About the Force Manual (FM) - UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

About the Force Manual (FM)
The FM outlines our core skills, policies and guides to ensure every member stands ready for the mission ahead.

FM/G13 - Introduction to the UNITAF Force Manual (FM)

FM/BG-67 - Purpose and Scope

The UNITAF Force Manual (FM) serves as a comprehensive guide, detailing the standard operating procedures, strategies, and foundational principles governing UNITAF operations. Designed for both novice and experienced members, the FM encompasses the breadth and depth of UNITAF's operational philosophy.

FM/BG-69 - Chapters and Subchapters

The overarching organisational segments of the FM, these help in broadly categorizing the content, making navigation simpler.

FM/BG-70 - Groups

Nested within Chapters (or Subchapters where applicable), these are collections of contextually connected content. Each group houses a series of blocks that align with the group's thematic focus. Groups are assigned a reference such as: FM/GXX

FM/BG-71 - Guide Blocks

Guides within the FM present best practices that offer valuable insights and suggestions for members. While they're less stringent than policies and are not enforced or evaluated they can provide context or play a crucial role in providing direction and recommended methods of operation, ensuring UNITAF's continued effectiveness and adaptability.

FM/BG-72 - Policy Blocks

Policies are immutable rules and regulations integral to the FM. They firmly shape UNITAF's actions, behaviours, and overall operational ethos. As the bedrock of UNITAF's standards, they establish the organisations non-negotiable boundaries and are enforced by the units command.

FM/BG-73 - Skill Blocks

Skills provide detailed breakdowns of an essential competency. They are designed to equip UNITAF members for diverse roles and challenges. Each skill outlined in the FM is actionable and evaluable, unlike policies they are designed for peer-to-peer (P2P) evaluation to ensure continuous skill development and feedback. While skill blocks can feature in multiple groups based on their relevance, it's important to note that each group is tied to a singular chapter to maintain the FM's structured organization.

FM/BG-198 - Skill Blocks and Tier Progression

Skills required for Tier progression are linked to specific combat areas as outlined in the Force Manual. Each skill is assigned an entry Tier Level at which it first becomes applicable within a given combat area. As members ascend through Tiers, the proficiency required for these skills increases from their initial Tier of applicability.

A skill may be relevant to several combat areas each with its own starting Tier level. Consequently, the same skill could demand different proficiency levels at each tier, varying by the combat area in which it is applied.

  • The maximum entry tier for a Skill Block is Tier V+
 Entry Tier of Skill Applicability
Combat Area TierTier I+Tier II+Tier III+Tier IV+Tier V+
Tier IDeveloping    
Tier IICapableDeveloping   
Tier IIIProficientCapableDeveloping  
Tier IV-ProficientCapableDeveloping 
Tier V--ProficientCapableDeveloping
Tier VI---ProficientCapable
Tier VII----Proficient

FM/G48 - Introduction to Skill Cards

FM/BG-214 - What is a Skill Card

A Skill Card compiles relevant information for specific combat areas from the UNITAF Force Manual and plays a crucial role in the peer-to-peer training system. It facilitates evaluations among members, highlighting individual strengths and weaknesses. This feedback enables members to see exactly where they currently excel and where they may need improvement providing a clear focus for training development. The card includes essential Guide, Policy, and Skill information and assigns skills to a starting Tier level, indicating the stage at which these skills should be mastered and integrating them seamlessly into the Tier Progression system.

FM/BG-408 - Getting ratings on your skill card

To enhance your Skill Card ratings in UNITAF you should actively seek evaluations from more experienced members.

  1. Identify: Refer to the training team of the skill card you are looking for ratings on
  2. Request: Politely ask these members to monitor your performance during operations and practices, or even ask them to give you 1-1 observation privately, specifying the skills you'd like to be evaluated on.
  3. Participate: Engage in exercises and operations as frequently as possible. The more you're involved, the more opportunities experienced members will have to evaluate your abilities.

This proactive strategy ensures that your evaluations are based on comprehensive observations across multiple scenarios, providing a clearer and more accurate reflection of your skill levels. Over time, this approach to gathering feedback will help you pinpoint areas for improvement, aiding in your overall development and progression in UNITAF.

FM/BG-409 - Rating other skill cards

Rating other's Skill Cards in UNITAF is an integral part of the peer-to-peer training system, fostering a culture of continuous feedback and development, you can only rate skill cards if you have been appointed to the Training Team of the skill cards combat area.

  1. Understand: Familiarise yourself with the skill definitions and proficiency level criteria outlined in the Skill Cards. This ensures your evaluations are grounded in the established framework.
  2. Observe: When evaluating peers, consider their performance over a range of recent operations and practices. Look for consistency and adaptability in their skills across different scenarios. Ensure your ratings are objective, based on observed performance rather than personal relationships. Fair evaluations help maintain the integrity of the training system.
  3. Feedback: Aim to offer feedback where you can that is constructive and actionable. Highlight strengths while also suggesting areas for improvement, helping your peers understand how they can develop their skills further.

After making an assessment, update the Skill Card in a timely manner. This keeps records up-to-date and allows for immediate reflection and action on the feedback. By actively participating in the rating process, you contribute to the growth of your peers and the overall effectiveness of UNITAF's training ecosystem.

FM/G92 - Training Teams

FM/BG-456 - Introduction to Training Teams

The 'Training Team' is a specialised group within the unit responsible for overseeing and managing the evaluation and improvement of a specific combat area. Comprising appointed individuals including Chief Instructors, Staff Instructors, Training Instructors, and Observers, the team operates under the guidance of Training Command. Each member has distinct roles and responsibilities, ranging from providing subject matter expertise to facilitating training sessions and assessing skill levels. Together, they ensure that training standards are met, skills are effectively taught and practiced, and feedback is provided to enhance individual and unit proficiency in specific combat areas.

FM/BP-457 - Chief Instructors
  • Designated member of the unit serving as a subject matter expert in a specific combat area
  • Minimum of 1 and maximum of 2 may be assigned to any combat area
  • Acts as a senior advisor to unit command, providing guidance on potential changes and advising on ongoing discussions
  • Active participant in training, application, and observation of combat area skills
  • Holds the highest weighted opinion among all other roles
  • Accountable to both the Staff Instructor and Training Command
  • Appointment made at the discretion of Training Command
FM/BP-458 - Staff Instructors
  • Member of J7 Staff responsible for overseeing a specific combat area, its training and training team
  • Minimum of 1 and maximum of 2 per skill card; each staff member can oversee up to 4 skill cards in total
  • Serves as the primary point of contact in the combat area for Training Command, Chief Instructors, Instructors, Observers, and the wider unit
  • Ensures adequate training and practices are conducted through the training team
  • Appoints and removes Training Instructors and Observers as needed, based on advice from Chief Instructors and in collaboration with Training Command
  • Collaborates with Policy staff to implement changes and distribute them upon publication by Unit Command
  • Holds the second highest weighted opinion among the roles involved
  • Actively participates in training, application, and observation of combat area skills
  • Accountable to Training Command and appointed at their discretion
FM/BP-459 - Training Instructors
  • Unit member appointed as a Training Instructor in a specific combat area, having transitioned from the role of Observer
  • Recognized by the training team as a well-rounded individual capable of effectively teaching relevant combat area skills in group settings
  • Possesses a solid understanding of the combat area skills
  • Holds the third highest weighted opinion among the roles involved
  • Limited to a maximum of 6 Training Instructors per combat area
  • Actively engages in training, application, and observation of combat area skills
  • Accountable to both the Staff Instructor and Chief Instructors
FM/BP-460 - Observers
  • A member of the unit who is appointed as an Observer in a specific combat area, who in the eyes of the training team is trusted to assess others in a non-teaching capacity in the combat areas skills.
  • Typically a starting role on route to Training Instructor.
  • Holds the lowest weighted opinion.
  • Maximum of 8 per combat area
  • Active in the training, application and observation of combat area skills.
  • Accountable to the Training Instructors and Chief Instructors.

FM/G105 - Standards for each block type

FM/BG-530 - Building a guide block

A guide block: 

  • should have as it's primary content the text, not the attached image
  • should not be something that is required knowledge
  • could provide extra context, a more in-depth explanation, or a technical manual to use a specific piece of equipment
  • does not provide a question to which the reader should be able to answer yes/no
  • should be no more than 4 short paragraphs, otherwise consider breaking it down
FM/BG-532 - Building a policy block

A policy block:

  • should not be something that has a learning curve
  • should be written in a manner where it is easy to determine whether an action contrary to the policy has occurred or not, with a well defined scope
  • should be agreed with J2 as a policy, since the breach of the content of the block will be logged as a breach of policy for them to investigate
FM/BG-531 - Building a skill block

A skill block:

  • should have title written as an imperative, in the form of: "Do action (to achieve this result)"
  • should be written as an imperative, without directly addressing the reader or addressing the reader in the third person
  • should be written as bullet points instead of full sentences wherever possible
  • should not cover some abstract concept, but be focused on a well defined skill that can be evaluated and trained
  • should state the desired outcome of performing the skill
  • should not force a single method on how the achieve the outcome
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