[OPORD] Operation Lebra (2018), Can Opener - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Lebra (2018), Can Opener

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Ida-Viru Border Region
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
The Chernarussian Order of the Red Star (CHDKZ) have been clashing with the Chernarussian Nationalists as they advance West. Recently they have attacked and dislodged the Nationalists from the town of Staroye. The town is currently believed to be held by a diminished CHDKZ infantry force, with armoured reinforcements approaching from the South. A squad of US Army Rangers with helicopter support will strike across enemy lines with the aims of defeating both forces in detail. They will then attempt to paralyse further CHDKZ operations in the area by striking a nearby FOB under construction.

Friendly Forces
Squad of US Army Rangers
  • 1x AH-6
  • 1x UH-60

Supporting Assets
No friendly forces in the AO. Independent forces not anticipated in the AO, likely to be hostile if encountered

Enemy Forces
Infantry forces expected occupying towns and patrolling the AO. Mechanised force including MBT reinforcing recently occupied town of Staroye from the South. Additional mech-inf force based at the town of Msta are currently believed to be setting up an FOB and are likely to act as a QRF. MLRS has been reported in the area though currently believed inactive.


Clearing the town of Staroye Destroying enemy armoured convoy Disrupting enemy FOB construction in the area

After completing its objectives, the unit will exfil via helicopter back to it's origin point at Sakums airbase


Commander's Intent
The purpose of this mission is to cause significant damage to CHKDZ frontline forces and their power projection. The end state is the town of Staroye cleared of enemy forces, the armour in the area neutralised, and the FOB construction disrupted.

Tasks and Sequencing
Infantry Tasks And Sequencing Lightning will be inserted at LZ Ratel by Dragonfly. They will then proceed through the woods to OP 1. From there, 1-1 will be clearing the outskirts of the town before mining the Eastern road out of Staroye in anticipation of future enemy QRF using that route. Meanwhile, 1-2 will be tasked with clearing the denser area in the West half of Staroye. With both tasks conclude, objective Rattler will be deemed complete, and the teams will regroup on the road leading South. The teams will then move South to a pre-scouted ambush spot in order to set up for objective Constrictor. An AT mine will be planted to halt the convoy at a bend in the road, the detonation of which will signal the teams to attack from hidden positions either side. 1-1 will be tasked with neutralising the rear vehicle and working towards the front from there, while 1-2 will act in reverse order. With the convoy destroyed in detail, objective Constrictor will be considered a success. Lightning will then hurry North with the aim of preventing anticipated enemy QRF from reaching Staroye. The ideal situation would be a delayed enemy response, giving plenty of time to prepare another coordinated ambush from the treeline South of Objective Viper. However, it is considerably more likely that a hasty response will be required, with AT and CAS being employed on an 'as and when' basis. With the QRF deflected, Objective Viper will be considered accomplished. At this point, Lightning will LOGPAK as required in the Eastern outskirts of Staroye at LZ Hamster, before moving on Msta and the FOB under construction there. The plan of attack will be improvised by the FL upon observing the level of defences and concentration of troops in the area from OP 3. Objective Cobra consists of destroying any construction vehicles, equipment and ammunition caches found in the area. With all objectives complete, Lightning will move to LZ Guinea Pig for pickup and return to Sakums airbase for endex Air Tasks and Sequencing Dragonfly will insert Lightning via UH-60 at LZ Ratel, NW of Staroye, before RTB to swap to the AH-6. Dragonfly will then act as air recon, CAS asset, and logistics supplemental at the FL's discretion for the duration of the mission. Their final tasking will be the exfiltration of Lightning, the preferred pickup location being LZ Guinea Pig, NW of Msta.


A limited LOGPAK will be loaded into the AH-6 for fast resupply mid-mission. Other than that, Lightning is expected to sustain itself for the duration of the mission with its initial load.

In accordance with SOP

Rules of Engagement
EPW's found in Staroye belonging to the Chernarussian Nationalist movement may be released as a token of good faith at the discretion of the FL. Otherwise, in accordance with SOP

Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP

Close Air Support
Close air support will be provided by Dragonfly and authorised through the Squad Leader.


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
LIGHTNING 1 250mHz 40mHz SP1 Wavan (Ret.) Squad Leader
LIGHTNING 1-1 251mHz 250mHz PFC ryyszla Fireteam Leader
LIGHTNING 1-2 252mHz 250mHz MSP Jari (Ret.) Fireteam Leader
CROSSROAD H 87mHz 37mHz SP2 Nico Senior Game Master
In accordance with SOP


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1800hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Primary weapons
3x Mk 18 Mod 1 (M320) 12kg
5x Mk 18 Mod 1 (AFG) 14kg
2x M249 PIP (Short/Savit) 14kg
4x Mk 18 Mod 1 10kg
2x MP7A2 2kg

5x B_AssaultPack_cbr Warning 0kg
2x B_TacticalPack_oli Warning 0kg
4x B_Kitbag_cbr Warning 0kg
2x UK3CB_V_MBAV_MG_MULTI Warning 0kg
1x B_AssaultPack_rgr Warning 0kg
3x tfw_ilbe_blade_mc Warning 0kg
2x tfw_ilbe_DD_gr Warning 0kg

Sidearm optics
8x AN/PEQ-15 Black (Top) 2kg

Weapon optics
11x TA31RCO-RMR 2kg
2x M145 MGO (ARD) 0kg
2x XPS3 1kg

12x 30rnd PMAG M855A1 5kg
11x M397 HET Grenade Round 2kg
17x 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ 5kg
36x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 7kg
11x Painkillers 0kg
26x M441 HE Grenade Round 6kg
4x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 (Mixed) 8kg
10x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 21kg
8x MAAWS HEAT 75 Round 22kg
4x MAAWS HEAT 55 Round 9kg
2x M67 Fragmentation Grenade 1kg
1x M18A1 Claymore 1kg
2x M18 Smoke Grenade (Purple) 0kg
3x 7rnd M1911 HP 1kg
12x .45 ACP 7Rnd M1911 Mag 3kg
20x 40rnd MP7 SX FMJ 8kg

Secondary weapons
12x Glock 17 8kg
3x M1911A1 3kg

Other equipment
16x Crye Multicam Full II 15kg
1x JPC Multicam (Team Lead) 2kg
19x Map 2kg
3x GD300 Android 1kg
19x Radio 7kg
19x Compass 2kg
19x Watch 2kg
5x AFG Grip 2kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Medical) 5kg
2x Ciras MultiCam 9kg
7x JPC Multicam/w belt (Fast) 16kg
2x SAW Grip + Bipod 2kg
4x Cable Tie 0kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Light) 4kg
3x Crye Multicam Rolled III 3kg
3x JPC Mulitcam (Light) 11kg
2x TD Stubby Grip (Black) 1kg

13x Binoculars 0kg
2x Vector 21 0kg

Muzzle attachments
1x TA31RCO-RMR 0kg

2x MAAWS Mk4 Mod 1 (Green) 13kg

Total Equipment: 264kg

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