Use IV bags to administer blood - Skill - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Use IV bags to administer blood
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

Current Version (336 days ago)

FM/BS-193.V3.01 - Use IV bags to administer blood
  • Attach an IV bag to one of the patients limbs or an IO needle to give them blood.
  • Do not attach the bag to a limb with a tourniquet applied
  • Do not give more blood than needed, to prevent the blood pressure from becoming too high
Published by Maj James on 23/02/2024 at 19:57

Previous Versions

FM/BS-193.V3.00 - Use IV bags to administer blood
  • Attach an IV bag to one of the patients limbs or an IO needle to give them blood.
  • Do not attach the bag to a limb with a tourniquet applied
  • Do not give more blood than needed, to prevent the bloud pressure from becoming too high
Published by Sgt Jochem on 03/02/2024 at 21:04
FM/BS-193.V2.00 - Use IV bags to administer blood

Attach an IV bag to one of the patients limbs to give them blood.

Published by Sgt Jochem on 22/01/2024 at 19:23
FM/BS-193.V1.00 - Know when to administer blood

Understands that patients who have lost a large and fatal amount of blood should urgently be prioritised for blood transfusions. After those patients come those who have lost a lot of blood, who may be conscious but risk being unconscious for longer when they are wounded next. 

Appreciates that soldiers who have lost some blood should not be prioritised for blood transfusions except when supply is greater than demand.  

Published by Capt Korean Falcon on 09/01/2024 at 14:36
FM/BS-193.V0.01 - Use IV bags to administer blood

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Published by SPC Applechaser on 22/12/2023 at 00:11
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