When utilising an AED or AED-X for resuscitation purposes, it is advised to follow the following procedure:
- Check the patient's pulse
- Place AED(-X) pads on the patient's chest and press “analyze rythm”
- If shock is advised, repeat until a pulse is established:
- Administer epinephrine FM/BS-220 - Use epinephrine to manage the cardiac rhythm
- Shock using the AED(-X)
- Administer amiodarone FM/BS-221 - Use amiodarone to manage the cardiac rhythm
- Shock using the AED(-X)
- Administer lidocaine FM/BS-222 - Use lidocaine to manage the cardiac rhythm
- Shock using the AED(-X)
- If no shock is advised:
- Administer epinephrine FM/BS-220 - Use epinephrine to manage the cardiac rhythm
- Perform CPR for 30 seconds
This process is stopped as soon as a continuous heart rate is detected.
Change the process to account for the introduction of different cardiac rythms