FM/BS-539.V2.04 - Cross a danger area as a team
Cross a danger area using the following method:
- First man gets set on the last piece of cover before the danger area, covering the danger area itself, and checks for possible threats.
- When they are ready, they announce ‘Set’
- The second man, then moves past, shouting ‘Crossing’ and sprints across the danger area to the cover on the other side.
- They take cover slightly further on from the danger area and keep their direction of travel covered i.e. the front.
- This continues with each person crossing the danger area under the cover of the lead man, but ensuring that there is only 1 or 2 players in the danger area at any one time, limiting the risk.
- The second to last man shouts ‘Last man’ to the man covering the danger area as they pass them to cross
- After crossing, they then turn and cover the danger area, announcing ‘Set’ to the last man.
- The last man crosses the danger area and his team on the other side
- They move past and retake their place as the first man. The team is now across the danger area and in the same formation as they were before.
Published by Sgt Jochem on 07/09/2024 at 10:10