Continue the third transmission and transmit the method of control in the following format:
([time to fire]),
(duration, [duration in minutes]),
([rate of fire]),
(cannot observe),
(request time of flight),
(request splash)
Time to fire | Meaning |
AT MY COMMAND | The battery fires when the FO transmits “FIRE” |
TIME ON TARGET | The battery fires either:
Parameter | Meaning |
CONTINUOUS | The FO may request continuous fire until either CHECK FIRE or CEASE LOADING is announced. |
RATE OF FIRE | The rate of fire in rounds per minute. |
CANNOT OBSERVE | The FO cannot observe the immpacts |
REQUEST TIME OF FLIGHT | Time of flight (from shot to impact) should be included in the message to observer (MTO) |
REQUEST SPLASH | The battery should transmit “SPLASH” five seconds prior to impact of the first round. |