Communications - Smoke Signalling - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Communications - Smoke Signalling
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

FM/G95 - Basic Smoke Colours

FM/BS-475 - Recognize the meaning of basic smoke colors

Recognize the following meanings of smoke colors:

Smoke ColorMeaningCarried by
RedEnemy PositionTeam leaders+, FAC
BlueFriendly Position/LZTeam leaders+, FAC
GreenLOGPACK/Ammo dropSupport callsigns
PurpleMASCAS/MEDEVAC LZAll medical roles
OrangeDamaged Vehicle in need of repairsAll crew roles
WhiteConcealmentAll infantry
BlackOnly used by OPFOROPFOR
YellowUsed for specific purpose laid out in OPORDFriendly
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