What is server performance
An Arma server is essentially an Arma game instance that doesn't show any visuals. This means that given identical hardware, the server is (generally) able to achieve better performance than the game clients. As with our own client, server performance is expressed in frames per second (fps). While the concept of a frame does not make much sense in the context of a server (a frame is the name of every image that gets sent to the screen to display), it is analogous and can be read as “updated to game world per second”. Some other games use the term “tickrate”.
Why care about server performance
While in the old days the server fps had a direct impact on client fps, this isn't the case anymore in later version of the game. However, that doesn't mean that server performance ins't important: a poorly performing server can still be a major detriment to the enjoyment of the players. Some of the things that are caused by poor server performance are:
- Bad hit registration
- Teleportation of AI/vehicles
- Connection stability
What affects server performance
Below is a list of things that have a noticeable effect on server performance. More detail can be found in dedicated blocks, but in general, less of these will be better for the server.
- Spawning things
- AI units
- Vehicles
- Static objects
- Exploding munitions/munitions with submunitions
- Scripted audio (especially when moving)