UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.


The Force Manual is currently made up of 596 blocks in 72 chapters and 114 groups. There have been 1,951 contributory edits with 94,178 views. In the peer-to-peer training system there have been 35,810 assessments on 180 personnel by 57 assessors

Navigate the force manual using the Chapters on the left, or by combat area using the top menu.

Recently Edited Blocks

When What Editor Details
FM/B-2887 - Transmit a message to observer (MTO) v1.01
FM/B-2886 - Transmit a CFF method of engagement v1.01
FM/B-2885 - Transmit a CFF method of control v1.00
FM/B-2881 - Transmit a CFF warning order v1.05
FM/B-2880 - Handling ARMA bugs v1.04
FM/B-2877 - Transmit a CFF target description v2.03
FM/B-2875 - Transmit a CFF target location v1.09
FM/B-2867 - Use plausible tactics v2.00
FM/B-2866 - Object locality v2.00
FM/B-2865 - Reserve allocation policy v1.02
FM/B-2864 - Joining as a reserve v2.02
FM/B-2856 - Description file v1.01
FM/B-2853 - Mission Pacing/Flow v1.00
FM/B-2851 - LAMBS v1.00
FM/B-2849 - MST brief and debrief v1.00
FM/B-2847 - Remote control against players v2.00
FM/B-2846 - Performance v1.00
FM/B-2844 - Troubleshooting AI problems v1.00
FM/B-2839 - No public criticism v1.00
FM/B-2837 - Mission Support terminology v1.00
FM/B-2835 - Remote controlling a vehicle with a turret v1.01
FM/B-2834 - Importing PLANOPS v1.01
FM/B-2833 - Behave in an immersive but fair manner when remote controlling v3.00
FM/B-2831 - Maintain in-character roleplay v2.00
FM/B-2829 - AI communication/awareness v1.01
FM/B-2828 - Delegate to the Assistant Game Masters v2.03
FM/B-2827 - Brief the mission support team v2.03
FM/B-2826 - Required equipment discretion v1.02
FM/B-2825 - Being an (Assistant) Game Master in UNITAF v2.01
FM/B-2824 - Spawn units or objects in an immersive manner v1.02
FM/B-2820 - Mission Support and its roles v2.00
FM/B-2819 - Recognizing heart rhytms with the AED-X v1.00
FM/B-2813 - Player reinsertion v2.02
FM/B-2812 - Handing out equipment v1.03
FM/B-2811 - Replacing destroyed player assets v1.02
FM/B-2810 - Balance the enemy force count v2.01
FM/B-2809 - Understanding server performance v2.02
FM/B-2808 - Keep the Game Master informed v2.02
FM/B-2807 - Responding to pings v2.01
FM/B-2804 - Act within the parameters set by the Game Master v2.01
FM/B-2802 - Recording/live streaming v1.03
FM/B-2801 - Testing the mission v1.01
FM/B-2798 - Send the mission file to the server v1.06
FM/B-2792 - Monitor server performance v2.01
FM/B-2781 - What happens in zeus, stays in zeus v1.01
FM/B-2779 - Observers v3.00
FM/B-2778 - Use a pulse oximeter to monitor heart rate v1.01
FM/B-2777 - Introduction to Mission Making v4.00
FM/B-2771 - Getting ratings on your skill card v2.01
FM/B-2770 - Use nitroglycerin to speed up transfusions v1.01
FM/B-2767 - Enlisted Ranks v2.03
FM/B-2766 - Tiers and Up-tiering v1.06
FM/B-2757 - Commissioned Ranks v2.00
FM/B-2756 - Non-commissioned Ranks v2.00
FM/B-2755 - Example CFF: Fire for effect using a grid, with a correction v1.02
FM/B-2753 - Give a structured Contact Report v4.00
FM/B-2752 - Use the phonetic alphabet v1.04
FM/B-2751 - Use the correct numerical pronounciation v1.01
FM/B-2744 - Engage structures with a launcher v1.01
FM/B-2732 - Sniper loadout [regular/SF] v2.01
FM/B-2731 - Spotter (assisted) loadout [regular/SF] v1.04
FM/B-2730 - Spotter (manual) loadout [regular/SF] v2.01
FM/B-2729 - Marksman loadout [regular/SF] v1.07
FM/B-2723 - Video: An Introduction to Policies and Procedures [05:41] v1.00
FM/B-2721 - Video: An Introduction to Practice and Progression Systems [11:38] v1.00
FM/B-2719 - Video: An Introduction to Signing up for Deployments [13:07] v1.00
FM/B-2717 - Video: An Introduction to Operations and Campaigns [12:27] v1.00
FM/B-2715 - Video: Introduction to United Task Force [05:56] v1.00
FM/B-2706 - How to get started with Leading in UNITAF CREATED
FM/B-2693 - Maintain situational awareness v2.01
FM/B-2684 - Be fair when remote controlling v1.00
FM/B-2666 - Set up a short range v1.03
FM/B-2659 - Respond to a CFF v1.00
FM/B-2651 - The message to observer CREATED
FM/B-2650 - Request immediate IDF supression CREATED
FM/B-2649 - End a CFF CREATED
FM/B-2648 - Respond to a message to observer CREATED
FM/B-2642 - Unusual Process Exit v1.00
FM/B-2640 - “Wrong signature” error v1.01
FM/B-2637 - How to connect to the UNITAF TS Server? v1.00
FM/B-2636 - Where to download the correct Teamspeak client? v1.00
FM/B-2635 - How to install the TFAR TS Plugin? v1.00
FM/B-2631 - How do I know if the server is down, or it’s just my internet connection? v1.00
FM/B-2629 - Can I have some UNITAF swag? v1.01
FM/B-2626 - I want to change/update my profile picture on the website v1.00
FM/B-2624 - I own a [C]DLC, but the ORBAT says I still can't join v2.01
FM/B-2619 - Training Instructors v2.00
FM/B-2613 - Working as a team v2.02
FM/B-2612 - Infantry fireteams v1.04
FM/B-2611 - Combat buddy teams v1.00
FM/B-2604 - Introduction to formations v1.00
FM/B-2603 - Fireteam wedge v1.07
FM/B-2602 - Call when mounted up v2.00
FM/B-2601 - Prohibited arsenal contents v4.00
FM/B-2600 - Essential arsenal contents v6.00
FM/B-2599 - Communicate at an uncontrolled airfield v1.01
FM/B-2597 - Role specific: medic draft 1 v1.00
FM/B-2591 - Default arsenals v1.01
FM/B-2587 - Equipment specific: Entrenching tools v2.00
FM/B-2586 - Equipment specific: Underslung launchers v3.00

Top Editors

Editor Contributions

Skill Cards

When What Action Card
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Field Leadership
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Combat Support
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Medical
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Mission Support
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Cavalry
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Rotary Aircrew
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Combat Leadership
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Communication
FM/G92 - Training Teams Assigned Fixed-wing Aircrew
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Field Leadership
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Rotary Aircrew
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Combat Leadership
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Communication
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Fixed-wing Aircrew
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Combat Support
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Medical
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Mission Support
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards Assigned Cavalry
FM/G69 - Direct Communication Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G69 - Direct Communication Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G136 - Infantry elements Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G69 - Direct Communication Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-705 - Engage a target according to the given fire control order Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G139 - Fire control Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-224 - Use CPR to restore a normal heart rate when a patient has no heart rate Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-209 - Use Combat wound medication pill to manage pain Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-261 - Put the patient in the recovery position to keep the airway clear Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-266 - Hyperextend the head to clear an obstructed airway Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-263 - Turn the head to clear an occluded airway Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-163 - Assess the airway Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-207 - Use splints to treat broken limbs Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-202 - Prioritise the most severe wounds Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-208 - Use tourniquets to prevent blood loss from wounds Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-445 - Use the most effective bandage available to close wounds Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-167 - Give first aid to an unconscious patient Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-40 - Give a structured Contact Report Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-297 - Use an appropriate shooting stance Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-283 - Take into account bore offset when aiming your rifle Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-296 - Control weapon sway caused by breathing Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-298 - Adjust your aiming point for moving targets Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-276 - Adjust your aiming point for range to target Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-107 - Identify planes Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-465 - Identify tiltrotor aircraft Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-109 - Identify helicopters Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-105 - Identify anti-air Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-108 - Identify artillery Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-104 - Identify tanks Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-103 - Identify AFVs Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-102 - Identify light vehicles Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-351 - Observe the active weapons control state Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-475 - Recognize the meaning of basic smoke colors Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-512 - Flare on landing Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-510 - Perform a HAHO drop - High Altitude, High Opening Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-509 - Perform a HALO drop – High Altitude, Low Opening Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-481 - Approach helicopters safely Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-516 - Dismount vehicles Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-515 - Behave appropriately inside a vehicle Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-514 - Call when mounted up Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-479 - Read contours intervals Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-478 - Recognise points of elevation & hill numbers Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-477 - Read an eight-figure grid reference Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-476 - Read a six-figure grid reference Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-693 - Communicate when an area, room or building is clear Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-486 - Move and clear through a room Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-692 - Enter a room to clear it Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-488 - Pie an entry point or other opening Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-694 - Use grenades when clearing a room Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-675 - Stack up on an entry point Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-539 - Cross a danger area as a team Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-534 - Stay out of killzones Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-587 - Watch your sector in MOUT street maneuvers Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-350 - Minimize collateral damage against civilian infrastructure Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-349 - Identify legitimate targets Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-600 - Peel using a line peel Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-599 - Peel using a center peel Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-504 - Bound using alternating bounding Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-503 - Bound using successive bounding Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-666 - Maintain position in a formation Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-343 - Avoid crossing lines of fire Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-341 - Cover a sector Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-661 - Maintain situational awareness Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-339 - Maintain effective spacing Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-662 - Follow orders Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-338 - Maintain element cohesion Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-336 - Know the element Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-581 - Use the correct numerical pronounciation Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-580 - Use the phonetic alphabet Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G118 - Sending a Situation report (SITREP) Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G117 - Sending an ACE report (ACEREP) Unassigned Core Infantry
Deleted Group Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G73 - Roles in the fireteam Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G113 - Callsigns Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G73 - Roles in the fireteam Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G113 - Callsigns Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G112 - Radio networks Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G111 - Phonetics Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G69 - Direct Communication Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G118 - Sending a Situation report (SITREP) Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G117 - Sending an ACE report (ACEREP) Assigned Core Infantry
Deleted Group Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G95 - Basic Smoke Colours Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G104 - Parachuting Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G97 - Working with Helicopters Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G119 - Working with vehicles Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G96 - Map & Compass Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G98 - Close quarters combat (CQC) Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G107 - Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G71 - Rules of engagement Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G120 - Peel Maneuver Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G103 - Bounding overwatch Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G94 - Infantry formations Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G68 - Working as an infantry element Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-631 - Engage structures with a launcher Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-415 - Manually account for the Eötvös effect, the vertical component of Coriolis Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-415 - Manually account for the Eötvös effect, the vertical component of Coriolis Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-413 - Manually calculate and adjust for wind Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-413 - Manually calculate and adjust for wind Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-604 - Manually account for moving targets with a deliberate method Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-604 - Manually account for moving targets with a deliberate method Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-414 - Manually account for spin drift Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-414 - Manually account for spin drift Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-412 - Manually calculate and adjust for inclination Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-412 - Manually calculate and adjust for inclination Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-411 - Manually calculate and adjust for Coriolis effect’s horizontal component Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-411 - Manually calculate and adjust for Coriolis effect’s horizontal component Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-415 - Manually account for the Eötvös effect, the vertical component of Coriolis Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-415 - Manually account for the Eötvös effect, the vertical component of Coriolis Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-418 - Understand the maximum effective range of a shot Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-418 - Understand the maximum effective range of a shot Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-297 - Use an appropriate shooting stance Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-297 - Use an appropriate shooting stance Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-283 - Take into account bore offset when aiming your rifle Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-283 - Take into account bore offset when aiming your rifle Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-296 - Control weapon sway caused by breathing Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-296 - Control weapon sway caused by breathing Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-298 - Adjust your aiming point for moving targets Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-298 - Adjust your aiming point for moving targets Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-276 - Adjust your aiming point for range to target Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-276 - Adjust your aiming point for range to target Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-423 - Use milliradians to calculate a range to target Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-423 - Use milliradians to calculate a range to target Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-422 - Use a laser rangefinder to obtain a range to target Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-422 - Use a laser rangefinder to obtain a range to target Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-418 - Understand the maximum effective range of a shot Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-417 - Understand inherent rifle precision Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-418 - Understand the maximum effective range of a shot Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-417 - Understand inherent rifle precision Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-295 - Choose a suitable overwatch position Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-295 - Choose a suitable overwatch position Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-418 - Understand the maximum effective range of a shot Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-417 - Understand inherent rifle precision Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-423 - Use milliradians to calculate a range to target Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-422 - Use a laser rangefinder to obtain a range to target Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-416 - Manually account for changes in altitude and barometric pressure Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-415 - Manually account for the Eötvös effect, the vertical component of Coriolis Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-411 - Manually calculate and adjust for Coriolis effect’s horizontal component Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-412 - Manually calculate and adjust for inclination Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-414 - Manually account for spin drift Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-604 - Manually account for moving targets with a deliberate method Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-413 - Manually calculate and adjust for wind Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-427 - Interpret ATragMX output and adjust your aiming point accordingly Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-603 - Utilize ATragMX features to account for moving targets Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-603 - Utilize ATragMX features to account for moving targets Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-426 - Modify wind readings from the Kestrel to input in the ATragMX Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-426 - Modify wind readings from the Kestrel to input in the ATragMX Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-425 - Adjust the ATragMX to account for overwatch position environmentals Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-425 - Adjust the ATragMX to account for overwatch position environmentals Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-424 - Set up the ATragMX accurately by mission start Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-424 - Set up the ATragMX accurately by mission start Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-603 - Utilize ATragMX features to account for moving targets Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-426 - Modify wind readings from the Kestrel to input in the ATragMX Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-425 - Adjust the ATragMX to account for overwatch position environmentals Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-424 - Set up the ATragMX accurately by mission start Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-295 - Choose a suitable overwatch position Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-295 - Choose a suitable overwatch position Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-295 - Choose a suitable overwatch position Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-419 - Communicate adjustments of shots Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-429 - Manually adjust for bullet drop using a range card Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-428 - Adjust follow-up shots to correct misses correlating to your sight picture Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-297 - Use an appropriate shooting stance Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-283 - Take into account bore offset when aiming your rifle Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-296 - Control weapon sway caused by breathing Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-298 - Adjust your aiming point for moving targets Assigned Marksmanship
FM/BS-276 - Adjust your aiming point for range to target Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G80 - Manual ballistics Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G84 - Assisted ballistics Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G62 - Sniper team dynamics Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G83 - Distance estimation Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G82 - Precision shooting Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G81 - Rifles, scopes and ammunition Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G65 - Basic marksmanship Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G95 - Basic Smoke Colours Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G96 - Map & Compass Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G94 - Infantry formations Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G86 - Basic Medical Equipment Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G85 - Bandages Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G18 - Vehicle class identification Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G90 - Checking pulse and performing CPR Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G89 - Dealing with pain Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G88 - Dealing with obstructed or occluded airways Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G87 - Dealing with wounds Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G37 - Buddy care Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G9 - Sending a Contact report Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G65 - Basic marksmanship Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G70 - Weapon control states Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-465 - Identify tiltrotor aircraft Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-167 - Give first aid to an unconscious patient Unassigned Medical
FM/BS-167 - Give first aid to an unconscious patient Assigned Medical
FM/BS-167 - Give first aid to an unconscious patient Unassigned Medical
FM/BS-167 - Give first aid to an unconscious patient Assigned Medical
FM/G96 - Map & Compass Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G95 - Basic Smoke Colours Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G94 - Infantry formations Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-445 - Use the most effective bandage available to close wounds Assigned Medical
FM/BS-308 - Use epinephrine to increase wake-up chance Unassigned Medical
FM/BS-308 - Use epinephrine to increase wake-up chance Assigned Medical
FM/G47 - Cardiac management Assigned Medical
FM/G72 - Chemical managment Assigned Medical
FM/G45 - Fluids management Assigned Medical
FM/G46 - Pain management Assigned Medical
FM/G36 - Airway management Assigned Medical
FM/G44 - Wound management Assigned Medical
FM/G40 - Casualty triage Assigned Medical
FM/G91 - Casualty collection points (CCP) Assigned Medical
FM/G41 - Mass casualty incidents (MCI) Assigned Medical
FM/G90 - Checking pulse and performing CPR Assigned Medical
FM/G89 - Dealing with pain Assigned Medical
FM/G88 - Dealing with obstructed or occluded airways Assigned Medical
FM/G87 - Dealing with wounds Assigned Medical
FM/G37 - Buddy care Assigned Medical
FM/G12 - Medical system philosophy Assigned Medical
FM/G37 - Buddy care Unassigned Medical
FM/G41 - Mass casualty incidents (MCI) Unassigned Medical
FM/G40 - Casualty triage Unassigned Medical
FM/G72 - Chemical managment Unassigned Medical
FM/G47 - Cardiac management Unassigned Medical
FM/G45 - Fluids management Unassigned Medical
FM/G46 - Pain management Unassigned Medical
FM/G36 - Airway management Unassigned Medical
FM/G44 - Wound management Unassigned Medical
FM/G12 - Medical system philosophy Unassigned Medical
FM/G86 - Basic Medical Equipment Assigned Medical
FM/G85 - Bandages Assigned Medical
FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-360 - Use atropine to counter chemical intoxication Assigned Medical
FM/BS-183 - Communicate with leadership Assigned Medical
FM/BS-181 - Follow the medical chain of command Assigned Medical
FM/BS-213 - Choose a location for a CCP Assigned Medical
FM/BS-180 - Identify a mass casualty incident Assigned Medical
FM/BS-358 - Use a Personal Aid Kit to heal a patient Assigned Medical
FM/BS-188 - Identify the triage category of a patient Assigned Medical
FM/BS-189 - Prioritize casualties based on triage Assigned Medical
FM/BS-167 - Give first aid to an unconscious patient Assigned Medical
FM/BS-209 - Use Combat wound medication pill to manage pain Assigned Medical
FM/BS-211 - Use fentanyl to manage pain Assigned Medical
FM/BS-210 - Use morphine to manage pain Assigned Medical
FM/BS-361 - Use a pulse oximeter to monitor heart rate Assigned Medical
FM/BS-362 - Use phenylephrine to slow down bleeding Assigned Medical
FM/BS-363 - Use norepinephrine to slow down bleeding Assigned Medical
FM/BS-220 - Use epinephrine to manage the cardiac rhythm Unassigned Medical
FM/BS-220 - Use epinephrine to manage the cardiac rhythm Assigned Medical
FM/BS-308 - Use epinephrine to increase wake-up chance Assigned Medical
FM/BS-347 - Use ammonium carbonate to increase wake-up chance Assigned Medical
FM/BS-222 - Use lidocaine to manage the cardiac rhythm Assigned Medical
FM/BS-221 - Use amiodarone to manage the cardiac rhythm Assigned Medical
FM/BS-220 - Use epinephrine to manage the cardiac rhythm Assigned Medical
FM/BS-169 - Use an AED(-X) to restore a normal heart rate Assigned Medical
FM/BS-224 - Use CPR to restore a normal heart rate when a patient has no heart rate Assigned Medical
FM/BS-366 - Use field blood transfusion kit to take blood from players Assigned Medical
FM/BS-364 - Use IO needles to administer blood and medication Assigned Medical
FM/BS-193 - Use IV bags to administer blood Assigned Medical
FM/BS-267 - Use a stitching kit to close wounds Assigned Medical
FM/BS-207 - Use splints to treat broken limbs Assigned Medical
FM/BS-208 - Use tourniquets to prevent blood loss from wounds Assigned Medical
FM/BS-202 - Prioritise the most severe wounds Assigned Medical
FM/BS-357 - Use EACA to automatically stitch wounds Assigned Medical
FM/BS-356 - Use TXA to automatically bandage wounds Assigned Medical
FM/BS-359 - Use a pulse oximeter to monitor patient breathing Assigned Medical
Deleted Group Unassigned Medical
Deleted Group Assigned Medical
FM/G41 - Mass casualty incidents (MCI) Assigned Medical
FM/G40 - Casualty triage Assigned Medical
FM/G37 - Buddy care Assigned Medical
FM/G72 - Chemical managment Assigned Medical
FM/G46 - Pain management Assigned Medical
FM/G47 - Cardiac management Assigned Medical
FM/G45 - Fluids management Assigned Medical
FM/G44 - Wound management Assigned Medical
FM/G12 - Medical system philosophy Assigned Medical
FM/BS-265 - Use a King LT to keep the airway clear Assigned Medical
FM/BS-264 - Use a guedeltube to prevent obstruction of the airway Assigned Medical
FM/BS-261 - Put the patient in the recovery position to keep the airway clear Assigned Medical
FM/BS-266 - Hyperextend the head to clear an obstructed airway Assigned Medical
FM/BS-262 - Use the Accuvac to clear an occluded airway Assigned Medical
FM/BS-263 - Turn the head to clear an occluded airway Assigned Medical
FM/BS-163 - Assess the airway Assigned Medical
FM/G36 - Airway management Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G14 - Disposable launchers Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/G14 - Disposable launchers Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G9 - Sending a Contact report Unassigned Marksmanship
FM/G9 - Sending a Contact report Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers Assigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-105 - Identify anti-air Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-107 - Identify planes Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-109 - Identify helicopters Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-108 - Identify artillery Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-103 - Identify AFVs Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-102 - Identify light vehicles Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-104 - Identify tanks Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G23 - Man-portable air-defence weapons (MANPAD) Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-122 - Use the correct attack type for the correct job (top down vs direct) Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-122 - Use the correct attack type for the correct job (top down vs direct) Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-121 - Use thermal optics to find targets Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-121 - Use thermal optics to find targets Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G18 - Vehicle class identification Unassigned Core Infantry
FM/BS-122 - Use the correct attack type for the correct job (top down vs direct) Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-122 - Use the correct attack type for the correct job (top down vs direct) Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-121 - Use thermal optics to find targets Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-121 - Use thermal optics to find targets Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-122 - Use the correct attack type for the correct job (top down vs direct) Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-121 - Use thermal optics to find targets Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Unassigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G36 - Airway management Assigned Medical
FM/G36 - Airway management Assigned Core Infantry
FM/G18 - Vehicle class identification Assigned Core Infantry
Deleted Group Unassigned Marksmanship
Deleted Group Assigned Marksmanship
FM/G24 - Vehicle model identification Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G18 - Vehicle class identification Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G23 - Man-portable air-defence weapons (MANPAD) Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G22 - Guided launchers Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G21 - Reloadable unguided launchers Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G19 - Roles in an a weapons team Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G14 - Disposable launchers Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers Unassigned Medical
FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers Assigned Anti-vehicle
FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers Assigned Medical

Top Assessors

Assessor Assessments

Most Viewed Blocks

Block Views
FM/BS-475 - Recognize the meaning of basic smoke colors 228
FM/BS-349 - Identify legitimate targets 103
FM/BS-40 - Give a structured Contact Report 100
FM/BG-607 - Moving targets: calculation 83
FM/BS-580 - Use the phonetic alphabet 78
FM/BS-534 - Stay out of killzones 78
FM/BS-587 - Watch your sector in MOUT street maneuvers 72
FM/BS-503 - Bound using successive bounding 71
FM/BS-514 - Call when mounted up 68
FM/BS-599 - Peel using a center peel 66
FM/BS-516 - Dismount vehicles 65
FM/BS-666 - Maintain position in a formation 64
FM/BG-470 - Fireteam staggered column 63
FM/BS-515 - Behave appropriately inside a vehicle 62
FM/BS-694 - Use grenades when clearing a room 61
FM/BS-600 - Peel using a line peel 61
FM/BS-336 - Know the element 61
FM/BS-350 - Minimize collateral damage against civilian infrastructure 59
FM/BS-722 - Transmit a CFF warning order 58
FM/BS-504 - Bound using alternating bounding 56
FM/BG-348 - Understanding rules of engagement (ROE) 56
FM/BS-476 - Read a six-figure grid reference 55
FM/BS-486 - Move and clear through a room 55
FM/BS-351 - Observe the active weapons control state 55
FM/BG-466 - Fireteam wedge 55
FM/BS-581 - Use the correct numerical pronounciation 55
FM/BG-505 - What is bounding overwatch? 53
FM/BS-675 - Stack up on an entry point 53
FM/BS-724 - Transmit a CFF target description 52
FM/BG-39 - What is a contact report? 51
FM/BS-338 - Maintain element cohesion 50
FM/BS-662 - Follow orders 49
FM/BS-539 - Cross a danger area as a team 49
FM/BG-601 - Center peel vs line peel 48
FM/BG-472 - Squad column 48
FM/BG-597 - What is a peel 45
FM/BS-478 - Recognise points of elevation & hill numbers 45
FM/BG-468 - Fireteam column 44
FM/BG-408 - Getting ratings on your skill card 44
FM/BS-723 - Transmit a CFF target location 44
FM/BG-704 - Type of fire - Suppressive fire 43
FM/BG-214 - What is a Skill Card 43
FM/BG-473 - Squad file 43
FM/BG-679 - The radio and its purpose 43
FM/BP-397 - Role specific: Medics 42
FM/BS-692 - Enter a room to clear it 41
FM/BG-474 - Squad staggered column 40
FM/BG-702 - Type of fire - Point fire 40
FM/BS-276 - Adjust your aiming point for range to target 40
FM/BG-467 - Fireteam line 40
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