Transmit a CFF method of control - Skill - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

Transmit a CFF method of control
This block is not in a published chapter and should not be relied upon.

Current Version (13 days ago)

FM/BS-784.V1.03 - Transmit a CFF method of control

Continue the third transmission and transmit the method of control in the following format: 

([time to fire]),


(duration, [duration in minutes]),

 ([rate of fire]),

(cannot observe),

(request time of flight),

(request splash)

Time to fireMeaning
AT MY COMMANDThe battery fires when the FO transmits “FIRE”

The battery fires either:

  • in minutes from now
  • at a specified time
CONTINUOUSThe FO may request continuous fire until either CHECK FIRE or CEASE LOADING is announced.
RATE OF FIREThe rate of fire in rounds per minute.
CANNOT OBSERVEThe FO cannot observe the immpacts
REQUEST TIME OF FLIGHTTime of flight (from shot to impact) should be included in the message to observer (MTO)
REQUEST SPLASHThe battery should transmit “SPLASH” five seconds prior to impact of the first round.
Last major change:


Published by Sgt Jochem on 01/02/2025 at 14:26

Previous Versions

FM/BS-784.V1.02 - Transmit a CFF method of control

Continue the third transmission and transmit the method of control in the following format: 

([time to fire]), 

(continuous, ([duration in minutes])),

 ([rate of fire]), 

(cannot observe), 

(request time of flight), 

(request splash)

Time to fireMeaning
AT MY COMMANDThe battery fires when the FO transmits “FIRE”

The battery fires either:

  • in minutes from now
  • at a specified time
CONTINUOUSThe FO may request continuous fire until either CHECK FIRE or CEASE LOADING is announced.
RATE OF FIREThe rate of fire in rounds per minute.
CANNOT OBSERVEThe FO cannot observe the immpacts
REQUEST TIME OF FLIGHTTime of flight (from shot to impact) should be included in the message to observer (MTO)
REQUEST SPLASHThe battery should transmit “SPLASH” five seconds prior to impact of the first round.
Published by Sgt Jochem on 01/02/2025 at 13:34
FM/BS-784.V1.01 - Transmit a CFF method of control

Continue the third transmission and transmit the method of control in the following format: 

([time to fire], (continuous, ([duration in minutes])), ([rate of fire]), (cannot observe), (request time of flight), (request splash))

Time to fireMeaning
AT MY COMMANDThe battery fires when the FO transmits “FIRE”

The battery fires either:

  • in minutes from now
  • at a specified time
CONTINUOUSThe FO may request continuous fire until either CHECK FIRE or CEASE LOADING is announced.
RATE OF FIREThe rate of fire in rounds per minute.
CANNOT OBSERVEThe FO cannot observe the immpacts
REQUEST TIME OF FLIGHTTime of flight (from shot to impact) should be included in the message to observer (MTO)
REQUEST SPLASHThe battery should transmit “SPLASH” five seconds prior to impact of the first round.
Published by Sgt Jochem on 01/02/2025 at 10:46
FM/BS-784.V1.00 - Transmit a CFF method of control

Continue the third transmission and transmit the method of control in the following format: 

([time to fire], (continuous, ([duration in minutes])), ([rate of fire]), (request time of flight), (request splash))

Time to fireMeaning
AT MY COMMANDThe battery fires when the FO transmits “FIRE”

The battery fires either:

  • in minutes from now
  • at a specified time
RATE OF FIREThe rate of fire in rounds per minute
REQUEST TIME OF FLIGHTTime of flight (from shot to impact) should be included in the message to observer (MTO)
REQUEST SPLASHThe battery should transmit “SPLASH” five seconds prior to impact of the first round.
Published by Sgt Jochem on 05/01/2025 at 14:34
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