[OPORD] Operation Guardian Angel (2007), Per Mare Per Terram (Part I) - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Guardian Angel (2007), Per Mare Per Terram (Part I)

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Ritmo
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
With the perimeter islands secured, BAF can finally start liberating the island of Panthera. As a first step, Longsword platoon is landing to rescue remnant Loyalist forces and take up a supportive position to aid the main landing to the north.

Friendly Forces
Longsword Platoon Infantry Platoon strengthened by heavy weapons team Lima callsign on standby for Logistics Thunder callsign to the north on standby for AA

Supporting Assets
Loyalist forces on the brink of being overrun in the AO

Enemy Forces
Conventional forces, expect mix of motorized and mechanized assets early. MBTs and Aerial threats are active in the AO.


Land on the main island to rescue a Loyalist Platoon under attack. After securing the town, advance east and cut off Arnoldstein from supply routes and reinforcements. Assist Anvil callsign with the main landing.

Mission success: Arnoldstein cut off from the rest of the island, Platoon set up ready to assist the main landing. Mission failure: Platoon halted short, Arnoldstein still open for reinforcement and resupply.


Commander's Intent
PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Secure and relieve surrounded loyalist forces within the town of Tarvisio. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: Secure appropriate fire support position to assist anvil platoon with their assault. TERTIARY OBJECTIVE: Cripple enemy forces and supply chains supporting the main airfield in the region.

Tasks and Sequencing
PHASE-1 - Platoon will board 3x self-driven RHIB, LIMA 4 load and prepare LCU. - Platoon with proceed to marked IP. - Platoon will assault enemy positions through marked OP/APs. PHASE-2 - LONGSWORD 1 to assault the town of Tarvisio and relieve surrounded Loyalist forces. - LONGSWORD 2 to provide temporary BOF and to assault the town of Riofreddo and Cate del Predil. - LONGSWORD 3 to provide BOF and AT against enemy QRF. PHASE-3 - LONGSWORD 1 to assault the town of Fusine, Ratece and Podkoren to secure route for LIMA 4. - LONGSWORD 2 to secure Laghi Di Fusine and Planica Skijump. - LONGSWORD 3 to provide BOF and AT against enemy QRF.


- LONGSWORD 1 and LONGSWORD 2 fielded with ammo bearers to extend fighting duration. - LONGSWORD 3 equipped with Land Rover for personal transportation and munitions. - LIMA 4 to resupply LONGSWORD if/when required.

- PAK in field.

Rules of Engagement
We to not have the facilities to properly accommodate CPERS. Appropriate SOP to be followed.

Fire Support Plan
- HMS Portland ("Thunder") on station to provide IDF and AA.

Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
LONGSWORD 9 40mHz 37mHz SSG Johnson Platoon Leader
LONGSWORD 1 250mHz 40mHz SP1 Minipily Squad Leader
LONGSWORD 1-1 251mHz 250mHz SPC Applechaser Fireteam Leader
LONGSWORD 1-2 252mHz 250mHz SP3 Miksi Junior Team Leader
LONGSWORD 2 260mHz 40mHz SP2 Taru Squad Leader
LONGSWORD 2-1 261mHz 260mHz SP3 Bossatron Fireteam Leader
LONGSWORD 2-2 262mHz 260mHz SPC Aynzerwulv Junior Team Leader
LONGSWORD 3 270mHz 40mHz SSG Jenkins Infantry Team Leader
LIMA 4 70mHz 43mHz SP1 Wavan (Ret.) Logistics Support Chief
ZULU H 87mHz 37mHz SSG Hrusi Senior Game Master
LONGSWORD 9 <- LR 87.0 MHZ -> ZULU H LONGSWORD 9 <- LR 86.0 MHZ -> HMS Portland (callsign "Thunder") LONGSWORD 8 <- LR 70.0 MHZ -> LIMA 4


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1830hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1855hrs UTC
END-EX: 2030-2130hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Primary weapons
9x L85A2 L123A2 48kg
23x L85A2 88kg
2x Minimi Para 13kg
2x L86A2 LSW 11kg
1x L115A3 LRR 7kg
1x M107 12kg

8x FRXA_tf_rt1523g_Ranger_Green Warning 0kg
9x B_TacticalPack_oli Warning 0kg
1x CFP_Camelbak_Mule_Khki Warning 0kg
1x CUP_B_L111A1_MiniTripod_Bag Warning 0kg
1x CUP_B_L111A1_Gun_Bag Warning 0kg
1x CUP_B_ACRScout_m95 Warning 0kg
2x CUP_B_ACRPara_dpm Warning 0kg

Weapon optics
33x SUSAT L9A1 13kg
2x Leupold Mark 4 6.5-20x50mm LR/T 1kg

34x 5.56mm 30Rnd STANAG L85 Mag 12kg
9x 40mm M441 (HE) Grenade 2kg
37x 9mm 13Rnd Browning HP Mag 8kg
60x Painkillers 3kg
12x M18 Smoke Grenade (Purple) 2kg
46x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 8kg
2x M18 Smoke Grenade (Yellow) 0kg
1x L109A2 Frag 0kg
8x Ammonium Carbonate 0kg
16x 5.56mm 30Rnd STANAG L85 (Red tracer) Mag 6kg
24x 5.56mm 200Rnd L110A2 (Red TE4) Box 44kg
4x M136 7kg
2x FGM-148 Javelin Missile 18kg
1x .338 5Rnd Lapua Magnum Mag 0kg
2x M18 Smoke Grenade (Blue) 0kg
15x 12.7mm 10Rnd M107 Mag 10kg

Secondary weapons
22x Browning HP 21kg

Other equipment
38x BAF UBACS (DPM/Sleeves Down) 34kg
10x DAGR 5kg
4x BAF Osprey Mk3 Officer (DPM) 15kg
43x Map 4kg
1x Rugged Tablet 3kg
43x Radio 16kg
43x Compass 4kg
43x Watch 4kg
6x BAF Osprey Mk3 Medic (DPM) 22kg
5x BAF Osprey Mk3 Grenadier (DPM) 18kg
5x BAF UBACS (DPM/Sleeves Up) 5kg
15x BAF Osprey Mk3 Engineer (DPM) 54kg
5x Entrenching Tool 2kg
1x Toolkit 4kg
2x BAF Osprey Mk3 Automatic Rifleman (DPM) 7kg
7x BAF Osprey Mk3 Rifleman (DPM) 25kg
3x Map Tools 0kg
4x BAF Osprey Mk3 Scout (DPM) 15kg
1x Harris 1A2-L Bipod 0kg
3x Earplugs 0kg

3x Vector 21 Nite 0kg
15x Binoculars 0kg

Muzzle attachments
1x SUSAT L9A1 0kg
1x Silencer L115A1/AWM 1kg

4x M136 Launcher 19kg
1x FGM-148 Javelin 6kg

Total Equipment: 597kg

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