Operation Deadlock (2022), Parley
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Sahrani
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Sahrani
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background InformationAAN News received an invitaton from a warlord in order to conduct an interview about the recent events on the island. With the UN and Sahrani Military refusing to provide security for the journalists, we are acting as a close protection group escorting the Journalists deep into Cartel held territory. Due to the nature of this assigment, we have been guaranteed a cease fire from the cartel warlord and his men for the duration of our stay in this particual area. NOTE: THIS IS A LOW-KINETIC PEACEKEEPING DEPLOYMENT, MIND THIS WHEN SLOTING! CONTACT ON THIS MISSION IS NOT EXPECTED
Friendly Forces
Alpha Team with 2x SUV.
Enemy Forces
We are entering one of the cartel strongholds, it is unknown what assets they posses.
TaskingThis missions primary focus is providing close protection detail to war corespondents from AAN news network, secondary task being information gathering.
Commander's IntentAlpha Team have been ordered to provide close protection to a pair of War Correspondents filming within Cartel Territory. Command's intention is to allow the safe passage of these Journalists through the cartel territory whilst acquiring any intelligence that may benefit our mission.
Tasks and Sequencing
We will gear up and brief at FOB Eddie before assembling the convoy ready to depart along our predetermined route. Armed men have been spotted on a roof in the NW of Fernando. These may likely be Cartel Spotters from Vidora. We will depart South moving through the town of Vidora, which suffered from a Terrorist Attack recently. Cartel are likely to still be in and around Vidora. We will push through the town as quickly as possible, we should not stop unless forced. If forced to stop, Alpha Team will negotiate safe passage. Once we have reached the first Cartel checkpoint leading into their territory, we will stop and state our business before proceeding into Cartel territory. We will then be escorted by members of the Cartel through their territory. The War Correspondents and Cartel Members attached to us will dictate our movement plans. Our primary mission is to provide security to the War Correspondents whilst they conduct their own interviews and filming. Our secondary mission is to try and gather intelligence on the Cartel whilst we patrol with the Journalists. We should aim to do this subtly. Much of the intelligence we may gather is to likely gained through overheard conversations and through the interviews conducted by the Journalists. We may potentially find written documents and notes within the camp, however we should take great caution when looking at these as not to rouse suspicion. It may be recommended to have a pen and paper handy to take notes during our mission. Any complications between Alpha Team and the Cartel should be settled calmly and peacefully. We should not rise to any Cartel Member's challenge. Alpha Team is to remain calm, collected and vigilant. Once our callsign is complete, we will escort the Journalists back out of Cartel territory and return to FOB Eddie for debriefing. --- IT CANNOT BE STATED ENOUGH THAT WE ARE WEAPONS RED. ANY COMPLICATIONS LEADING TO A FIREFIGHT WITHIN CARTEL TERRITORY WILL MORE THAN LIKELY LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF ALPHA TEAM! ---
ResupplyThis is a Low-Kinetic Operation. We do not expect any prolonged firefights if any at all. We will not have any logistical support in the field. Each individual should carry a suitable amount of kit on their person. It is not recommended to put spare ammunition and equipment inside assigned vehicles due to security limitations.
Each fireteam has an assigned Combat Medic to deal with any casualties. Though we do not expect to get into combat, in the rare event of a MASCAS, casualties are to be mounted onto vehicles and taken to the nearest base. Medics may need to provide medical support to locals in our AO, as such, appropriate supplies and additional water to be carried.
Rules of Engagement
We have been guaranteed a CEASE-FIRE by the Cartel whilst operating in their turf. Weapons RED. If a situation becomes heated, elements should attempt a diplomatic approach. We do not have the facilities to take prisoners.
Fire Support Plan
None available.
Close Air Support
None available.
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
ALPHA 1 | 250mHz | 40mHz | SP1 Minipily Squad Leader |
ALPHA 1-1 | 251mHz | 250mHz | SPC Applechaser Fireteam Leader |
ALPHA 1-2 | 252mHz | 250mHz | SP3 Veagance (Ret.) Junior Team Leader |
ZULU H | 87mHz | 37mHz | SSG Kerry Senior Game Master |
In accordance with SOP
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord
STEP OFF: 1925hrs UTC
END-EX: 2100-2200hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC