All players have access to the “reserve list” for any and all operations and FTX's. The reserve list is essentially a waiting list, and allows players who are interested in joining the ORBAT, but currently unable, to register their interest beforehand. In the event of no-shows from players on the ORBAT, or changes to the ORBAT at the last minute, the Field Leader will then look to any reserves available to fill gaps in the ORBAT and therefore continue the operation at full strength.
A player may “Deploy as a reserve” for many reasons, but the most common are;
- The ORBAT is full
- The ORBAT only contains open spaces that the player is not currently qualified to slot into either through normal measures or upping
- The player is uncertain as to whether they will be available for the operation, and would prefer to avoid any cancellation penalties for vacating the an ORBAT slot late
There is no penalty for using the reserve slot and not attending, though it is strongly advised that those who do deploy as a reserve, turn up to the operation, or un-deploy as a reserve when they confirm they are unable to attend.
When players are registered as a reserve, or even if they are unable and still wish to see if there are any spots available, they should log onto team-speak at least 5 minutes prior to STARTEX and wait in the reserves lobby until the field leader confirms available spaces, or dismisses reserves as per the FM/BP-782 - Reserve allocation policy.

Above: The deploy as reserve button and text, found at the top of each ORBAT