Operation Lebra (2018), Vindication
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Ida-Viru Border Region
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Ida-Viru Border Region
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background InformationFollowing the successful covert removal of command and logistics HVTs, as well as a significant softening of the enemy front lines, a Mechanized Ranger Platoon has been deployed to conduct a full offensive on Chernogorsk, with the aim of reclaiming the city and pushing ChDKZ forces out of the AO.
Friendly Forces
Enemy Forces
ChDKZ Regulars with significant Armor Assets. Enemy is in a defensive posture, attempting to move supplies from the city, and lacking significant command and control, but still has a potent force in the area, and strong motivation to defend the supplies they are transporting.
TaskingCapture of Chernogorsk, destruction of enemy assets and fortifications in AO.
Chernogorsk in the hands of US Coalition Forces, AA Battery disabled, ChDKZ presence in the AO at minimum levels.
Commander's IntentAssault Chernogorsk, clearing major urban area of enemy installations and presence. Intelligence has identified 3 major priority targets within the AO. These are Objectives Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Alpha is believed to be a fortified central command and processing location, and while enemy COC is disrupted, there is likely significant force still in the area, and potential for useful intelligence. Bravo is an enemy logistics operation based out of the Chernogorsk Port. It goes without saying, but destruction of these assets and disruption of their logistics chain will have multiplicative effect on their general readiness. Charlie is a fortified location that appears to have served as a ammo dump and supply base for enemy armor assets. Once Chernogorsk is successfully captured, there is an additional objective east along the coast, Objective Delta. Delta is an entrenched fortification and AA Battery; it has limited our use of AC-130 assets in the AO, and should be considered a high priority target, second only to the capture of Chernogorsk.
Tasks and Sequencing
Objectives Alpha, Bravo & Charlie
Platoon will proceed from Balota Airbase to Dismount Point West of Central Chernogorsk, after which general tasking is deceptively simple:- Hitman 1 is tasked with Sector Alpha/Objective Alpha. Maneuver through industrial area and jink north to assault the objective. Specific movement at the discretion of SL and threats as we find them.
- Hitman 2 is tasked with Sector Bravo/Objective Bravo. Maneuver through Residential and Commercial area and assault objective. Specific movement at the discretion of SL and threats as we find them.
Mechanized Support
Each Hitman Squad has a dedicated Bradley; Hitman 1 with Outlaw 1, Hitman 2 with Outlaw 2. Outlaw 3 is meant to provide oversight and support for both elements as needed. Command/Logistics Stryker will also straddle both objectives, and provide support, repair and additional medical aid where need arises. All vehicles are currently classed as medical, and each squad has a combat medic embedded, so more complex medical procedures can be completed on-location of the affected elements.Objective Delta
If Chernogorsk has been pacified, and we still have capacity and supply to proceed, the platoon will remount on or near RV Julia, and proceed East towards Objective Delta. This AA installation is a high priority, and potentially dangerous to assault due to the fairly open terrain that must be crossed to achieve it. Movement plans shown below should be considered provisional, and may need to be adjusted once we have better on-ground intelligence and SA. It should be noted that the enemy is retreating towards Elektrozavodsk, and therefore has forces and assets to the east that could potentially be tasked as QRF. Additionally there is a very real possibility of enemy forces in the forests to the north. Provisional Assault plan is as follows: Platoon will dismount in or near Prigorodki. Hitman 1 is to hug the elevation and forest edge to the east for cover, Hitman 2 should proceed along the shoreline, making as much use of the limited defilade at the water's edge as possible. Bradley Vehicles should provide overwatch for both squads, and create diversions/smoke screens as possible if enemy contact begins suppression.ROE
We are under great pressure to preserve civilian infrastructure, and as such, Bradley vehicles should avoid firing into city structures as much as possible, and only do this in an extreme emergency or if it has obviously been converted into a military installation.Administration/Logistics
ResupplySquad Bradleys have been loaded with supply boxes for resupply. Hitman 3/Section Command Bradley has the supplies for Infantry AT. Therefore, as always, it is important to report AT supply deficiencies up the COC as you discover them to insure timely availability.
In accordance with SOP
Rules of Engagement
In accordance with SOP
Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP
Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
HITMAN 9 | 40mHz | 37mHz | SP1 Hotspur (Ret.) Platoon Leader |
HITMAN 1 | 250mHz | 40mHz | SP3 Veagance (Ret.) Squad Leader |
HITMAN 2 | 260mHz | 40mHz | PFC ryyszla Squad Leader |
OUTLAW 1 | 362mHz | 361mHz | MSP Mattjamco APC/IFV Crewman (Commander) |
OUTLAW 2 | 290mHz | 361mHz | SP1 Bomer APC/IFV Crewman (Commander) |
OUTLAW 3 | 300mHz | 361mHz | SPC Dreolic APC/IFV Section Commander |
STARLIGHT H | 87mHz | 37mHz | SSG Kevin Senior Game Master |
In accordance with SOP
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC