[OPORD] Operation Valiant Guardian (2020), Clockwork - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Valiant Guardian (2020), Clockwork

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Kordun
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
With a successful push from east, the Iliryrian troops still stationed in and around Maloe Voronstovo are almost effectivly cut off from friendly lines. 2nd Mechanized Battalion is dispaching a squad to mop-up whats left of the enemy defenders in the area.

Friendly Forces
1x Mechanised Squad with 1x BTR 80A support.

Supporting Assets
Friendly forces are operating in Verhnee Vorontsovo. Due to proximity to friendly lines, re-supply, repairs and medical care can be provided from FOB Igman. Mortar support is available from FOB Igman.

Enemy Forces
Mechanized Infantry.


Clearing the remenance of the enemy around the forests of Maloe Voronstovo.

Enemy COP, FOB and checkpoint cleared, Maloe Voronstovo taken. We belive that if sufficent damage is dealt to enemy morale, any remaining infantry in the pocket that was bypassed will surrender.


Commander's Intent
The purpose of the mission is to clear out the last remaining pocket of enemy resistance behind our main frontline.

Tasks and Sequencing
BADGER 2 EAGLE 9 Objective A Starting from Studenets EAGLE will mount up IN BADGER 2 and move to Dismount A, from there we will ASSAULT the objective from the east, EAGLE 1-1 taking point. Objective B After taking Objective A, BADGER 2 will stay at or near Objective A to providing BOF and Covering fire to Objective B. EAGLE will ATTACK Objective B on foot from Objective A, EAGLE 1-1 taking point. Objective C After taking Objective B, EAGLE will mount up in BADGER 2 and dismount at Dismount B, after which EAGLE will move on foot to Objective C on the road in a staggered column with BADGER 2 in the rear. Once we get Line of sight to the objective EAGLE 1-1 & 1-2 will ASSAULT through the treeline next to the road, EAGLE 1-1 from the west, EAGLE 1-2 from the east. BADGER 2 will keep their distance to reduce RPG threat. Once the objective is taken, mount up in BADGER 2. Objective D From Objective C ALL CALLSIGNS will move to Dismount C, making sure to dismount behind the treeline, once we reach the edge of the treeline EAGLE 9 will decide in the field to: - Have EAGLE ATTACK on foot with BADGER 2 as overwatch. or - Use BADGER 2 to drive up to Objective D and ASSAULT Objective E Movement from Objective D to Objective E will be decided in the field, similar to Objective D. Objective F & G After clearing Objective E EAGLE will mount up in BADGER 2 and move to Dismount D, BADGER 2 will stay on position to provide overwatch whilst EAGLE moves in on foot, after dealing with any initial contact. BADGER 2 will shadow EAGLEs movement on the south side of Objective F, once BADGER 2 has line of sight to Objective G they will engage it from range if EAGLE does not require any assistants.


ALL CALLSIGNS will cross the LD fully loaded according to the units SOP. These supplies will come from the staging area. This basic load is expected to sustain the team throughout most of the mission, extra supplies can be loaded up in BADGER 2. Emergency resupply and LOGPAKs will be coordinated through EAGLE 9 and delivered by GROUND by CROSSROAD H.

- Medical support will be conducted in field (PAK in Field) The primary means of MEDEVAC is by GROUND conducted by CROSSROAD H and requested via EAGLE 9.

Rules of Engagement
CPERS should be turned over to EAGLE 9 for evacuation to the rear.

Fire Support Plan
Nearby friendly IDF positioned in FOB Igman in case of emergency/

Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
EAGLE 9 40mHz 37mHz MSP Jari (Ret.) Squad Leader
EAGLE 1-1 251mHz 250mHz SP3 Gendalorf Fireteam Leader
EAGLE 1-2 252mHz 250mHz SP1 Hotspur (Ret.) Fireteam Leader
BADGER 2 260mHz 40mHz MSP Mattjamco APC/IFV Crewman (Commander)
CROSSROAD H 87mHz 37mHz SSG Kerry Senior Game Master
Signal - Red: enemy position - Orange: friendly vehicle requiring support - Purple: friendly MASCAS - Blue or Green: friendly position - White: concealment


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1800hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Primary weapons
4x M70B3N (PBG) 23kg
6x M70B3N 25kg
2x M249 PIP (RIS) 15kg
2x VHS-D2 8kg
2x Sa?vz.?61 3kg

1x CRO_U_M2021_GOMBR_pr_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
1x CRO_V_M401B_VHS2_SL_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
8x CRO_B_AssaultPack_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
11x CRO_U_M2021_GMBR_pz_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
2x CRO_V_M401B_VHS2_SL_Motorola_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
7x CRO_V_M401B_AK_R_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
2x CRO_V_M401B_Essentials_R_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
2x CRO_U_M2021_GMBR_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
2x CRO_V_M401B_VHS2_R_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
2x CRO_B_Kitbag_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
2x CRO_U_Army_Coveralls Warning 0kg
2x CRO_V_M401B_Essentials_Blk Warning 0kg
1x FRXA_tf_rt1523g_Black Warning 0kg
4x CRO_U_M2021_VP_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
4x CRO_V_M401B_CROPAT_W Warning 0kg
4x FRXA_tf_rt1523g_Ranger_Green Warning 0kg

Weapon optics
10x 1P78 8kg
2x M145 MGO 0kg

22x 30rnd M70 7.62x39mm M67 14kg
3x VOG25 1kg
20x M67 Fragmentation Grenade 8kg
21x 30rnd M70 7.62x39mm M78 (Tracer) 13kg
4x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 1kg
2x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 (Mixed) 4kg
6x 15rnd M9 Mk243 JHP 2kg
10x 15rnd M9 M882 FMJ 3kg
6x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 13kg
5x VG-40SZ 1kg
2x M72 HEDP 0kg
2x 30rnd VHS-2 M855A1 1kg
4x Painkillers 0kg
4x 30rnd VHS-2 M856A1 (Tracer) 1kg
2x Ammonium Carbonate 0kg
2x 20rnd Scorpion 7.65x17mm 1kg

Other equipment
20x Tourniquet (CAT) 1kg
20x Map 2kg
1x GD300 Android 0kg
20x Radio 7kg
20x Compass 2kg
20x Watch 2kg
2x MicroDAGR 1kg
2x SAW Grip + Bipod 2kg

7x Binoculars 0kg

Sidearm optics
2x AN/PEQ-15 Black 1kg

Secondary weapons
6x M9 Beretta 6kg

2x M72A7 7kg

Muzzle attachments
2x SU-230/PVS 1kg

Total Equipment: 177kg

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