SF Spotter - Policy - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

SF Spotter
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Current Version (261 days ago)

FM/BP-547.V3.00 - SF Spotter

Special forces sniper teams are utilized when mission parameters demand exceptional proficiency in reconnaissance and precision fires. Best employed in high value target environments, SF sniper teams can guarantee key target elimination when a single shot can secure or compromise a mission.


In addition to the duties of a traditional spotter, the SF Spotter:

  • Provides senior reconnaissance element leadership to the SF sniper team.
  • Prepares and execute only shots that can be guaranteed, with a thorough understanding of equipment limitations and environmental factors.
  • Is proficient in factoring for all variables of ballistics, both of core consideration and of peripheral effect, with and without ATragMX suite assistance.
  • May direct multiple sniper weapon systems as required.
An SF Spotter refining a ballistic solution for HVT interdiction.

Above: An SF Spotter refining a ballistic solution for HVT interdiction.

Published by SFC mbaker5114 on 01/06/2024 at 15:47

Previous Versions

FM/BP-547.V2.03 - SF Spotter

Special forces sniper teams are utilized when mission parameters demand exceptional proficiency in reconnaissance and precision fires. Best employed in high value target environments, SF sniper teams can guarantee key target elimination when a single shot can secure or compromise a mission.


In addition to the duties of a traditional spotter, the SF Spotter:

  • Provides senior reconnaissance element leadership to the SF sniper team.
  • Is proficient in factoring for all variables of ballistics, both of core consideration and of peripheral effect, with and without ATragMX suite assistance.
  • Prepares and execute only shots that can be guaranteed, with a thorough understanding of equipment limitations and environmental factors.
An SF Spotter refining a ballistic solution for HVT interdiction.

Above: An SF Spotter refining a ballistic solution for HVT interdiction.

Published by SFC mbaker5114 on 28/05/2024 at 00:20
FM/BP-547.V2.02 - SF Spotter

Special forces sniper teams are utilized when mission parameters demand exceptional proficiency in reconnaissance and precision fires. Best employed in high value target environments, SF sniper teams can guarantee key target elimination when a single shot can secure or compromise a mission.


In addition to the duties of a traditional spotter, the SF Spotter:

  • Provides senior reconnaissance element leadership to the SF sniper team.
  • Is proficient in factoring for all variables of ballistics, both of core consideration and of peripheral effect, with and without ATragMX suite assistance.
  • Prepares and execute only shots that can be guaranteed, with a thorough understanding of equipment limitations and environmental factors.
An SF Spotter preparing a ballistic solution for HVT interdiction.

Above: An SF Spotter preparing a ballistic solution for HVT interdiction.

Published by SFC mbaker5114 on 27/05/2024 at 21:48
FM/BP-547.V2.01 - SF Spotter

Special forces sniper teams are utilized when mission parameters demand exceptional proficiency in reconnaissance and precision fires. Best employed in high value target environments, SF sniper teams can guarantee key target elimination when a single shot can secure or compromise a mission.


In addition to the duties of a traditional spotter, the SF Spotter:

  • Provides senior reconnaissance element leadership to the SF sniper team.
  • Is proficient in factoring for all variables of ballistics, both of core consideration and of peripheral effect, with and without ATragMX suite assistance.
  • Prepares and execute only shots that can be guaranteed, with a thorough understanding of equipment limitations and environmental factors.
An SF Spotter preparing a ballistic solution for HVT interdiction.

Above: An SF Spotter preparing a ballistic solution for HVT interdiction.

Published by SFC mbaker5114 on 27/05/2024 at 05:41
FM/BP-547.V2.00 - SF Spotter

Special forces sniper teams are utilized when mission parameters demand exceptional proficiency in reconnaissance and precision fires. Best employed in high value target environments, SF sniper teams can guarantee key target elimination when a single shot can secure or compromise a mission.


In addition to the duties of a traditional spotter, the SF Spotter:

  • Provides senior reconnaissance element leadership to the SF sniper team.
  • Is proficient in factoring for all variables of ballistics, both of core consideration and of peripheral effect, with and without ATragMX suite assistance.
  • Prepares and execute only shots that can be guaranteed, with a thorough understanding of equipment limitations and environmental factors.
Published by SFC mbaker5114 on 05/04/2024 at 00:08
FM/BP-547.V1.00 - SF Spotter

Special forces sniper teams are utilized when mission parameters demand exceptional proficiency in reconnaissance and precision fires. Best utilized in high value target environments, SF sniper teams can guarantee key target elimination when a single shot can or secure or compromise a mission.


The SF Spotter executes all fundamentals and duties of a traditional spotter to the highest level. An experienced ballistician, the SF Spotter is proficient in factoring for all variables of ballistics, both of core consideration and of peripheral effect, with or without ATragMX suite assistance. A well versed understanding of equipment limitations and environmental considerations permit the SF Spotter to prepare and execute only shots that can be guaranteed.

Published by SFC mbaker5114 on 04/04/2024 at 02:57
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