Introduction to UNITAF - Progression - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Introduction to UNITAF - Progression
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

FM/G152 - Practice and Progression

FM/BV-758 - Video: An Introduction to Practice and Progression Systems [11:38]
Learn how role access and progression works in UNITAF (part of the video induction series)

Above: Learn how role access and progression works in UNITAF (part of the video induction series)

Above: Learn how role access and progression works in UNITAF (part of the video induction series)

FM/BV-759 - Video: An Introduction to Policies and Procedures [05:41]
Find out where to locate our polices and procedures (part of the video induction series)

Above: Find out where to locate our polices and procedures (part of the video induction series)

Above: Find out where to locate our polices and procedures (part of the video induction series)

FM/G50 - Ranks and Promotions

FM/BG-235 - Ranks in UNITAF

In UNITAF ranks represent a combination of experience in UNITAF and for certain ranks, responsibility and authority too. A promotion relates to changes in a person's rank or grade.


  • ATIU: Active time in unit is defined as the number of active months enlisted and can be found on a members dossier. This is a more accurate assessment of time in unit that number of days since enlistment as it accounts for breaks and inactivity.
  • ATIG: Active time in grade is defined as the number of active months in their current rank.
  • CATIG: Combined active time in grade is similar to ATIG but when used as a requirement one can combine multiple periods in a rank together to reach the CATIG requirement, this is useful in Billet based ranks such as Non-commissioned ranks to account for periods of inactivity and moving between enlisted and Non-commissioned ranks.
  • GCIG: Good conduct in grade means that no official reprimands have been filed while the member has been in this current grade or rank. GCIG reduces the requirements for promotion to the next grade and then resets on promotion.
  • ATF: Active total force is the number of active (Regular) members on the Total Force.
FM/BP-236 - Enlisted Ranks

For enlisted ranks from Recruit to Master Specialist, promotions are based on activity, conduct and experience. Progression is driven primarily based on combat and field exercise experience. Once a minimum threshold is met, manual checks for conduct and other listed requirements for that rank can be made.

In all cases a promotion will not be actioned if there is an active reprimand on the players dossier from within the last 30 days. Once all requirements for promotion are met, Personnel Command will raise a report recommending promotion.

Grade  Prefix RankRequirements
E-0  RecRecruitIntake
E-1  Pvt  Private

Tier II Core Infantry*

*Waived until 13/04/25 the requirements shall be:

  • 20 CI combat hours
  • 4 CI practice hours
E-2  PFC  Private First Class
  • 75 combat hours
  • 25 practice hours
  • 6 months ATIU (5 with GCIG)
  • 6 months CATIG (5 with GCIG)
E-3  SP3  Specialist 3rd Class
  • 150 combat hours
  • 50 practice hours
  • 12 months ATIU (10 with GCIG)
  • 8 months CATIG (6 with GCIG)
E-4  SP2  Specialist 2nd Class
  • 300 combat hours
  • 100 practice hours
  • 19 months ATIU (15 with GCIG)
  • 10 months CATIG (8 with GCIG)
E-5  SP1  Specialist 1st Class
  • 400 combat hours
  • 125 practice hours
  • 27 months ATIU (22 with GCIG)
  • 12 months CATIG (10 with GCIG)
E-6  SPC  Specialist 
  • 500 combat hours
  • 150 practice hours
  • 36 months ATIU (29 with GCIG)
  • 14 months CATIG (12 with GCIG)
E-7  MSP  Master Specialist
  • 700 combat hours
  • 200 practice hours
  • 53 months ATIU (42 with GCIG)
  • 16 months CATIG (14 with GCIG)
E-8  CMS  Chief Master SpecialistBy appointment of the Commanding Officer
FM/BP-237 - Non-commissioned Ranks

Non-commissioned ranks (NCO) ranks cover those which have additional responsibilities attached to them. When promoted to a Non-commissioned rank the holder bears some responsibility in either the Operational Chain of Command (OPCOC) or Organisational Chain of Command (ORGCOC). 

To achieve Non-commissioned rank the holder can;

  • ORGCOC: apply and be selected to join the units staff via one of it's command units based on their interests
  • OPCOC: achieve and maintain Approved Regular Field Leader (ARFL) status in accordance with the units Field Leading Policy

In both cases, unlike enlisted ranks if the holder exits the staff position or no longer holds the ARFL status then the rank is requisitioned and their rank reverts to the applicable rank from the enlisted table.

In this way, the requirements for Non-commissioned ranks allow for a holder to transition between a Non-commissioned rank and enlisted rank, without having to progress from the lowest grade again.

Grade  PrefixRankRequirements
E-4 CplCorporal
  • Appointed to ORGCOC in a staff position or;
  • Squad Approved Regular Field Leader (S-ARFL)
E-5 SgtSergeant
  • Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
  • Squad Approved Regular Field Leader (S-ARFL) and;
    • 150 combat hours
    • 50 practice hours
    • 12 months ATIU
    • CATIG as Corporal
      • 8 months with GCIG
      • 14 months without GCIG
E-6 SSGStaff Sergeant
  • Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
  • Platoon Approved Regular Field Leader (P-ARFL) and;
    • 300 combat hours
    • 100 practice hours
    • 19 months ATIU
    • CATIG as Sergeant
      • 10 months with GCIG
      • 16 months without GCIG
E-7 SFCSergeant First Class
  • Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
  • Platoon Approved Regular Field Leader (P-ARFL) and;
    • 400 combat hours
    • 125 practice hours
    • 27 months ATIU
    • CATIG as Staff Sergeant
      • 12 months with GCIG
      • 18 months without GCIG
E-8 MSGMaster Sergeant
  • Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
  • Company Approved Regular Field Leader (C-ARFL) and;
    • 500 combat hours
    • 150 practice hours
    • 36 months ATIU
    • CATIG as Sergeant First Class
      • 14 months with GCIG
      • 20 months without GCIG
E-8 1SGFirst Sergeant
  • Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
  • Company Approved Regular Field Leader (C-ARFL) and;
    • By appointment of the Commanding Officer
    • 700 combat hours
    • 200 practice hours
    • 53 months ATIU
    • CATIG as Master Sergeant
      • 14 months with GCIG
      • 20 months without GCIG
E-9 SGMSergeant MajorBy appointment of the Commanding Officer
E-9 CSMCommand Sergeant MajorBy appointment of the Commanding Officer
FM/BP-238 - Commissioned Ranks

Commissions cover the Officer ranks from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Officers have substantial responsibilities and oversee large parts of the unit command. They have authority to take executive actions on behalf of the Commanding Officer.

Grade  PrefixRankRequirements 
O-1  2LtSecond Lieutenant
  • Appointed to ORGCOC in a staff position;
  • Personnel Officer
  • Operations Officer
  • Training Officer
  • Service Officer
  • Executive Officer
  • Commanding Officer
O-2  1LtFirst Lieutenant
  • CATIG as Second Lieutenant
    • 12 months with GCIG
    • 18 months without GCIG
O-3  CaptCaptain
  • CATIG as First Lieutenant
    • 14 months with GCIG
    • 20 months without GCIG
  • OR
    • Appointed to ORGCOC in a staff position;
      • Commanding Officer
      • Executive Officer
      • Unit size exceeding 60 ATF
O-4  MajMajor
  • CATIG as Captain
    • 12 months with GCIG
    • 18 months without GCIG
  • AND
    • Unit size exceeding 100 ATF
O-5  LtColLieutenant Colonel
  • 14 months (or 20 without GCIG) CATIG as Major and
  • Unit size exceeding 180 ATF or;
  • 28 months CATIG (or 34 months without GCIG) as Major and
  • Unit size exceeding 120 ATF
O-6  ColColonel
  • 14 months CATIG as Major (or 20 without GCIG) and
  • Unit size exceeding 250 ATF or;
  • 28 months CATIG as Lieutenant Colonel (or 34 without GCIG) and
  • Unit size exceeding 180 ATF
From left to right: 2Lt, 1Lt, Capt, Maj, LtCol

Above: From left to right: 2Lt, 1Lt, Capt, Maj, LtCol

FM/BP-239 - Rank Suffixes

To determine the source of a rank, holders of both FM/BP-237 - Non-commissioned Ranks and FM/BP-238 - Commissioned Ranks have both the normal rank prefix but additionally a suffix to their name, the below table outlines the possible sources.

Central CommandCC
Personnel CommandPC
Operations CommandOC
Training CommandTC
Service CommandSC
J1 Recruiting StaffJ1
J2 Personnel StaffJ2
J3 Operations StaffJ3
J4 Campaign StaffJ4
J5 Loadout StaffJ5
J6 Policy StaffJ6
J7 Training StaffJ7
J8 Mods StaffJ8
J9 Server StaffJ9
Squad Approved Regular Field Leader (S-ARFL)FS
Platoon Approved Regular Field Leader (F-ARFL)FP
Company Approved Regular Field Leader (C-ARFL)


If the holder bears a staff position in multiple groups, the suffix is combined in accordance with the below examples;

  • Sgt John Smith (J1)
  • Sgt John Smith (J1/2)
  • Sgt John Smith (FS)
  • Sgt John Smith (J1 FS)
  • Sgt John Smith (J1/2 FS)
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