Transmit a CFF method of engagement - Skill - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Transmit a CFF method of engagement
This block is not in a published chapter and should not be relied upon.

Current Version (36 days ago)

FM/BS-724.V1.00 - Transmit a CFF method of engagement

Transmit the method of engagement in the following format: “[target type] ([target shape if not a point target]), [], (danger close), [method of control]”

Target shapesMeaning

“[length of the long axis in meters] by [length of the short axis in meters], attitude [azimuth of the long axis of the rectangle, in milliradians, always in the range of 0-3199]”

The location previously given acts as the center of the rectangle.

CIRCULARradius [radius in meters]”
Method of controlMeaning
(NONE GIVEN)The battery will fire as soon as a possible

at my command

The battery will fire when the FO transmits: “fire


time on target [time in real life UTC]”

The battery will fire to have the first round land at the given time.

See FM/BS-600 - Peel using a line peel for the meaning of danger close

Published by Sgt Jochem on 29/10/2024 at 17:04

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