FM/BP-406.V4.00 - Prohibited arsenal contents
The following list outlines all the items that are not permitted for inclusion in a faction's general arsenal.
Items that are NOT PERMITTED to be included in arsenals:
- Non-ballistic headwear
- Non-faction approved uniforms
- Non-faction approved weapons
- Non-faction approved equipment
- Backpacks
- Weapon suppressors
- Weapon optics with infrared/thermal and night-vision capability
- Weapon optics capable of greater than x4 magnification
- Infrared/thermal and night-vision goggles
- Chemical weapons
- Advanced medical equipment (Items out-with the essential arsenal content and core combat load)
- Anti-vehicle/structure launchers
- Handheld and underslung grenade launchers
- High explosive grenade launcher munitions
- Coloured handheld and weapon launched smoke munitions (White smoke colour is permitted)
- Coloured handheld and weapon launched illumination munitions (White illumination colour is permitted)
- Engineering tools (Toolkits, E-tools, EOD equipment and marking utensils)
- Demolition munitions (Explosive charges, anti-personnel/vehicle mines and incendiary devices)
- Mission specific equipment
Published by
SSG Jenkins on 03/10/2024 at 17:35