Planning and Execution - Loadouts and Factions - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Planning and Execution - Loadouts and Factions
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

FM/G75 - Introduction to Loadouts

FM/BG-382 - Loadouts

All UNITAF deployments utilise a set of loadouts from an approved faction. Loadouts dictate what equipment each person spawns into a deployment with. Loadouts are integrated into a database and upon loading into the server are imported through the UNITAF Framework. Every loadout is created, approved and maintained in accordance with this policy.

Creating and maintaining loadouts

Loadouts can be viewed in a number of ways, firstly through an ORBAT, where clicking on the gear icon next to each role will open the Loadout view, or via the Roles Center, where all loadouts from all factions can be viewed for the selected role. Once viewing a loadout it is possible to open loadouts for the entire faction and change requests can be submitted by following the instructions after clicking the change request button. All changes to existing loadouts, or new loadouts will only be approved should they meet the requirements of this policy.

Loadout slaving

Some loadouts are slaved together across multiple roles because the equipment required for those roles is the same, this also lessens the number of individual loadouts that need to be maintained. The parent loadout, as well as all it's linked ones will always be denominated on the Equipment Checklist, when the parent loadout is updated, all slaved loadouts are updated automatically.

FM/BG-383 - Factions

Every loadout is part of a faction, a faction is a group of loadouts which together represent a specific armed force at a particular point in history. Factions are created and approved at a campaign level by the units command. While some similar factions do exist, most are unique and belong to one of UNITAFs campaigns.

FM/G78 - Loadout core principles

FM/BP-384 - Loadout standardisation


All loadouts follow a uniform consistent camo pattern.


A loadout can be unique, but it must be appropriate to its role expectation as outlined in the roles center (e.g. an autorifleman must be able to provide suppressive fire). Across factions, the expectation of any given role is the same, but the specifics, equipment and capability may differ. This policy outlines these requirements in more detail.

FM/BP-385 - Loadout weight and capacity


Infantry should not require frequent stamina breaks on account of a heavy loadout. An agile fighting force will be quicker in fulfilling their tasks and maintaining momentum over downtime and will help ensure that logistics hold a relevant role.

  • Loadouts without backpacks must not exceed 25 kg
  • Loadouts with backpacks, launchers, or belt or box machine guns must not exceed 37 kg*
    • *very occasional exceptions are made for roles such as Anti-tank (Heavy) launchers whereby the combined weight of a Launcher and Single Missile exceeds the weight limits. 
    • In these instances ensure that all steps have been taken to reduce weight through other means prior to submission of your request.

Void space

Void space is free space which exists in any compartment of a final loadout. Weight of loadouts is checked including void space, so when checking a loadout all void space must be filled and if the loadout exceeds standard weight limits once void space is filled then it is not permissible. This is important as infantry may fill void space even if it is left empty.

FM/BP-386 - Era's and technological capability

All loadouts contain sights and equipment which are appropriate to the timeframe and technological advancement of the faction being simulated, there are 4 standard faction-eras and certain standards apply in each area, but those standards may be limited (downward only) by a factions technological capability;

  • E1 Pre-cold war (1930s-1960s)
    • radios only in communications and leadership roles
    • no GPS
    • no BFT
    • limited mapping
    • limited optics (only for marksmanship roles) 
    • limited medical equipment
      • no accuvac
      • no AED(x)
      • no amiodarone
      • no EACA
      • no fentanyl
      • no KingLT
      • no lidocaine
      • no pulse oximeter
      • no TXA
  • E2 Cold-war (1960s-1990s)
    • radios limited and typically not at the personal level
    • no GPS
    • no BFT
    • limited medical equipment
      • no accuvac
      • no AED(X)
      • no amiodarone
      • no KingLT
      • no lidocaine
      • no pulse oximeter
  • E3 Modern (1990s-2020s)
    • personal radios
    • GPS for roles outlined in the GPS section
    • BFT at Platoon HQ or higher
      • in addition some high tech, or special force factions may have BFT for Squad HQ (at the discretion of unit command). 
  • E4 Future (2020s-2040s)
    • personal radios
    • personal GPS
    • BFT at Squad HQ or higher
FM/BP-387 - Core Combat Load (CCL)

A CCL is the Rifleman's loadout and it's use as a baseline ensures that all roles actively engaged in the combat have predictable capabilities, loadout weight and standardised material for resupplies.

 Each combative loadout must contain at least the following equipment:

  • A standard-issue rifle (generally 5.56x45mm)
  • Ballistic head protection
  • Ballistic vest / plate carrier appropriate to the role, if available in the time-period
  • A personal radio, if available in the time-period
  • Standard combat fatigues of the faction
  • 1 set of earplugs
  • 2-4 cable ties
  • 4 tourniquets
  • 2 Combat pill packs
  • 2 splints
  • 4-6 QuikClot bandages
  • 4-6 packing bandages
  • 8-10 rifle magazines total (non-armour penetrating, of which 2-3 magazines are tracer rounds)
  • 2-4 white smoke grenades
  • 1-2 fragmentation grenades
  • 1 Map
  • 1 Compass

Exceptions to the CCL

Exceptions can be made to roles that are issued special weapons platforms or working in a crew or support role.

For example;

  • Lowering the total magazine count in favor of mobility or bag size.
  • Non ballistic headwear for Special Forces or armoured vehicle crews
  • Primary weapon to a submachine gun / PDW for aircrew or armoured vehicle crews

Any exception must not hinder the capability of the role and is at the discretion of unit command.

FM/BP-711 - Required equipment discretion

If a role-specific loadout policy requires an item that is not available for the given faction in the given timeframe, some discretion is allowed to replace the item with a fitting alternate that comes close to meeting the requirements, or if that is not an option, not issue the item at all.

FM/G76 - Equipment specific policies

FM/BP-388 - Equipment specific: GPS

Faction era dictates how widespread GPS devices are, however not all personnel carry GPS;

  • Use the DAGR or MicroDAGR as primary GPS devices and not ItemGPS
  • in E1 to E2 era factions, GPS is not permitted
  • in E3 era factions, regular infantry should not be provided GPS devices, except for;
    • Leadership roles
    • Communication roles
    • Support roles
    • Special forces
    • Recon/scout roles
  • in E4 era factions, GPS may be permitted at all levels
FM/BP-390 - Equipment specific: Backpacks
  • Backpacks are not permitted for the following roles
    • rifleman
    • anti-tank rifleman (light)
    • automatic rifleman
    • medium machine-gunner
    • AT specialist, heavy
  • any other loadout which reasonably requires a backpack may carry one which is suitable in size for the requirements of their load carry and in accordance with all other requirements of this policy
FM/BP-391 - Equipment specific: Weapon optics
  • optics are dictated by faction-era and faction-technology
  • ironsights may be used wherever appropriate
  • the maximum issuable weapon optic for non-marksmanship roles is 4x
  • thermal optics are not permitted
FM/BP-392 - Equipment specific: Launchers

Launchers are only issued to anti-vehicle roles and there are 3 classifications;

  • Light: single use, non-sighted, non-guided
  • Medium: reloadable, sighted, non-guided
  • Heavy: reloadable, sighted, guided

in addition to the classifications of launcher;

  • weight limits apply to launcher carrying infantry and so assistants are used to spread-load ammunition
  • anti-air launchers are single-class, so only one need be chosen
  • if a launcher sits between classes pick the most logical classification or seek guidance
FM/BP-393 - Equipment specific: Blue-force tracking (BFT)
  • BFT is faction-era and faction-technology specific
  • BFT is not permitted in E1 or E2 factions
  • BFT may be issued;
    • to leaders at Platoon HQ (PltCo, PltSgt) level or higher for E3 factions, exceptions can be made for Squad HQ (see Era policy)
    • to a Squad Leader or higher for E4 factions
  • BFT may also be issued to the following roles in E3 or E4 factions;
    • Special Forces Leadership at all levels
    • Logistic Support Chief
    • Fire Support Chief
    • Forward Air Controller
    • Forward Observer
  • BFT devices should not be issued to vehicle crews or aircrews as BFT is built into most vehicles for this purpose and is intended to be used while in the vehicle
FM/BP-389 - Equipment specific: Radios

Faction era dictates radio distribution, however in the majority of cases all infantry units will carry personal radios.

  • all communication roles carry the faction's suitable long range radio, in addition to the following non-communication roles;
    • Platoon Leader
    • Company Commander
    • Platoon Sergeant
    • Logistics Support Chief
    • Fire Support Chief
    • MERT Officer
    • CMT Leader
    • Vehicle (Section) Commanders
    • Aircrew
    • Game Masters
  • (optionally) a deployable antenna, commonly known as a SATCOM
FM/BP-394 - Equipment specific: Underslung launchers
  • for Grenadiers
  • for Aircraft Controllers (JTAC and FAC only) (Coloured smoke munitions only)
  • for all Leadership roles
FM/BP-395 - Equipment specific: Entrenching tools

Entrenching tools may only be issued to and used by; 

  • Combat Engineers
  • Support Engineers
  • Assistant Automatic Riflemen
  • Assistant Machinegunners
  • Ammo Bearers
  • Any Assistant Anti-Vehicle Specialists
  • Light Vehicle Crewmen (Driver/Gunner)
  • APC/IFV Crewmen (Driver/Gunner)
  • MBT Crewmen (Driver/Gunner)

FM/G77 - Role specific policies

FM/BP-396 - Role specific: Infantry

Assistant automatic rifleman (AAR) / Assistant machine-gunner (AMG)

  • a backpack capable of carrying a 600-1000 rounds for the supported weapon (not exceeding weight limits)
  • (optionally) a spare barrel or water to cool the machine gun
  • binoculars to direct the gunner's fire

Automatic rifleman (AR) / Machine-gunner (MMG)

  • a automatic rifle capable of suppressive fire in a fireteam role
  • their higher-capacity magazines should not be usable by the standard-issue infantry rifle
  • if light machine guns were not used by this faction in an AR capacity the use of a light support weapon is permitted
  • for medium machine-gunners a 7.62x51 NATO calibre Weapon or greater
FM/BP-399 - Role specific: Communications

Forward Observer

  • artillery range table
  • a microDAGR
  • a Vector21

Forward Air Controllers

  • equipment capable of laser-designating targets
  • colored smoke for marking locations or LZs

Joint Fires Observer

  • both the Forward Observer's and Forward Air Controller’s equipment
    • Laser Designator
    • Vector21 in backpack
FM/BP-400 - Role specific: Combat Support

EOD Specialist

  • where available, explosive resistant body armour
  • a mine detector
  • a defusal kit
  • marking equipment, such as flags or spray paint
  • (optionally) a demining UGV
  • (optionally) small charges for detonating hostile UXOs

Combat Engineer

  • where available, explosive resistant body armour
  • explosive charges or mines and associated equipment for detonation
  • AN-M14 Incendiary Grenades (where applicable)
FM/BP-401 - Role specific: Cavalry
  • a noise suppressing crew helmet (except light vehicle crewman, which are issued the standard CCL)
FM/BP-402 - Role specific: Aircrew
  • a noise suppressing crew helmet
FM/BP-403 - Role specific: Special Forces

Special Forces are typically given more leniency in what gear and modifications they are allowed to employ, or such restrictions are more loosely enforced. The way to reflect that in your loadouts can be done via allowance of non-ballistic headgear, a change in standard scope or attachments, or added flavour to the uniform.

SF Loadouts must include:

  • a suppressed weapon, where applicable
  • a LAT, in the case of the SF Missileman
  • equipment equivalent of a Combat Medic / Squad Medic, in the case of the SF Medic
  • Squad Leader-level equipment in the case of the SF Team Leader
  • Company Commander-level equipment in the case of the SF Commander
  • disposal and detection equipment like the Combat Engineer and EOD, in case of the SF Sapper
  • an appropriate sniper or marksman rifle, a night-fighting capable optic, and the spotters E3 and E4 ranging equipment, in the case of the SF Marksman
FM/BP-397 - Role specific: Medics

Combat Life Saver

A CCL including the following additional items:

Elastic Bandage20x40x
Packing Bandage10x20x
Epinephrine Auto Injector4x8x
Guedel Tube2x8x
Morphine Auto Injector2x8x
Surgical Kit1x1x
Ammonium Carbonate1x4x
Combat pill pack2x4x
Purple Smoke Grenade2x2x

Combat Medic

A CCL including the following additional items:

16g IV4x10x
Elastic Bandage20x40x
Packing Bandage10x20x
Blood (1000ml)5x5x
Blood (500ml)5x5x
Blood (250ml)Optional10x
Epinephrine Auto Injector2x10x
King LT2x8x
Morphine Auto Injector2x10x
Personal Aid Kit1x1x
Surgical Kit1x1x
Ammonium Carbonate1x4x
Combat pill pack2x4x
Purple Smoke Grenade2x2x

Squad Medic

As per Combat Medic, with the following changes:

  • Norepinephrine: +4 units minimal, +8 units optimal.
  • Phenylephrine: +4 units minimal, +6 units optimal.
  • Nitroglycerin: +2 units minimal, +8 units optimal.
  • Pulse Oximeter: +1


Platoon Medic

A CCL including the following additional items:

16g IV4x10x
Automated External Defibrillator1x1x
Elastic Bandage20x40x
Packing Bandage10x20x
Blood (1000ml)5x5x
Blood (500ml)5x5x
Blood (250ml)Optional5x
Epinephrine Auto Injector2x10x
Field Blood Transfusion Kit (250ml)Optional2x
Field Blood Transfusion Kit (500ml)Optional2x
Morphine Auto Injector2x10x
Personal Aid KitOptional1x
Pulse Oximeter1x1x
Surgical Kit1x1x
Ammonium Carbonate1x4x
Combat pill pack2x4x
Purple Smoke Grenade2x2x

SF Medic

A CCL including the following additional items:

16g IV4x10x
Elastic Bandage20x30x
Packing Bandage10x20x
Blood (1000ml)5x5x
Blood (500ml)5x5x
Blood (250ml)Optional5x
Epinephrine Auto Injector2x10x
Field Blood Transfusion Kit (250ml)Optional2x
Field Blood Transfusion Kit (500ml)Optional2x
Morphine Auto Injector2x10x
Personal Aid KitOptional1x
Surgical Kit1x1x
Ammonium Carbonate1x4x
Combat pill pack2x4x
Purple Smoke Grenade2x2x

Technicians from a Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) and Combat Medical Team (CMT)

All roles must contain a CCL in addition to:

  • MERT roles may in addition include Flight Crew uniforms/helmets
16g IV4x10x
Elastic Bandage20x40x
Packing Bandage10x20x
Blood (1000ml)5x5x
Blood (500ml)5x5x
Blood (250ml)Optional5x
Epinephrine Auto Injector4x10x
Field Blood Transfusion Kit (250ml)Optional2x
Field Blood Transfusion Kit (500ml)Optional2x
Morphine Auto Injector2x10x
Personal Aid KitOptional1x
Pulse Oximeter1x1x
Ammonium Carbonate1x4x
Combat pill pack2x4x
Purple Smoke Grenade2x2x

MERT/CMT Leader/Officer

  • Long Range Radio
  • CCL
  • The same medical equipment as the technicians above.

FM/G79 - Arsenals

FM/BG-404 - Default arsenals

The general arsenal provides the basic soldiering equipment and essentials that individuals will need when deploying on operations. The arsenal contents are dictated by SOP regarding the time period and technological capability of the given faction. As role-specific items are only to be accessed by authorised roles, it is prohibited to add any such item in the arsenal.

FM/BP-405 - Essential arsenal contents

The following list outlines all the mandatory and optional equipment that a general arsenal should provide. Items out-with this list shall be deemed as mission specific equipment and will require permission from the field leader prior to deployment.


MANDATORY items that must be included in arsenals:

  • A single uniform or small number of cosmetic uniform variants in the faction approved camouflage (Different uniforms should be role specific)
  • A single vest in the faction approved camouflage (Vest variations should be role specific)
  • A single helmet or small number of cosmetic helmet variants in the faction approved camouflage
  • A small selection of cosmetic face-wear in the faction approved camouflage
  • A small selection of primary weapons appropriate for the faction (i.e. M4/M16 variations in the case of US Army)
  • A small selection of secondary weapons appropriate for the faction (Pistols and/or melee weapons, where appropriate)
  • A small selection of weapon attachments
  • A small selection of magnified and/or collimator optics
  • Handheld grenades (High explosive fragmentation and white coloured smoke)
  • All faction ammunition types (Preferably ammunition types used in the default loadouts)
  • Basic medical items (All bandage types, combat application tourniquets, splints and combat pill packs)
  • Hearing protection (Ear plugs)
  • Prisoner restraint (Zip ties)
  • Radio communication (Vanilla Arma 3 radio item, where appropriate and in compliance with SOP regarding technology/era)
  • Navigation equipment (Map, map tools, compass, watch and map light)


OPTIONAL items that may be included in arsenals:

  • Stun grenades
  • Chemlights (All colours permitted)
  • Weapon launched smoke munitions (White colour only)
  • Handheld and weapon launched illumination munitions (White colour only)
  • Digital navigation (GPS, where appropriate and in compliance with SOP regarding technology/era)
  • Personal aid kits
  • Field protective masks
  • Weapon maintenance equipment (Spare barrels and water cooling)
  • Humanitarian supplies (MREs and water sustenance)
FM/BP-406 - Prohibited arsenal contents

The following list outlines all the items that are not permitted for inclusion in a faction's general arsenal.


Items that are NOT PERMITTED to be included in arsenals:

  • Non-ballistic headwear
  • Non-faction approved uniforms
  • Non-faction approved weapons
  • Non-faction approved equipment
  • Backpacks
  • Weapon suppressors
  • Weapon optics with infrared/thermal and night-vision capability
  • Weapon optics capable of greater than x4 magnification
  • Infrared/thermal and night-vision goggles
  • Chemical weapons
  • Advanced medical equipment (Items out-with the essential arsenal content and core combat load)
  • Anti-vehicle/structure launchers
  • Handheld and underslung grenade launchers
  • High explosive grenade launcher munitions
  • Coloured handheld and weapon launched smoke munitions (White smoke colour is permitted)
  • Coloured handheld and weapon launched illumination munitions (White illumination colour is permitted)
  • Engineering tools (Toolkits, E-tools, EOD equipment and marking utensils)
  • Demolition munitions (Explosive charges, anti-personnel/vehicle mines and incendiary devices)
  • Mission specific equipment

FM/G131 - Marksmanship loadouts

FM/BP-669 - Marksman loadout [regular/SF]
  • semi-automatic, 
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 6.5mm Grendel, 
  • MOA ≤ 2.0
  • semi-automatic, 
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 6.5mm Grendel, 
  • MOA ≤ 2.0
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
  • semi-automatic, 
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 6.5mm Grendel, 
  • MOA ≤ 2.0
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
  • semi-automatic, 
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 6.5mm Grendel, 
  • MOA ≤ 2.0
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
Weapon opticMinimum 2x magnification

4-6x fixed magnification 


3-12x FFP mil-dot

4-6x fixed magnification 


3-12x FFP mil-dot

4-6x fixed magnification 


3-12x FFP mil-dot

Map toolsrequiredrequiredrequiredrequired
FM/BP-670 - Sniper loadout [regular/SF]
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 7.62x51mm NATO, 
  • MOA ≤ 1.0
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 7.62x51mm NATO, 
  • MOA ≤ 1.0
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 7.62x51mm NATO, 
  • MOA ≤ 1.0
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
Weapon optic3-25x FFP mil-dot3-25x FFP mil-dot3-25x FFP mil-dot
Map toolsrequiredrequiredrequired
FM/BP-671 - Spotter (manual) loadout [regular/SF]
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 7.62x51mm NATO, 
  • MOA ≤ 1.0
  • preferably semi-automatic
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
Weapon opticMinimum 6x magnification
Map toolsrequired
Spotting scoperequired
Weapon standrequired
FM/BP-672 - Spotter (assisted) loadout [regular/SF]
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 7.62x51mm NATO, 
  • MOA ≤ 1.0
  • preferably semi-automatic
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
  • cartridge performance similar or better than 7.62x51mm NATO, 
  • MOA ≤ 1.0
  • preferably semi-automatic
  • (SF only) can mount a supressor
  • (SF only) can mount a NVG optic
Weapon optic3-12x FFP mil-dot3-12x FFP mil-dot
Map toolsrequiredrequired
Spotting scoperequiredrequired
Weapon standrequiredrequired
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