Operation Lebra (2018), Uprising (Part 2)
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Ida-Viru Border Region
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Ida-Viru Border Region
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background InformationEarlier this morning a squad of US Army Rangers responded to an attack on the city of Vybor carried out the preceding night. Aid was rendered to a demolished town, the instigating Chernarussian Nationalist stronghold in nearby Pustoshka was eliminated, and their supply base in the village of Myshkino was destroyed. Just as the Rangers were preparing to return to base, a surrendering Chernarussian Nationalist reported that they were being supplied by ChDKZ forces in exchange for disrupting nearby US operations. No sooner than the confession was made, the US Rangers destroyed a supply convoy moving weapons and supplies into Myshkino, confirming the cooperation of OPFOR and Independent forces. Further CPERS questioning revealed a ChDKZ officer by the name Gustav Mikel as the origin of the cooperation, and the supply staging ground being located in the city of Zelenogorsk, with Gustav likely nearby. The time is now 17:00 and the US Army Rangers are heading deep into Nationalist territory to destroy the ChDKZ supply stronghold, capture the instigating officer Gustav Mikel, and put an end to the cooperation of Independent and OPFOR forces for good.
Friendly Forces
1x US Ranger Light Infantry Squad 2x M1237 MRAPs with M2 HMGs 1x AC-130U "Spooky" Gunship
Supporting Assets
Estonian Armed Forces are assisting Vybor with post-attack recovery and will not be accompanying US Army Rangers on this operation.
Enemy Forces
Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star (ChDKZ) forces are a state-backed paramilitary and as such, have access to a modern array of Russian equipment. They are believed to have an outpost in Zelenogorsk, far outside of their territory. After the destruction of their supply convoy, it is likely they are fortifying in anticipation of a US offensive. Chernarussian Nationalists are comprised primarily of ex-military, police and civilians. They are typically equipped with a mix of older soviet and western equipment, although newly funneled ChDKZ supplies have resulted in an increase of vehicle presence. The Nationalists currently occupy all areas surrounding Zelenogorsk and will fire on sight.
TaskingThe US Rangers are tasked with advancing into the city of Zelenogorsk, finding and destroying the source of ChDKZ weapons that are supplying the Nationalists. Additionally, Gustav Mikel, the officer who initiated cooperation between OPFOR and Independent forces, must be found and captured alive. All ChDKZ resistance in the area must be neutralized while preserving as much of the infrastructure in Zelenogorsk as possible. Initial reconnaissance has shown military presence in Zelenogorsk and the opening of efforts to fortify positions as a response to the convoy destruction. Civilian presence is strong in the large city, however most if not all civilians have been evacuated from the surrounding smaller villages. An AC-130U gunship has been assigned to support the US Ranger Squad, assisting with reconnaissance efforts for Gustav Mikel, maintaining perimeter security in strongly Nationalist territory, and providing CAS as requested.
Capture Gustav Mikel alive, the officer responsible for the problematic alliance and the attack on Vybor Stop the flow of weapons into Nationalist hands through destruction of the ChDKZ supply stronghold in Zelenogorsk End cooperation of OPFOR and Nationalist forces through elimination of all ChDKZ fighters embedded in Nationalist territory
Commander's IntentPrimary Objective - Capture Gustav Mikel Secondary Objectives - Eliminate Militants within the AO, disrupt supply lines where possible
Tasks and Sequencing

ResupplyGuardian should load Fox with supplies
In accordance with SOP
Rules of Engagement
EPWs should be handed to Guardian actual to gather any information they may have. Effort should be made to take enemies alive where possible
Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP
Close Air Support
Longbow may be tasked via Guardian 7 for air support
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
GUARDIAN 1 | 250mHz | 40mHz | 2Lt Aiedail Squad Leader |
GUARDIAN 1-1 | 251mHz | 250mHz | MSG Crossy Fireteam Leader |
GUARDIAN 1-2 | 252mHz | 250mHz | PFC ryyszla Junior Team Leader |
FOX 2 | 260mHz | 40mHz | SP2 Taru Light Vehicle Section Commander |
CROSSROAD H | 87mHz | 37mHz | SSG Kevin Senior Game Master |
250 - Guardian 9, FTLs. Fox should monitor 260 - Guardian 9, Fox 80 - Guardian 7, Longbow
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord

STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC