and result in a much more decisive opinion this year.
The general feedback this year, as with last year have been incredibly useful, and with a large focus on the slot allocation system we addressed last month, and so continue to expect work to be done on these systems going forward.
Slot Allocation
In March, we'll start to introduce the following planned changes to the ORBAT system;
- Aircrew will be split into Fixed / Rotary (and hours re-distributed)
- Reprimand Reports, No-shows will have a time penalty to Deployment buttons
- Additional formulas to give some time advantage (in seconds) to people who are less active than others in deployment release times
- 'L' Plate slot functionality, so that certain slots can be reserved for people who don't have the tiers yet.
New Campaigns
As mentioned last month Operation Eiche will commence shortly, a German campaign in Russian Invaded finland, using the popular BWMOD.
We'll also deploy on Operation Typhoon, which is a USMC campaign in a Russian backed Coup of Jamaica
you can find more information about both, on the Campaign Center
UNITAFs 2nd Birthday and the Easter Special
On Easter Weekend, we'll have a Special Operation that's all about tanks, alongside our normal Sunday Operation. We'll also start to ramp up plans for UNITAFs second birthday in a couple of months time.
As mentioned a little while ago, we expect to be in a position to launch the UNITAF Merch in the coming weeks (hopefully)
Advanced Trainings and SOP
Alongside the upcoming changes to Aircrew, there is a desire to really beef out an advanced core infantry training to run every couple of weeks and so if this is something you think you can help with please get involved. The same can be said about some other areas, such as communication in relation to FAC/FO that could do with some SOP updates. A new training map on Altis is underway, and due to replace Malden soon also.
- External radio nets are now set automatically, but unlike before are not enabled by default as an additional channel
Special Mentions
Congratulations to Pvt Chelmy, who raised over £500 for Children with Cancer UK as part of a 24 hour live stream this month on TwitchTV. Part of which featured Operation Parabole, thank you to everyone who contributed with their support by donating, I understand that their employer will double the final amount, so great work.
Mods for Approval
A seperate update will follow in the coming days, dedicated to a Mod review, including suggestions.
None to report
It's been another great month for UNITAF, please do let us know your feedback, including the new Podcast on Discord.
Major James
United Task Force