Equipment - Man-portable launcher systems - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Equipment - Man-portable launcher systems
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers

FM/BG-80 - Firing from enclosures

Firing anti-tank weapons indoors can be very hazardous. Avoid doing so when possible as the backblast can kill or seriously injure you due to the restrictions of the structure.

Soft-launch weapons like the Javelin or NLAW can be safely fired out of an enclosed space, but RPGs, AT-4s, SMAWs, and other common hard-launch anti-tank weapons cannot.

FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position

Use a firing position that provides:

  • as good of a shot as possible on the target
  • the best possible cover
  • no backblast hazard (like an enclosed space)
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire

When preparing to make an anti-vehicle shot, quickly scan the surrounding area while loudly declaring others to "Clear backblast!". The scan is intended to give visibility on who or what may be behind the launcher and help visually verify that the backblast area is clear of friendly personnel.

FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear

Declare "Backblast clear!" to let the gunner know that they are able to safely fire, after clearing the danger area by visually scanning it.

FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket

Upon hearing "Backblast clear!", or having visually confirmed that the area is clear, confirm the sight picture, loudly declare "Rocket!" and then fire the weapon.

FM/G19 - Roles in an a weapons team

FM/BP-110 - Weapons team gunner
  • Senior member of the team.
  • Carries the weapon.
  • Chooses the firing position for the team.
  • Engages targets and listens to his assistant-gunner's directions.
  • Decides on the best engagement method to use on the given target.
FM/BP-111 - Weapons team assistant gunner
  • Junior member of the team.
  • Equipped with binoculars, he carries additional ammo for the weapon and acts as a spotter for the gunner.
  • Gives adjustments to the gunner's fire, scans for, and prioritizes enemy targets and emplacements.
  • Provides ammo to the gunner when required.
FM/BG-112 - Crew served weapons

Crew served weapons are weapons which whether static or mobile, require multiple personnel to function properly. Good examples of Crew Served Weapons are Mortars or Artillery, or Heavy Machine Guns on static emplacements where when disassembled, require two people to be carried.

FM/G14 - Disposable launchers

FM/BP-113 - What classifies as a disposable launcher?

A disposable launcher is a man-portable launcher that meets the following criteria:

  • Is not guided
  • Is not re-loadable (i.e. is single-use/disposable)
LAT Rifleman prepares to fire the M136 Light anti-tank launcher

Above: LAT Rifleman prepares to fire the M136 Light anti-tank launcher

FM/BG-579 - Unguided launcher ranges

The following table contains the effect range of various launchers against the different types of targets, and the maximum range after which the warhead will self-destruct.

 Static point targetMoving point targetArea targetMaximum
AT-4 (M136)300m150m500m2100m
MAAWS500m400m800mDoes not self-destruct
SMAW250m (HEDP) / 500m (HEAA)250m500m1800m
M72 LAW200m100m400mUnknown
PzF 3400m300m500mUnknown
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system

Hit non-moving (static) targets:

  • Within the effective range of the weapon
  • While using a unguided weapon system
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system

Hit moving (non static) targets:

  • Within the effective range of the weapon
  • While using an unguided weapon system
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher

When shooting an unguided rocket, use the following criteria to determine the part of a vehicle to aim for:

  • Will the rocket penetrate? Generally the front of the vehicle will be the strongest part, while the rear will be the weakest. Impact angle should be as close to 90° as possible.  
  • Will the rocket cause damage? The rocket needs to hit a certain part of a vehicle to do damage to it. The best components to hit are the turret and the engine, with worst being the passenger compartment. Keep in mind different types of ammunition will affect the type and amount of damage a vehicle takes from a hit.
From top left to bottom right: Rear, Flank, Frontal, Frontal Oblique, Rear Oblique

Above: From top left to bottom right: Rear, Flank, Frontal, Frontal Oblique, Rear Oblique

FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system

Prioritize vehicle targets based on the following factors:

  • Urgency of the threat: immediate threats should be engaged first, with vehicles posing no threat either engaged last or not engaged at all.
  • Success chance: every engagement should have the highest possible likelihood to succeed. In any case, refrain from shooting when:
    • the target is out of range
    • the target is moving too fast
    • the target cannot be effectively damaged
  • Future considerations: do not engage vehicles when doing so might have negative effect later. e.g. shooting an AT-4 at a technical, when expecting BMPs.
FM/BS-631 - Engage structures with a launcher

Engage a structure using a launcher, after obtaining permission from the element leader, by:

  • hitting inside the structure with an HE warhead
  • hitting the outside of the structure with a warhead that has a penetrating effect (e.g. HESH)

FM/G21 - Reloadable unguided launchers

FM/BG-116 - What is a medium anti-tank team (MAT)?

A medium anti-tank (MAT) team is a rocket team that is capable of delivering accurate and deadly direct-fire against tanks, bunkers, buildings, and other suitable hard targets. They are commonly attached to a platoon when assaulting fortified positions or when enemy armored assets are expected. Two example MAT weapons are the SMAW and MAAWS launchers.

FM/BP-117 - What classifies as a reloadable unguided launcher?

A reloadable unguided launcher is a man-portable launcher that meets the following criteria:

  • Is not guided
  • Is reloadable
  • Often has multiple round types for a variety of uses
AT Rifleman (Medium) engaging a Russian IFV with a M2 Carl Gustav

Above: AT Rifleman (Medium) engaging a Russian IFV with a M2 Carl Gustav

FM/BG-579 - Unguided launcher ranges

The following table contains the effect range of various launchers against the different types of targets, and the maximum range after which the warhead will self-destruct.

 Static point targetMoving point targetArea targetMaximum
AT-4 (M136)300m150m500m2100m
MAAWS500m400m800mDoes not self-destruct
SMAW250m (HEDP) / 500m (HEAA)250m500m1800m
M72 LAW200m100m400mUnknown
PzF 3400m300m500mUnknown
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system

Hit non-moving (static) targets:

  • Within the effective range of the weapon
  • While using a unguided weapon system
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system

Hit moving (non static) targets:

  • Within the effective range of the weapon
  • While using an unguided weapon system
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher

When shooting an unguided rocket, use the following criteria to determine the part of a vehicle to aim for:

  • Will the rocket penetrate? Generally the front of the vehicle will be the strongest part, while the rear will be the weakest. Impact angle should be as close to 90° as possible.  
  • Will the rocket cause damage? The rocket needs to hit a certain part of a vehicle to do damage to it. The best components to hit are the turret and the engine, with worst being the passenger compartment. Keep in mind different types of ammunition will affect the type and amount of damage a vehicle takes from a hit.
From top left to bottom right: Rear, Flank, Frontal, Frontal Oblique, Rear Oblique

Above: From top left to bottom right: Rear, Flank, Frontal, Frontal Oblique, Rear Oblique

FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system

Prioritize vehicle targets based on the following factors:

  • Urgency of the threat: immediate threats should be engaged first, with vehicles posing no threat either engaged last or not engaged at all.
  • Success chance: every engagement should have the highest possible likelihood to succeed. In any case, refrain from shooting when:
    • the target is out of range
    • the target is moving too fast
    • the target cannot be effectively damaged
  • Future considerations: do not engage vehicles when doing so might have negative effect later. e.g. shooting an AT-4 at a technical, when expecting BMPs.
FM/BS-631 - Engage structures with a launcher

Engage a structure using a launcher, after obtaining permission from the element leader, by:

  • hitting inside the structure with an HE warhead
  • hitting the outside of the structure with a warhead that has a penetrating effect (e.g. HESH)

FM/G22 - Guided launchers

FM/BG-119 - What is a heavy anti-tank (HAT) team?

The heavy anti-tank team (HAT) wields the most deadly anti-tank infantry-carried weapon systems available. When heavy armor is expected, they are great assets to have attached to the platoon. HAT in Arma 3 comes most typically in the form the Javelin missile.

FM/BP-120 - What classifies as a guided launcher?

A guided launcher is a man-portable launcher that meets the following criteria:

  • Is guided
  • Is re-loadable (in most cases)
  • Often has multiple round types for a variety of uses
AT Specialist (Heavy) prepares to fire the FGM-148 Javelin Missile

Above: AT Specialist (Heavy) prepares to fire the FGM-148 Javelin Missile

FM/BS-121 - Use thermal optics to find targets
  • Use the thermal optics to find targets
  • Differentiate between active vehicles and disabled/destroyed vehicles
MH-6 Observer performs a battle damage assessment using thermal imaging

Above: MH-6 Observer performs a battle damage assessment using thermal imaging

FM/BS-122 - Use the correct attack type for the correct job (top down vs direct)
  • Use top-down attack mode wherever possible to hit the top armour (almost always the weakest part of the vehicle).
  • Use direct attack mode in situations when firing from confined spaces, or forests where top-attack would be hazardous.
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system

Prioritize vehicle targets based on the following factors:

  • Urgency of the threat: immediate threats should be engaged first, with vehicles posing no threat either engaged last or not engaged at all.
  • Success chance: every engagement should have the highest possible likelihood to succeed. In any case, refrain from shooting when:
    • the target is out of range
    • the target is moving too fast
    • the target cannot be effectively damaged
  • Future considerations: do not engage vehicles when doing so might have negative effect later. e.g. shooting an AT-4 at a technical, when expecting BMPs.

FM/G23 - Man-portable air-defence weapons (MANPAD)

FM/BG-123 - What is an anti-aircraft (AA) team?

An anti-air missile team consists of a gunner and assistant gunner. Equipped with a man-portable AA missile system such as the Stinger, and an additional missile, the two must be ready to use their launcher to engage and destroy any enemy air threats that might appear over the battlefield, either fixed-wing (jet) or rotary-winged (helo). Their proficiency and situational awareness can be the difference between life and death for a squad or platoon.

FM/BP-124 - What classifies as an AA weapon?

Any weapon system who's primary purpose is to be used against aerial vehicles, either rotary or fixed wing.

FM/BS-128 - Engage an aircraft at the right time

To increase the chance of hitting an aircraft shoot when:

  • The aircraft is in front or rear aspect
  • The aircraft is as close to you as possible, this includes vertical distance especially

Side shots are generally not going to hit, unless the target has no countermeasures. Rear shots might also not work if the aircraft is fast enough to run away from the missile.

In general, the missile should fly for as short a time as possible and in a straight line.

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