Anti-vehicle Handbook - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Anti-vehicle Handbook
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards

FM/G92 - Training Teams

FM/G18 - Vehicle class identification

T-I+ Skill
FM/BS-102 - Identify light vehicles
T-I+ Skill

Rapidly identify a light vehicle as being:

  • Wheeled
  • Not armed with an autocannon or larger
  • Not classified as an AFV

Those at higher proficiency are able to identify the subclasses as:

  • Technical: civilian vehicle adapted for military use
  • MRAP: mine resistant and protected against small arms
  • Truck: military truck
A column of US Army M1114 uparmored HMMWV (or Humvee)

Above: A column of US Army M1114 uparmored HMMWV (or Humvee)

T-I+ Skill
FM/BS-103 - Identify AFVs
T-I+ Skill

Rapidly identify a AFV as being:

  • Wheeled or tracked
  • Armed with nothing to cannon, intended for direct fire
  • Protected against at least small arms

Those at higher proficiency are able to identify the subclasses as:

  • APC: armed with up to a heavy machine-gun
  • IFV: armed with an autocannon
  • Assault gun: armed with a cannon
  • ATGM carrier: armed with ATGMs (anti-tank guided missile) as primary armament
US Army M1126 Stryker AFV on patrol

Above: US Army M1126 Stryker AFV on patrol

T-III+ Skill
FM/BS-104 - Identify tanks
T-III+ Skill

Rapidly identify a tank as being:

  • Tracked
  • Turreted
  • Protected against at least auto-cannon fire
  • Having a cannon capable and intended for direct fire

There are no subclasses.

A section of US Army M1A2 SEPv2 Tanks engaging enemy forces

Above: A section of US Army M1A2 SEPv2 Tanks engaging enemy forces

T-III+ Skill
FM/BS-108 - Identify artillery
T-III+ Skill

Rapidly identify artillery as being:

  • Towed, wheeled or tracked
  • Having a cannon or rocket tubes intended for indirect fire

Those at higher proficiency are able to identify the subclasses as:

  • Towed artillery: cannot move by itself
  • Self propelled artillery: cannon/rocket tubes are mounted on a wheeled or tracked vehicle
M119 Howitzer towed artillery unit in it's deployed configuration

Above: M119 Howitzer towed artillery unit in it's deployed configuration

T-III+ Skill
FM/BS-105 - Identify anti-air
T-III+ Skill

Rapidly identify anti-air being:

  • Primarily inteded for engaging helicopters or planes

Those at higher proficiency are able to identify the subclasses as:

  • AAA (anti-air artillery): primary armament is one or more guns
  • SAM: primary armament is surface-to-air missiles
ZSU-23 Shilka Anti-Aircraft System

Above: ZSU-23 Shilka Anti-Aircraft System

FM/G24 - Vehicle model identification

FM/G16 - Using man-portable launchers

T-I+ Skill
FM/BS-82 - Choose an appropriate firing position
T-I+ Skill

Use a firing position that provides:

  • as good of a shot as possible on the target
  • the best possible cover
  • no backblast hazard (like an enclosed space)
T-I+ Skill
FM/BS-83 - Alert others of intent to fire
T-I+ Skill

When preparing to make an anti-vehicle shot, quickly scan the surrounding area while loudly declaring others to "Clear backblast!". The scan is intended to give visibility on who or what may be behind the launcher and help visually verify that the backblast area is clear of friendly personnel.

T-I+ Skill
FM/BS-84 - Check backblast is clear
T-I+ Skill

Declare "Backblast clear!" to let the gunner know that they are able to safely fire, after clearing the danger area by visually scanning it.

T-I+ Skill
FM/BS-85 - Alert and fire the rocket
T-I+ Skill

Upon hearing "Backblast clear!", or having visually confirmed that the area is clear, confirm the sight picture, loudly declare "Rocket!" and then fire the weapon.

FM/G19 - Roles in an a weapons team

FM/G14 - Disposable launchers

T-I+ Skill
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system
T-I+ Skill

Hit non-moving (static) targets:

  • Within the effective range of the weapon
  • While using a unguided weapon system
T-II+ Skill
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system
T-II+ Skill

Hit moving (non static) targets:

  • Within the effective range of the weapon
  • While using an unguided weapon system
T-III+ Skill
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher
T-III+ Skill

When shooting an unguided rocket, use the following criteria to determine the part of a vehicle to aim for:

  • Will the rocket penetrate? Generally the front of the vehicle will be the strongest part, while the rear will be the weakest. Impact angle should be as close to 90° as possible.  
  • Will the rocket cause damage? The rocket needs to hit a certain part of a vehicle to do damage to it. The best components to hit are the turret and the engine, with worst being the passenger compartment. Keep in mind different types of ammunition will affect the type and amount of damage a vehicle takes from a hit.
From top left to bottom right: Rear, Flank, Frontal, Frontal Oblique, Rear Oblique

Above: From top left to bottom right: Rear, Flank, Frontal, Frontal Oblique, Rear Oblique

T-III+ Skill
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system
T-III+ Skill

Prioritize vehicle targets based on the following factors:

  • Urgency of the threat: immediate threats should be engaged first, with vehicles posing no threat either engaged last or not engaged at all.
  • Success chance: every engagement should have the highest possible likelihood to succeed. In any case, refrain from shooting when:
    • the target is out of range
    • the target is moving too fast
    • the target cannot be effectively damaged
  • Future considerations: do not engage vehicles when doing so might have negative effect later. e.g. shooting an AT-4 at a technical, when expecting BMPs.
T-II+ Skill
FM/BS-631 - Engage structures with a launcher
T-II+ Skill

Engage a structure using a launcher, after obtaining permission from the element leader, by:

  • hitting inside the structure with an HE warhead
  • hitting the outside of the structure with a warhead that has a penetrating effect (e.g. HESH)

FM/G21 - Reloadable unguided launchers

T-I+ Skill
FM/BS-76 - Hit static targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system
T-I+ Skill

Hit non-moving (static) targets:

  • Within the effective range of the weapon
  • While using a unguided weapon system
T-II+ Skill
FM/BS-99 - Hit moving vehicle targets within the effective range of the unguided man-portable weapon system
T-II+ Skill

Hit moving (non static) targets:

  • Within the effective range of the weapon
  • While using an unguided weapon system
T-III+ Skill
FM/BS-125 - Aim at the correct part of a vehicle with an unguided launcher
T-III+ Skill

When shooting an unguided rocket, use the following criteria to determine the part of a vehicle to aim for:

  • Will the rocket penetrate? Generally the front of the vehicle will be the strongest part, while the rear will be the weakest. Impact angle should be as close to 90° as possible.  
  • Will the rocket cause damage? The rocket needs to hit a certain part of a vehicle to do damage to it. The best components to hit are the turret and the engine, with worst being the passenger compartment. Keep in mind different types of ammunition will affect the type and amount of damage a vehicle takes from a hit.
From top left to bottom right: Rear, Flank, Frontal, Frontal Oblique, Rear Oblique

Above: From top left to bottom right: Rear, Flank, Frontal, Frontal Oblique, Rear Oblique

T-III+ Skill
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system
T-III+ Skill

Prioritize vehicle targets based on the following factors:

  • Urgency of the threat: immediate threats should be engaged first, with vehicles posing no threat either engaged last or not engaged at all.
  • Success chance: every engagement should have the highest possible likelihood to succeed. In any case, refrain from shooting when:
    • the target is out of range
    • the target is moving too fast
    • the target cannot be effectively damaged
  • Future considerations: do not engage vehicles when doing so might have negative effect later. e.g. shooting an AT-4 at a technical, when expecting BMPs.
T-II+ Skill
FM/BS-631 - Engage structures with a launcher
T-II+ Skill

Engage a structure using a launcher, after obtaining permission from the element leader, by:

  • hitting inside the structure with an HE warhead
  • hitting the outside of the structure with a warhead that has a penetrating effect (e.g. HESH)

FM/G22 - Guided launchers

T-III+ Skill
FM/BS-127 - Prioritize targets for man-portable weapon system
T-III+ Skill

Prioritize vehicle targets based on the following factors:

  • Urgency of the threat: immediate threats should be engaged first, with vehicles posing no threat either engaged last or not engaged at all.
  • Success chance: every engagement should have the highest possible likelihood to succeed. In any case, refrain from shooting when:
    • the target is out of range
    • the target is moving too fast
    • the target cannot be effectively damaged
  • Future considerations: do not engage vehicles when doing so might have negative effect later. e.g. shooting an AT-4 at a technical, when expecting BMPs.
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