Operation Fault Line (2018), Twin Valleys
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Yemen
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Yemen
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background InformationWhilst Trident has been pushing forward from Bushlurker on the NW of the AO, the IS Supply route has yet to be cut off. Because of that, YNA has been facing overwhelming numbers and is now on the back-foot after that attempt to push forward with Trident. YNA was barely able to keep halt the IS advance but are now outnumbered due to heavy casualties suffered. Ranger has been assigned to counter the attacking IS forces and recon for holdouts and cave exits, after which to clear out said positions surrounding the valley to enable US & YNA to push forward and establish control of the valley. Green dots showing destroyed YNA vehicles, red showing destroyed IS vehicles IS forces are expected to have a lot of armor present in the AO, destroying them will significantly reduce their MBT stock for future operations. NVG's are not required for this operation.
Friendly Forces
Airborne infantry platoon Air wing: - 2x A-10C - 2x UH-60M - 2x CH-47 - 1x CH-47 (Cargo)
Supporting Assets
YNA are holding their frontline with MBTs and static positions, they are not expected to do move from their line until their forces are regrouped.
Enemy Forces
IS forces are expecting to field: - Vehicles: MBTs, BMPs, BTRs and Technical's - Intel suggests a limited amount of mounted ZU-23 in the AO - VBIEDs - Hidden infantry due to cave networks
TaskingPushing IS from the YNA frontline and taking control of twin valley.
Main objectives: - Secure YNA frontline by pushing back attack IS forces - Securing Twin Valley Secondary objectives: - Destroy caves entrances Exfiltrate by air to FOB - Bushlurker for de-briefing.
Commander's IntentThe purpose of the mission is to relieve the YNA frontline and secure 'Twin Valleys". End state should be the the extraction of RANGER platoon back to Kinduf airbase.
Tasks and Sequencing
PHASE 0 & 1 - RANGER 1 & 9 will be dropped inserted at LZ Mountain and proceed to clear Ridgeline Alpha, stopping for recon at WP-1A to assist the YNA, located in the valley west Ridgeline Alpha, once the ridge is secure, move to WP-2A. - RANGER 2 will be inserted at LZ Ridge and proceed to move & clearWP-1B, after which set up at BOF-1B. PHASE 2 - RANGER 1 will move to BOF-1A, once set up, cover RANGER 2's movement - RANGER 2 hold position on BOF-1B until RANGER 1 is set at BOF-1A, after which, proceed to clear Cave A. After Cave A has been cleared, regroup at LZ Cave A for pickup to LZ Valley. PHASE 3 From LZ Valley RANGER as a platoon will clear hill 850 (north of LZ Valley) and await pickup to LZ Hill, from there move to OP-1. PHASE 4 Movement to be decided in the field.
ResupplyALL CALLSIGNS will cross the LD fully loaded according to the units SOP. These supplies will come from the staging area. This basic load is expected to sustain the team up to and including PHASE 2 , without support. Emergency resupply and LOGPAKs will be coordinated through RANGER 8 and delivered by AIR by BUNKER 4.
The primary means of MEDEVAC is by AIR conducted by STARLIGHT 4-2 and requested via RANGER 7(FAC). - Medical support will be conducted using supporting elements (PAK off Field)
Rules of Engagement
CPERS should be turned over to RANGER 9 for evacuation to the rear by BUNKER 4 or STARLIGHT 4-2.
Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP
Close Air Support
Close Air Support provided by ZULU 5 & TITAN 5-1 is authorised through the Platoons Forward Air Controller. Note: - Friendly CAS will be weapons red at mission start until visual on enemy positions are confirmed by FAC to decrease chances of friendly fire on YNA forces. - AAA forces have been sighted in the valley, mainly consisting of mounted ZU-23s, ZULU & Titan are expected to loiter outside of enemy gun range - Radar AA is detected in Mayankel, no fly zone as marked, north of the AO.
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
RANGER 9 | 45mHz | 37mHz | MSP Jari (Ret.) Platoon Leader |
RANGER 1 | 250mHz | 40mHz | SPC Edoardo Squad Leader |
RANGER 1-1 | 251mHz | 250mHz | SP3 Ellpuk Fireteam Leader |
RANGER 1-2 | 252mHz | 250mHz | Maj James Fireteam Leader |
RANGER 2 | 260mHz | 40mHz | 2Lt Zuka Squad Leader |
RANGER 2-1 | 261mHz | 260mHz | SP2 Gendalorf Fireteam Leader |
RANGER 2-2 | 262mHz | 260mHz | SSG Jenkins Fireteam Leader |
BUNKER 4 | 70mHz | 43mHz | SP1 Yoi Blackkit Logistics Support Chief |
STARLIGHT 4-2 | 72mHz | 70mHz | SP2 BuLLDoG. Rotary Crew Chief (General) |
CROSSROAD H | 87mHz | 37mHz | SSG Hrusi Senior Game Master |
Signal - Red: enemy position - Orange: friendly vehicle requiring support - Purple: friendly MASCAS - Blue or Green: friendly position - White: concealment
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord
STEP OFF: 1725hrs UTC
END-EX: 1900-2000hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC