Mission pacing/flow - Guide - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Mission pacing/flow
This block is not in a published chapter and should not be relied upon.

Current Version (16 days ago)

FM/BG-779.V1.01 - Mission pacing/flow

A mission should be planned with some downtime in mind, be it resupply or simply just transit from point A to B. This time allows players to recollect themselves and regroup, and provide a breather in potentially stressful situations. During any downtime, element leaders will be gathering ACE checks and drawing up any battle plan amendments or additions to better prepare for the next engagement.

It’s important to allow time for these brief pauses even if from your perspective nothing is happening often as a GM the mission can feel slow or boring as a result of your knowledge of the whole battlefield, however, the feeling can be much different from the players’ perspective.

Last major change:

Added a guide on mission pacing/flow

Published by Sgt Jochem on 29/01/2025 at 20:17

Previous Versions

FM/BG-779.V1.00 - Mission Pacing/Flow

A mission should be planned with some downtime in mind, be it resupply or simply just transit from point A to B. This time allows players to recollect themselves and regroup, and provide a breather in potentially stressful situations. During any downtime, element leaders will be gathering ACE checks and drawing up any battle plan amendments or additions to better prepare for the next engagement.

It’s important to allow time for these brief pauses even if from your perspective nothing is happening often as a GM the mission can feel slow or boring as a result of your knowledge of the whole battlefield, however, the feeling can be much different from the players’ perspective.

Published by SSG Vyqe on 10/12/2024 at 23:21
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