[OPORD] Operation Hetman (2023), Kometa - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Hetman (2023), Kometa

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Poland
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
After some heavy fighting at the frontlines near Nadbór, High command is worried about the civilians still inside Nadbór. High command has ordered that JW1146 - 15th Supply Battalion should build a refugee camp and relocate the Civilians from Nadbór. Do not forget these civilians are proud Polish people and might not be easily persuaded to move. Mission objectives 1) Build a refugee camp at the desired location 2) Convince the civilians to move to the refugee camp. 3) Relocate the civilians 4) Transport possible belongings from said civilians

Friendly Forces
Back line support element with small protection detail.

Supporting Assets
No supporting assets but we are close to the front line with the US army base south of Nabór and the British camp near Huta Lumberyard.

Enemy Forces
It is a back line operation so non conventional enemy force expected. Unconfirmed reports of Spetsnaz elements disrupting logistical elements.


Provide a secure and safe Refugee camp further back Provide transport for civilians to this refugee camp Make sure no civilians are hurt during this operation.

All Civilians sheltered in t he new Refugee camp.


Commander's Intent
The purpose of this mission to build a new refugee camp to the east of Nadbór, and ensure safety of CIVPOP by extracting them from Nadbór to said civilian refugee camp.

Tasks and Sequencing


From the assembly area in Muratyn, the elements move together to RP4. At RP4, Kilo and Hotel splits up, with Kilo then tasked to evaluate each of the potential camp locations and then construct the new civilian refugee camp and Hotel continue movement to Nadbór. At Nadbór, Hotel is tasked with supporting civilian safety and ensuring civilian mobility towards a new refugee camp that will be built by callsign Kilo east of Nadbór. Once Nadbór has been fully secured and civilians have been convinced to move to the new refugee camp, Kilo and Hotel coordinates to transport the civilians and their belongings to the new location.


HOTEL 1-1 First vehicle in the convoy moving from Muratyn. Is responsible for navigation, and reports when passing RP4 and when reaching RP H-3, as well as any other pertinent information for the convoy. Once at RP H-3, secures its immediate vicinity until Hotel 1-2 arrives, then secures and speaks with civilians in Sectors N1, N3-1, N4 and N6. Actions on the objective: - Search and speak with Civilians to... ----- Record Civilian information ----- increase our Situational Awareness (i.e. their own affiliation, presence of Russian collaborators, details of any recent changes in the area (including behavioural changes in CIVPOP, unexplained movements, potential OPFOR sightings), key locations in the city of Nadbór and its vicinity) ----- Explain our tasking ----- Convince them to move to the new facility - Ensure security and safety - Assist civilians in solving immediate issues HOTEL 1-0 Second vehicle in the convoy moving from Muratyn until RP-4. Maintains oversight of the operation and maintains radio contact with Kilo and Alpha. HOTEL 1-2 Fourth vehicle in the convoy moving from Muratyn until RP-4, then third vehicle in the convoy until RP H-3. Is responsible for rear security. Reports all pertinent information regarding the last vehicle in the convoy and rear security. Once at RP H-3, secures and speaks with civilians in Sectors N2, N3-2, N5 and N7. Actions on the objective: - Search and speak with Civilians to... ----- Record Civilian information ----- increase our Situational Awareness (i.e. their own affiliation, presence of Russian collaborators, details of any recent changes in the area (including behavioural changes in CIVPOP, unexplained movements, potential OPFOR sightings), key locations in the city of Nadbór and its vicinity) ----- Explain our tasking ----- Convince them to move to the new facility - Ensure security and safety - Assist civilians in solving immediate issues KILO Third vehicle in the convoy moving from Muratyn until RP-4, then splits off and moves through own waypoints to separate objective, refer to Schemes of Engineer Operations.


Kilo is primarily tasked with the following: - Locate a suitable field for a new refugee facility, ref: ALT1, ALT2 and ALT3. Key criteria are security, flatness of terrain, expandability. Kilo reports to Hotel with regular updates with regards to this evaluation. - Build the facility at the chosen. There are some requirements for the facility that must be fulfilled: ----- A processing tent for administrative processing of refugees ----- Tents to be used as living quarters ----- Tent for supplies (including humanitarian supplies as well as sustenance) - secured ----- Offices and living quarters for facility leadership - secured ----- Medical tent - secured ----- Areas for recreation and relaxation (note - secured compounds should be secured with protective installations such as sandbags, fencing and/or similar) - Support the transport of civilians and their belongings to this new facility as required


No LOGPAKs are expected.

- Medical support will be conducted in field (PAK in Field)

Rules of Engagement
In accordance with SOP

Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP

Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
HOTEL 1 250mHz 40mHz Capt Korean Falcon Squad Leader
HOTEL 1-1 251mHz 250mHz SP2 Khan (Ret.) Fireteam Leader
HOTEL 1-2 252mHz 250mHz SP1 BuLLDoG. Junior Team Leader
ALPHA H 87mHz 37mHz SSG Kevin Senior Game Master
Chain of command: Hotel 1-0, Hotel 1-1, Hotel 1-2. Hotel 1-0 will be located between Hotel 1-1 and Hotel 1-2.


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1800hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Secondary weapons
11x Vis 100 7kg
6x Wist-94L 4kg

32x PSZ_9x19_VIS100_15 Warning 0kg
7x FRXA_tf_rt1523g_Black Warning 0kg
11x PSZ_556x45_STANAG_30 Warning 0kg
5x CUP_B_ACRScout_m95 Warning 0kg
8x PSZ_9x19_Wist_16 Warning 0kg
1x PSZ_B_wz93_Medical_WDL Warning 0kg
1x CUP_arifle_HK417_12 Warning 0kg
3x B_AssaultPack_wdl_F Warning 0kg
1x PSZ_B_wz93_WDL Warning 0kg

7x wz.2010 Polar (WDL) 13kg
13x wz.2010 Crye (WDL) 24kg

Other equipment
11x Map Tools 0kg
20x Map 2kg
20x Radio 7kg
20x Compass 2kg
20x Watch 2kg
1x GD300 Android 0kg
2x MicroDAGR 1kg
36x Bandage (QuikClot) 2kg
1x Harris 1A2-L Bipod 0kg
3x Wirecutter 3kg

Body armor
7x Kontraktor (WDL) 13kg
1x UKO-M (WDL/Light/Grenadier/HS) 3kg
1x UKO-M (WDL/Light/Medic/HS) 3kg
2x UKO-M (WDL/Heavy/Grenadier/HS) 7kg
3x UKO-M (WDL/Heavy/Rifleman/HS) 11kg
1x UKO-M (WDL/Light/Machinegunner) 3kg
3x UKO-M (WDL/Light/Rifleman) 8kg
1x UKO-M (WDL/Heavy/Machinegunner/HS) 4kg
1x UKO-M (WDL/Light/Rifleman/HS) 3kg

Primary weapons
3x wz.96D Beryl GPBO-40 15kg
8x wz.96D Beryl 29kg
1x M249 PIP (RIS/PIP Stock) 7kg

Sidearm optics
4x AN/PEQ-15 Laser (Black) 1kg
8x AN/PEQ-15 Laser + Flashlight (Top/Black) 3kg

Muzzle attachments
11x EOTech 552 (NS) + Magnifier 8kg

3x NGO-N1 HEF Round 1kg
14x RGO Frag Grenade 6kg
12x Smoke Round (White) 2kg
3x Painkillers 0kg
4x Ammonium Carbonate 0kg
1x 7.62mm 20Rnd HK417 Mag 1kg
4x 7.62mm 20Rnd HK417 (Red tracer) Mag 2kg
6x M18 Smoke Grenade (Green) 1kg
9x 5.56mm 200Rnd M249 (Red TE4) Pouch 16kg
2x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 0kg

5x Binoculars 0kg

Weapon optics
1x Trijicon ACOG TA648-308 (RDS) 1kg
1x Elcan M145 0kg

Total Equipment: 215kg

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