Use an appropriate shooting stance for the engement while taking into account available cover, sight stability and mobility requirements.
Extract to guide probably:
Know the advantages and implications of each available shooting stance.
Recognise the advantage in flexibly changing stances to suit the engagement and available cover.
- most visible shooter target profile
- likely to clear ground-based obstacles with line of bore
- quickest to assume
- least stable, hardest to take long-range shots
- makes use of ground-based cover such as rocks and low structures
- reduces shooter target profile in the open
- quick to assume
- stable enough for extended-range shots
- versatile
- low profile
- useful to clear obstacles low to the ground, such as grass, that otherwise hinder prone shooting
- low mobility, rendering reaction to fire delayed
- very stable
- lowest profile
- low mobility while still allowing lateral reactions to fire by combat rolling
- capable of shooting underneath obstacles, including cars by adjusting stance down or left / right
- most stable