AtragMX setup: caliber database - Guide - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

AtragMX setup: caliber database
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

Current Version (196 days ago)

FM/BG-560.V2.05 - AtragMX setup: caliber database

Open the AtragMX, select Gun List and choose the bullet you will be using for the mission. 

If your bullet isn’t present, you’ll have to select Add New Gun and input the values yourself. 

Even if your gun is present, the values saved in your device may be inaccurate, so always double check that values in the AtragMX correspond to the ones in your range card.

AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Above: AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Published by Sgt Jochem on 05/07/2024 at 20:46

Previous Versions

FM/BG-560.V2.04 - AtragMX Setup: Caliber Database

Open the AtragMX, select Gun List and choose the bullet you will be using for the mission. 

If your bullet isn’t present, you’ll have to select Add New Gun and input the values yourself. 

Even if your gun is present, the values saved in your device may be inaccurate, so always double check that values in the AtragMX correspond to the ones in your range card.

AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Above: AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Published by SFC mbaker5114 on 17/06/2024 at 21:24
FM/BG-560.V2.03 - Using the AtragMX to select gun values

Open the AtragMX, select Gun List and choose the bullet you will be using for the mission. 

If your bullet isn’t present, you’ll have to select Add New Gun and input the values yourself. 

Even if your gun is present, the values saved in your device may be inaccurate, so always double check that values in the AtragMX correspond to the ones in your range card.

AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Above: AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Published by SSG Mohawk on 20/05/2024 at 18:24
FM/BG-560.V2.02 - Using the AtrgMX to select gun values

Open the AtragMX, select Gun List and choose the bullet you will be using for the mission. 

If your bullet isn’t present, you’ll have to select Add New Gun and input the values yourself. 

Even if your gun is present, the values saved in your device may be inaccurate, so always double check that values in the AtragMX correspond to the ones in your range card.

AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Above: AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Published by Sgt Jochem on 15/05/2024 at 17:54
FM/BG-560.V2.01 - Using the AtrgMX to select gun values

Open the AtragMX, select Gun List and choose the bullet you will be using for the mission. 

If your bullet isn’t present, you’ll have to select Add New Gun and input the values yourself. 

Note that even if your gun is present, the values saved in your device may be inaccurate, so always double check that values in the AtragMX correspond to the ones in your range card.

AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Above: AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Published by Sgt Jochem on 15/05/2024 at 17:52
FM/BG-560.V2.00 - Using the AtrgMX to select gun values

Open the AtragMX, select Gun List and choose the bullet you will be using for the mission. 

If your bullet isn’t present, you’ll have to select Add New Gun and input the values yourself. 

*Note that even if your gun is present, the values saved in your device may be inaccurate, so always double check that values in the AtragMX correspond to the ones in your range card.

AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Above: AtragMX Gun List and Range Card comparison

Published by SSG Mohawk on 01/05/2024 at 14:17
FM/BG-560.V1.01 - Entering gun values into the AtrgMX

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Published by SSG Mohawk on 01/05/2024 at 14:05
FM/BG-560.V1.00 - Entering gun values into the AtrgMX

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Published by SSG Mohawk on 01/05/2024 at 14:05
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