Operation Valiant Guardian (2020), Iron Saber
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Kordun
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Kordun
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background InformationThe "Thunderers" from the 2nd Mechanized are with the help of a tank detachment continuing their push west towards the 2nd largest City in the area, Krysneselts (Krasnjeselts). Ultimate goal is to cut-off the enemy's abilities to send reinforcements north and prepeare a staging area to assault the airbase and the city itself. Re-taking of the Military base that was abandoned by our forces during the initial enemy assault will provide a solid base for future operations in the area.
Friendly Forces
Mechanized Infantry Platoon; - 2x BMP 1P - 1x GAZ MRAP - Acts as a backup medical vehincle - 2x HEMTT - 2x UAZ Supported by a tank detachment: - 2x T-73B3 obr. 2016
Supporting Assets
- Friendly forces are patroling the frontlines - Company CMT on standby - Artillery support availible from Camp Karlovac
Enemy Forces
- Troops that are concentrated in the area are a mix of paratroopers and mechanized infantry. - They have APC/IFC and tank support. - Due to the vacinity to the enemy rotary airbase, enemy air treath is expected.
Tasking- Cut off the MSR leading north - Liberate Sentsy - Clear and capture the military base and training grouns
- MSR north sucesfully cut-off - Sentsy liberated - Military base captured
Commander's IntentThe purpose of the mission is to break through the enemy frontline in the north and capture a Military base to surround the city of Krysneseltsy. End state will be the capture of Objective D for future operations to put further pressure on Krysneseltsy.
Tasks and Sequencing
Throughout the operation KNIGHT 2 & 3 will act as transport when required and be attached to a KING element each when required. Sector 1 - KING 1 will move to Dismount-1 and move through sector 1, clearing Objective A, which is expected to be re-occupied and dealing with enemy patrols on the way, regrouping with KING 2 on AP-1. - KING 2 will move to Dismount-2 and move through sector 1, clearing Objective B and dealing with enemy patrols on the way, regrouping with KING 1 on AP-1. - KNIGHT 9 & 1 to be shadowing KING callsigns, keeping 100-300 meters distance in the forest area's to avoid getting targeted by enemy AT. Sector 2 - From AP-1 KING 1 & 2 will move to clear Objective C, KING 2 to clear the Warehouse and Tractor Workshop, the later forming into a BOF to cover KING 1 whilst they clear the southern part of Objective C, after which each squad will clear their respective areas as marked. - KING 9 & 1 to cover from BOF-1. Once Cleared, remount into KNIGHT 2 & 3. Sector 3 - From Dismount-3 KING 1 & 2 will move in a bounding approach to objective D and clear it. - KNIGHT 2 & 3 to cover KING elements on approach. - KING 9 & 1 to cover from BOF-2. Sector 4 - Objective E to be attacked from the north through the treeline in a similar manner as objective D.
ResupplyEmergency resupply and LOGPAKs will be coordinated through KING 9 and delivered by GROUND by BISHOP 4. Expected LOGPAK locations at AP-1, after objective C and Objective D.
- Medical support will be conducted in field (PAK in Field)
Rules of Engagement
CPERS should be turned over to KING 9 for evacuation to the rear.
Fire Support Plan
Friendly artillery stationed on standby at Joint Camp Karlovac.
Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
KING 9 | 40mHz | 37mHz | MSP Jari (Ret.) Platoon Leader |
KING 1 | 250mHz | 40mHz | SP1 Lexsal (Ret.) Squad Leader |
KING 1-1 | 251mHz | 250mHz | SPC Johannes (Ret.) Fireteam Leader |
KING 1-2 | 252mHz | 250mHz | SP3 Bossatron Junior Team Leader |
KING 2 | 260mHz | 40mHz | PFC ryyszla Squad Leader |
KING 2-1 | 261mHz | 260mHz | Sgt Jochem Fireteam Leader |
KING 2-2 | 262mHz | 260mHz | SPC Edoardo Junior Team Leader |
KNIGHT 9 | 361mHz | 37mHz | SP3 Phili MBT Section Commander |
KNIGHT 1 | 362mHz | 361mHz | SSG Jenkins MBT Crewman (Commander) |
KNIGHT 2 | 290mHz | 361mHz | SP2 Taru APC/IFV Crewman (Commander) |
KNIGHT 3 | 300mHz | 361mHz | SPC Aynzerwulv APC/IFV Crewman (Commander) |
BISHOP 4 | 70mHz | 43mHz | SSG Hrusi Logistics Support Chief |
CROSSROAD H | 87mHz | 37mHz | SSG Kerry Senior Game Master |
KNIGHT 9 will join KING 9, 1 & 2 on platoon freq 40.0 MHZ Signal - Red: enemy position - Orange: friendly vehicle requiring support - Purple: friendly MASCAS - Blue or Green: friendly position - White: concealment
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC