Field Leaders have access to a manual allocation tool which is the only method by which someone can be slotted without doing it personally via the ORBAT. Manual allocation can be used in a limited number of circumstances, as outlined below;
- leaders and game-masters who have planned the mission; such as the Field Leader and mission developers
- agreed leadership assignments
- any person in the pre-slotting approved role areas who is unable to slot themselves in the pre-slotting window
- in some circumstance a junior leader with an experienced supporting leader or visa-versa, these allocations should be limited to 1 pair per ORBAT.
- Retired members may be manually assigned to a slot no earlier than 24 hours before the STARTEX time. Except where the retired member has a no-show within the last month. All other requirements of the policy still apply.
Manual allocation is for certain circumstances, therefore:
- no manual assignment of persons not meeting minimum or maximum rank requirements
- no manual assignment of persons with reprimands within the last 7 days
- no manual assignment of persons with active flags in the assigned combat area
- no manual assignment of non pre-slotting combat areas where the user doesn't have the required tier;
- except when;
- manually assigning a 1UP within a valid 1UP window
- manually assigning a 2UP within a valid 2UP window
- assigning a slot which has not been filled after ORBAT lock (or within 24 hours of deployment execution)
- changing a role for METT-TC purposes after ORBAT lock
- except when;
Slot priority in manual allocation: In the case that nobody in the active force has the requirements for a slot, then the next most experienced person can be manually assigned, should they not pursue the slot, this process can be repeated until filled - in this case there is no need to await the 1UP or 2UP windows. When manually allocating slots, priority should be given to those with the most official requirements - taking into account all other factors of this policy.