[OPORD] Operation Fault Line (2018), Carpe Diem - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Fault Line (2018), Carpe Diem

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Yemen
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
WIth the YFF seizing the hills east of KalaeNoowi, the only road into the hills has been cut off for the IS forces that are sandwiched between us and the YFF, meaning they won't be able to send QRF if we move into the area. Unsure what the YFF next moves are, HQ has moved a nearby squad with a sniper attachment from COP Raven to take the area.

Friendly Forces
1x MRZR 4

Supporting Assets
Checkpoints to the south, YNA and Army occupied, but only acts are early warning forces if any IS forces attempt to breach into our territory. Kinduf airbase on standby.

Enemy Forces
Patrol camps, small infantry groups and offroad technicals. No enemy QRF expected due to the terrain.


Push the frontline forward.

After desired progress has been achieved, await friendly reinforcements and exfill by air to FOB Fabiano for debriefing.


Commander's Intent
The purpose of this operation is to extend our northeastern territory through the capture of compounds Iron and steel, the destruction of surrounding outposts, and elimination of any remaining Islamic State forces in the region. Baker squad is tasked with pursuing IS forces as far east as possible, avoiding contact with the town Zarath to the north. To better facilitate the assigned operation, Baker squad has been provided a rough set of AO intel to act upon. The provided information is not expected to be a complete representation of the AO and provided positions are reported to be estimates only.

Tasks and Sequencing
PHASE 0: Preparation - ALL CALLSIGNS ensure adequate supplies on person to sustain operations without logistic support through phase 2B. -- Any additional support required for adequate load bearing is to be communicated to BAKER 1. - ARCHER 1-3 will be provided with 1x MRZR 4 to facilitate expedient repositioning. Adequate supplies to sustain operations without logistic support entirely should be loaded prior to PHASE 1. PHASE 1A: MOVEMENT TO CAMP A - Maintaining stealth for as long as possible, BAKER 1 departs E towards RP-1. - ARCHER 1-3 provides overwatch for BAKER 1's movement via OP-A or comparable location. Actions on being discovered in Phase 1 or 2: squad-level bound towards, and capture Camp A. PHASE 1B: ELIMINATE CAMP A - Maintaining stealth for as long as possible, BAKER 1-1 and BAKER 1-2 capture Camp A via their marked approaches. - ARCHER 1-3 advises on enemy positioning to better facilitate stealth maintenance through the assault. Actions on being discovered in Phase 1 or 2: squad-level bound towards, and capture Camp A. PHASE 2A: MOVEMENT TO COMPOUND IRON - Maintaining stealth for as long as possible, BAKER 1-1 and BAKER 1-2 move to COMPOUND Iron via the marked Primary Route. -- Should BAKER 1's presence have been discovered, move via the marked Alternate Route.BAKER 1-2 opens as BOF element. - ARCHER 1-3 repositions to advise on defenses and provide overwatch for movement towards compound Iron. Suggested location: Camp A. Actions on being discovered in Phase 3: move via marked alternate route if possible, squad bound to compound Iron. PHASE 2B: COMPOUND IRON & CAMP B - BAKER 1-1 & BAKER 1-2 clear COMPOUND Iron of IS forces acting on intel from ARCHER 1-3. - ARCHER 1-3 eliminates key targets in and surrounding COMPOUND IRON and CAMP B. - Movement to Camp B should be conducted via marked primary route unless contact is in excess of provided intel. - Marked alternate route provides greater cover and concealment, although more difficult terrain and less visual vantage, should it be needed. Resupply will be requisitioned via DZ Stone once COMPOUND Iron and Camp B are secure. PHASE 3: SECTOR RECON - BAKER 1 adopts an ARD around Camp B. - ALL CALLSIGNS recon COMPOUND Steel and eastern AO, consolidating new information on map. - ARCHER 1-3 repositions to support eastern recon and provide overwatch for assault on COMPOUND Steel. Suggested location: Camp B. PHASE 4A: Movement to COMPOUND Steel - BAKER 1 proceeds to COMPOUND Steel via marked Primary route. -- Marked Alternate route provides a secondary approach should it be needed, although with less cover to utilize. - ARCHER 1-3 advises on defenses and provides overwatch for movement towards COMPOUND Steel. Actions on contact: squad bound to COMPOUND Steel. PHASE 4B: CAPTURE COMPOUND Steel - BAKER 1-1 & BAKER 1-2 clear COMPOUND Steel of IS forces acting on intel from ARCHER 1-3. - ARCHER 1-3 eliminates key targets in and surrounding COMPOUND Steel. Resupply may be provided via DZ boulder if required. PHASE 5: UNKNOWN ACTIVITY Full actions in phase 5 and 6 are pending more complete intel. - BAKER 1-1 & BAKER 1-2 proceed to RP-Rock to either recon the northern AO or affect an assault acting on previously gathered intel. - ARCHER 1-3 eliminates camp C, camp D and camp E. Suggested location: Camp B. PHASE 6: EASTERN AO Full actions in phase 5 and 6 are pending more complete intel. - As time permits, BAKER 1-1 & BAKER 1-2 proceed east to clear any remaining IS forces. - ARCHER 1-3 assists with recon or target elimination as appropriate. Suggested location: OP-B & OP-C


LOGISTIC SUPPORT WILL BE UNAVAILABLE UNTIL COMPOUND IRON HAS BEEN CAPTURED AND ANY IMMEDIATE THREATS HAVE BEEN NEUTRALIZED. After compound iron has been captured, logistic support will be available via helicopter airdrop. All resupply requests will be consolidated through BAKER 1 and coordinated with CROSSROAD H. BAKER 1 will assist with carrying ammunition for the automatic rifleman.


Rules of Engagement

Fire Support Plan
Fire support is unavailable for the duration of this operation.

Close Air Support
Close air support is unavailable for the duration of this operation.


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
BAKER 1 250mHz 40mHz SFC mbaker5114 Squad Leader
BAKER 1-1 251mHz 250mHz SSG Kevin Fireteam Leader
BAKER 1-2 252mHz 250mHz MSP Mattjamco Junior Team Leader
CROSSROAD H 87mHz 37mHz MSP Jari (Ret.) Senior Game Master
In accordance with SOP


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1800hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Secondary weapons
4x M1911A1 4kg
11x Glock 17 7kg

4x tfw_ilbe_blade_mc Warning 0kg
4x B_AssaultPack_cbr Warning 0kg
2x B_TacticalPack_oli Warning 0kg
1x B_Kitbag_cbr Warning 0kg
1x B_AssaultPack_rgr Warning 0kg
1x UK3CB_V_MBAV_MG_MULTI Warning 0kg
1x B_Kitbag_rgr Warning 0kg
1x CUP_acc_ANPEQ_15 Warning 0kg
1x CUP_B_US_Assault_OCP Warning 0kg
1x RKSL_optic_PMII_525 Warning 0kg
1x B_AssaultPack_mcamo Warning 0kg

4x 7rnd M1911 HP 1kg
34x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 6kg
16x .45 ACP 7Rnd M1911 Mag 4kg
8x 30rnd PMAG M855A1 3kg
11x M397 HET Grenade Round 2kg
15x 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ 4kg
13x Painkillers 1kg
26x M441 HE Grenade Round 6kg
4x MAAWS HEAT 75 Round 11kg
2x MAAWS HEAT 55 Round 5kg
1x M67 Fragmentation Grenade 0kg
12x 20rnd SR-25 M993 AP 9kg
5x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 10kg
10x 7.62mm 100Rnd M240 (Red TE4) Box 20kg
2x M18 Smoke Grenade (Purple) 0kg
1x 5.56mm 30Rnd PMAG Ranger Plate (Coyote) 0kg
11x 5rnd .300WM Mk248 MOD 1 1kg

Other equipment
4x Crye Multicam Rolled III 4kg
4x JPC Mulitcam (Light) 15kg
18x Map 2kg
18x Radio 7kg
18x Compass 2kg
18x Watch 2kg
14x Crye Multicam Full II 13kg
1x JPC Multicam (Team Lead) 2kg
3x GD300 Android 1kg
3x AFG Grip 1kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Medical) 5kg
2x Ciras MultiCam 9kg
2x Cable Tie 0kg
4x JPC Multicam/w belt (Light) 7kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Fast) 5kg
3x Harris Bipod 1kg
1x SAW Grip + Bipod 1kg
1x CPC Multicam/w belt (Light) 2kg
1x JPC Multicam/w belt (Weapons) 3kg
1x Range Card 0kg

11x Binoculars 0kg
1x Vector 21 0kg
2x Vector 21 Nite 0kg

Primary weapons
3x Mk 18 Mod 1 (M320) 12kg
3x Mk 18 Mod 1 (AFG) 8kg
2x Mk 18 Mod 1 5kg
2x Mk 11 Mod 0 (EC) 8kg
1x M249 PIP (Short/Savit) 7kg
1x Mk 48 Mod 0 (w/o heatguard) 8kg
1x Mk 18 Mod 1 3kg
1x M2010 ESR (Desert) 5kg

Sidearm optics
6x AN/PEQ-15 Black (Top) 2kg
2x AN/PEQ-15 Black 1kg

Weapon optics
7x TA31RCO-RMR 1kg
1x M145 MGO (ARD) 0kg
1x EOTech 553 + G33 (Coyote) 0kg

Muzzle attachments
1x TA31RCO-RMR 0kg
2x M8541 (MRDS) 1kg
1x ElcanĀ M145 0kg
1x TiTan 0kg
1x AAC 762-SDN-6 0kg

1x MAAWS Mk4 Mod 1 (Green) 7kg

Total Equipment: 244kg

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