In order to enjoy our time together, all members of UNITAF must abide by this code of conduct. Common sense should prevail, but this code sets out expectations of our behaviour and represents the values of UNITAF. Values which as members it is our responsibility to defend.
- I am a part of UNITAF, a group of people with diverse backgrounds and cultures. I will show respect to all members.
- In order to facilitate unit organisation I will respect and uphold the chain of command.
- I will make a conscious effort to learn our SOPs over time and promote and apply them.
- I will demonstrate good sportsmanship and integrity at all times.
- If conflict should arise, I will step back, inform a member of Staff or ORGCOC and abstain from retaliating.
- If I believe a member did something well, I will praise them publicly.
- If I believe a member did something wrong, I will talk it out and correct in private.
- I will remember that I am a member of UNITAF, one team with one goal.