Fluids management - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)


Fluids management
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

FM/BG-309 - Blood levels and their effects

Our system assumes that an individual with full blood volume intact has 6 litres of blood, the current amount of blood loss is shown on the medical menu at all times, if relevant.

  • Lost some blood
    • the patient has lost up to 0.9 litres of blood
    • the patient does not suffer significantly from the blood loss itself
  • Lost a lot of blood
    • the patient has lost between 1.0 and 1.8 litres of blood
    • should the patient bleed and/or fall unconscious
    • the blood loss might prevent reawakening
  • Lost a large amount of blood
    • the patient has lost between 1.9 and 2.4 litres of blood 
    • it is unlikely that the patient is conscious
    • the patient will not reawaken until blood volume is restored
    • in case of cardiac arrest, resuscitation is possible but difficult
  • Lost a fatal amount of blood
    • the patient has lost more than 2.4 litres of blood
    • likely to suffer cardiac arrest due to blood loss
    • resuscitation is impossible until blood volume is at least partially restored
FM/BS-193 - Use IV bags to administer blood
  • Attach an IV bag to one of the patients limbs or an IO needle to give them blood.
  • Do not attach the bag to a limb with a tourniquet applied
  • Do not give more blood than needed, to prevent the blood pressure from becoming too high
FM/BS-364 - Use IO needles to administer blood and medication
  • Use IO needles to enable fluid and medication administration through a patients chest 
  • When IV needles are not an option.
  • Keep in mind IO needles cause pain to the patient
FM/BS-366 - Use field blood transfusion kit to take blood from players
  • Use a field blood transfusion kit to take 250ml of blood from a donor
  • The donor has not lost a large or fatal amount of blood
  • Only transfuse blood when no other source of blood is available
  • You need space in your inventory
FM/BS-363 - Use norepinephrine to slow down bleeding
  • Administer norepinephrine to
    • slow down bleeding
    • slow down transfusion speed
  • Limit frequency of consumption to no more than 12 times every 6 minutes to avoid overdosing
  • Be aware of side effects:
    • an increase in heart rate
    • an increase in blood pressure
FM/BS-362 - Use phenylephrine to slow down bleeding
  • Administer phenylephrine to:
  • Limit frequency of consumption to no more than 6 times every 6 minutes to avoid overdosing
  • Be aware of side effects:
    • a decrease in heart rate
    • an increase in blood pressure
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