Non-commissioned ranks (NCO) ranks cover those which have additional responsibilities attached to them. When promoted to a Non-commissioned rank the holder bears some responsibility in either the Operational Chain of Command (OPCOC) or Organisational Chain of Command (ORGCOC).
To achieve Non-commissioned rank the holder can;
- ORGCOC: apply and be selected to join the units staff via one of it's command units based on their interests
- OPCOC: achieve and maintain Approved Regular Field Leader (ARFL) status in accordance with the units Field Leading Policy
In both cases, unlike enlisted ranks if the holder exits the staff position or no longer holds the ARFL status then the rank is requisitioned and their rank reverts to the applicable rank from the enlisted table.
In this way, the requirements for Non-commissioned ranks allow for a holder to transition between a Non-commissioned rank and enlisted rank, without having to progress from the lowest grade again.
Grade | Prefix | Rank | Requirements |
E-4 | Cpl | Corporal | - Appointed to ORGCOC in a staff position or;
- Squad Approved Regular Field Leader (S-ARFL)
E-5 | Sgt | Sergeant | - Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
- Squad Approved Regular Field Leader (S-ARFL) and;
- 150 combat hours
- 50 practice hours
- 12 months ATIU
- CATIG as Corporal
- 8 months with GCIG
- 14 months without GCIG
E-6 | SSG | Staff Sergeant | - Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
- Platoon Approved Regular Field Leader (P-ARFL) and;
- 300 combat hours
- 100 practice hours
- 19 months ATIU
- CATIG as Sergeant
- 10 months with GCIG
- 16 months without GCIG
E-7 | SFC | Sergeant First Class | - Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
- Platoon Approved Regular Field Leader (P-ARFL) and;
- 400 combat hours
- 125 practice hours
- 27 months ATIU
- CATIG as Staff Sergeant
- 12 months with GCIG
- 18 months without GCIG
E-8 | MSG | Master Sergeant | - Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
- Company Approved Regular Field Leader (C-ARFL) and;
- 500 combat hours
- 150 practice hours
- 36 months ATIU
- CATIG as Sergeant First Class
- 14 months with GCIG
- 20 months without GCIG
E-8 | 1SG | First Sergeant | - Actively appointed in Staff Position or;
- Company Approved Regular Field Leader (C-ARFL) and;
- By appointment of the Commanding Officer
- 700 combat hours
- 200 practice hours
- 53 months ATIU
- CATIG as Master Sergeant
- 14 months with GCIG
- 20 months without GCIG
E-9 | SGM | Sergeant Major | By appointment of the Commanding Officer |
E-9 | CSM | Command Sergeant Major | By appointment of the Commanding Officer |