[OPORD] Operation Lebra (2018), Nagini - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Lebra (2018), Nagini

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Ida-Viru Border Region
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
Earlier an element of Special Forces attempted to extract a defector, now known as Major Alexei Sashenka, and secure all potential intel. A helicopter wreck was seen, with the pilots ejecting over guerilla territory. The element was led into an ambush, with the HVT escaping during the chaos that ultimately unfolded. We later learned that the pilots were picked up by Sashenka’s men and not the guerillas. Now it’s up to a squad of Rangers with attached sniper team to find the captured pilots and eliminate Major Sashenka for good.

Friendly Forces
Squad of US Army Rangers, with attached sniper team 2x MRAP 2x Quad bike

Enemy Forces
Enemy forces mainly composed of infantry, without heavy ground vehicle support. There have been reported a couple of ZSU series AA vehicles, but these are believed to be inactive at this time.


Primary taskings Rescue pilots Eliminate Major Alexei Sashenka Secondary taskings Destroy AA pieces Recover or destroy stolen supplies

After completion of primary objectives, squad will move to RV with the sniper team for debrief


Commander's Intent
The purpose of this mission is twofold - first, we must rescue captured pilots and extract them back to friendly territory. Second, we are effecting an assassination on Major Sashenka - this will send a message to enemy commanders that operations targeted against our special operations units carry heavy reprisals. In addition, there are some secondary objectives identified in the area that should ease future operations in the area, in particular for our air assets.

Tasks and Sequencing
Major Sashenka is believed to have developed a healthy degree of paranoia since the events of Operation Warden. It is also believed that if he is made aware of our presence he will bolt and go into hiding, removing our opportunity to take him out. With that caveat in mind, the sequence of maneuver and tasking has been developed in an effort to both mask our activities in the area and allow us to prepare the ground for confrontation. The force will depart Sakums airbase before dawn. It will move via convoy to an abandoned castle approximately 2.5 klicks East of Sakums, which will be used as a staging point and overwatch position for Sierra. From there, Lightning will traverse through woodland SouthEast to approach OP1 in stealth. The purpose here is to quietly sabotage an enemy held radio tower, disrupting their communications and unimpeding our activities. The next tasking will be to rescue and extract the captured pilots, believed held in a camp just East of the radio tower. To effect this the squad will simultaneously strike from North-West and South-West at the two main buildings of the camp. Maintaining stealth at this point is ideal but not essential. Once the pilots are secure, squad element will extract them back to the castle for safety while the teams proceed North to OP2A and OP2B to recon the suspected ZSU locations. With the information gathered a decision will be made on what, if any, action will be taken on these secondary objectives. The teams will then regroup at Final RV before deciding on a route to infiltrate the woodland surrounding the Northern camp. It is critical at this juncture that this camp is not made aware of our presence. If time permits, a group may be tasked to conduct close recon of the camp itself, potentially planting explosives and mining potential escape routes. With this carried out, or time is against us, we will settle in at the marked ambush point and await the scheduled meeting between the camp commander and Major Sashenka. Once PID, the snipers will be greenlit to open fire on the Major. In the event of a clean kill, the squad will detonate all planted explosives and break contact South, then West to return to the castle. In the event the snipers fail and Major Sashenka is alerted, the squad will attempt to ambush him using any means necessary to prevent his escape. As soon as he is either killed, captured or deemed to have escaped beyond our reach, the squad will detonate all explosives and break contact towards the castle.


Supplies will be brought in the transport vehicles, however these are going to be inaccessible to the main force between setting off from and arriving back at the castle. Therefore it is expected that members of the main force ensure they are able to self sustain for the duration of the operation.

PAK in field will be possible. If one or both of the medics are downed, taskings may be drastically altered to reduce risk while a solution is found.

Rules of Engagement
The force is not capable of dealing with EPW's taken in the field. If enemy forces are captured, they are to be bound, gagged and left in a sheltered location to be discovered by their allies at a later time. The exception to this is Major Sashenka, where every effort should be made to extract in the event of capture.

Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP

Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
LIGHTNING 1 250mHz 40mHz SP1 Wavan (Ret.) Squad Leader
LIGHTNING 1-1 251mHz 250mHz SP3 Veagance Fireteam Leader
LIGHTNING 1-2 252mHz 250mHz SPC Fowlds Fireteam Leader
CROSSROAD H 87mHz 37mHz SSG Kevin Senior Game Master
In accordance with SOP


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1800hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Primary weapons
3x Mk 18 Mod 1 (M320) 12kg
7x Mk 18 Mod 1 (AFG) 19kg
2x M249 PIP (Short/Savit) 14kg
1x M2010 ESR (Desert) 5kg
1x Mk 11 Mod 0 (EC) 4kg

3x B_AssaultPack_cbr Warning 0kg
1x B_AssaultPack_rgr Warning 0kg
2x B_Kitbag_cbr Warning 0kg
2x UK3CB_V_MBAV_MG_MULTI Warning 0kg
2x B_TacticalPack_oli Warning 0kg
1x RKSL_optic_PMII_525 Warning 0kg
1x B_AssaultPack_mcamo Warning 0kg
4x tfw_ilbe_blade_mc Warning 0kg

Sidearm optics
10x AN/PEQ-15 Black (Top) 3kg
1x AN/PEQ-15 Black 0kg

Weapon optics
10x TA31RCO-RMR 2kg
2x M145 MGO (ARD) 0kg

10x 30rnd PMAG M855A1 4kg
11x M397 HET Grenade Round 2kg
23x 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ 6kg
32x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 6kg
1x M18A1 Claymore 1kg
26x M441 HE Grenade Round 6kg
4x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 (Mixed) 8kg
10x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 21kg
2x Painkillers 0kg
4x M18 Smoke Grenade (Purple) 1kg
11x 5rnd .300WM Mk248 MOD 1 1kg
1x 20rnd SR-25 M993 AP 1kg
4x 7rnd M1911 HP 1kg
16x .45 ACP 7Rnd M1911 Mag 4kg

Secondary weapons
14x Glock 17 9kg
4x M1911A1 4kg

Other equipment
14x Crye Multicam Full II 13kg
1x JPC Multicam (Team Lead) 2kg
18x Map 2kg
3x GD300 Android 1kg
18x Radio 7kg
18x Compass 2kg
18x Watch 2kg
7x AFG Grip 3kg
3x JPC Multicam/w belt (Fast) 7kg
2x Ciras MultiCam 9kg
2x SAW Grip + Bipod 2kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Medical) 5kg
2x JPC Multicam (Fast) 5kg
2x Harris Bipod 1kg
1x Range Card 0kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Light) 4kg
4x Crye Multicam Rolled III 4kg
4x JPC Mulitcam (Light) 15kg

14x Binoculars 0kg
2x Vector 21 Nite 0kg

2x M136 (HEAT) 13kg

Muzzle attachments
1x TiTan 0kg
1x AAC 762-SDN-6 0kg
1x M8541 (MRDS) 0kg

Total Equipment: 231kg

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