Understanding heart rate - Guide - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Understanding heart rate
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

Current Version (294 days ago)

FM/BG-446.V1.01 - Understanding heart rate

You can check the pulse of any non-tourniqueted bodypart and the result returned will be descriptive for non-medical personnel or an accurate value for medical personnel, the possible results are:

  • No heart rate (0)
  • Low heart rate (1-60)
  • Normal heart rate (60-100)
  • High heart rate (100+)

Some drugs will influence heart rate.

Published by Maj James on 24/02/2024 at 00:31

Previous Versions

FM/BG-446.V1.00 - Understanding heart rate

You can check the pulse of any non-tourniqueted bodypart and the result returned will descriptive for non-medical personnel or an accurate value for medical personnel, the possible results are:

  • No heart rate (0)
  • Low heart rate (1-60)
  • Normal heart rate (60-100)
  • High heart rate (100+)

Some drugs will influence heart rate.

Published by Maj James on 23/02/2024 at 18:51
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