[OPORD] Operation Fault Line (2018), Stopping Power - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Fault Line (2018), Stopping Power

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Yemen
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
IS Forces have been spotted staging forces WEST side of the AO, intel suggest they are planning to attack south through a large valley, codename "Six Flags". US and YNA High command have planned a combined offensive to stop the attack in its tracks before it can start. US elements are tasked with taking pushing trough IS Fortified positions into the enemy staging area, whilst the YNA will execute a offensive to our SW to stop any forces that have past our assigned AO.

Friendly Forces
Trident Platoon supported by: 2x Tusk II M1 Abrams 1x MQ-9 Reaper

Supporting Assets
YNA forces making a push up Kafira Valley

Enemy Forces
IS forces supported by armoured assets Non standard fighting vehicles Infantry


Take the IS defensive line, Stronghold and Checkpoint to cover off any armoured reinforcements heading in the direction of Kafira valley

All objectives secure and YNA complete their push into Kafira


Commander's Intent
Simply, our motorised platoon will conduct a rapid assault across several objectives in AO Ash, dismantling staging areas and enemy equipment in order to pre-empt their attack. Should we complete our objectives in good time we will consider a further push into AO Brock or AO Misty.

Tasks and Sequencing
Phase 1 will consist of initial transit to PLT RV1, a temporary pause whilst we attain initial recce, then rapid assault on the part of the infantry up to Staging area Alpha, with Trident 1 securing North and Trident 2 securing South. Any exterior threats or enemy positions to be cleaned up prior to Phase 2. In Phase 2 we will proceed SW in the direction of the enemy defences around Karift. Should the enemy frontline prove to be difficult we may divert further West during ingress, depending on situation at the time. Squads will clear Karift methodically through each marked sector. Both squads expected to be flexible in tasking of sectors. On initial contact sectors A,D,E will be cleared by Trident 1, with Trident 2 clearing B,C with the Mosque. Upon Phase complete, medical assistance and supply to be handled around PLT RV2. For Phase 3, platoon will first recce and assault Staging area B, before hitting Mayankel and the associated Staging C and Stronghold. Assigning of tasking and sectors will take place in-operation depending on element status. Throughout, Shelldrake remain on support for the infantry and will orient themselves in best position to do so, whilst remaining on standby to shift fire/ sector cover if required.


In accordance with SOP

In accordance with SOP

Rules of Engagement
In accordance with SOP

Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP

Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
TRIDENT 9 40mHz 37mHz MSP Mattjamco Platoon Leader
TRIDENT 1 250mHz 40mHz MSG Crossy Squad Leader
TRIDENT 1-1 251mHz 250mHz 1Lt WhiteWolf Fireteam Leader
TRIDENT 1-2 252mHz 250mHz SP3 Miksi Junior Team Leader
TRIDENT 1-3 253mHz 250mHz SP3 Argo Light Vehicle Section Commander
TRIDENT 2 260mHz 40mHz Maj James Squad Leader
TRIDENT 2-1 261mHz 260mHz SP3 Bossatron Fireteam Leader
TRIDENT 2-2 262mHz 260mHz Sgt MoooCow Junior Team Leader
TRIDENT 2-3 263mHz 260mHz Light Vehicle Section Commander
SHELLDRAKE 3-1 271mHz 270mHz Sgt Jochem MBT Section Commander
SHELLDRAKE 3-2 272mHz 270mHz SPC Fowlds MBT Crewman (Commander)
LIMA 4-1 71mHz 70mHz SPC Aynzerwulv Logistics Support Chief
MIKE 4-2 72mHz 70mHz Sgt Grezvany13 CMT Leader
VICTOR H 87mHz 37mHz SP2 Nico Senior Game Master
In accordance with SOP


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1700hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1725hrs UTC
END-EX: 1900-2000hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Primary weapons
28x Mk 18 Mod 1 (AFG) 76kg
1x Mk 18 Mod 1 2kg
7x Mk 18 Mod 1 (M320) 28kg
6x M4A1 17kg
4x M249 PIP (Short/Savit) 27kg
2x Mk 18 Mod 1 6kg
2x M4A1 SOPMOD Block II (AFG/Tan) 7kg
2x Mk 11 Mod 0 (EC) 8kg

1x tfw_ilbe_DD_coy Warning 0kg
7x B_Kitbag_cbr Warning 0kg
4x tfw_ilbe_blade_mc Warning 0kg
1x tfw_ilbe_blade_coy Warning 0kg
6x B_AssaultPack_cbr Warning 0kg
4x B_TacticalPack_oli Warning 0kg
1x tfw_ilbe_DD_gr Warning 0kg
4x UK3CB_V_MBAV_MG_MULTI Warning 0kg
4x CUP_acc_ANPEQ_15 Warning 0kg
2x CUP_B_US_Assault_OCP Warning 0kg
4x B_AssaultPack_rgr Warning 0kg

Sidearm optics
36x AN/PEQ-15 Black (Top) 10kg

Weapon optics
31x TA31RCO-RMR 6kg
6x M68 CCO 1kg
4x M145 MGO (ARD) 1kg
2x EOTech 553 + G33 (Coyote) 0kg
2x Elcan SpecterDR 1x/4x (Coyote) 1kg

86x 30rnd PMAG M855A1 35kg
70x 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ 19kg
98x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 18kg
3x 7rnd M1911 HP 1kg
12x .45 ACP 7Rnd M1911 Mag 3kg
6x 30rnd PMAG M856A1 (Tracer) 2kg
1x M433 HEDP Grenade Round 0kg
2x M713 Red Smoke Round 0kg
22x M397 HET Grenade Round 5kg
37x Painkillers 2kg
12x M18 Smoke Grenade (Orange) 2kg
6x M18 Smoke Grenade (Purple) 1kg
52x M441 HE Grenade Round 12kg
8x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 (Mixed) 17kg
20x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 42kg
4x 5.56mm 30Rnd PMAG Ranger Plate (Coyote) 1kg
4x M67 Fragmentation Grenade 2kg
22x 20rnd SR-25 M993 AP 16kg

Other equipment
28x AFG Grip 13kg
52x Crye Multicam Full II 47kg
25x JPC Multicam/w belt (Fast) 57kg
4x Toolkit 15kg
55x Map 5kg
9x GD300 Android 2kg
55x Radio 20kg
55x Compass 5kg
55x Watch 5kg
3x Crye Multicam Rolled III 3kg
3x JPC Mulitcam (Light) 11kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Communications) 5kg
1x Rugged Tablet 3kg
1x UAV Terminal [NATO] 1kg
2x JPC Multicam (Team Lead) 5kg
7x JPC Multicam/w belt (Medical) 19kg
1x ACCUVAC 0kg
4x Ciras MultiCam 18kg
4x SAW Grip + Bipod 4kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Weapons) 6kg
4x JPC Multicam (Fast) 9kg
2x Harris Bipod 1kg
2x JPC Multicam/w belt (Light) 4kg

Secondary weapons
48x Glock 17 30kg
3x M1911A1 3kg

43x Binoculars 0kg
2x Vector 21 0kg

Muzzle attachments
5x TA31RCO-RMR 1kg
2x M8541 (MRDS) 1kg

4x M136 (HEAT) 27kg

Total Equipment: 688kg

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