[OPORD] Operation Black Flag (2020), Dryacre Protocol - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Black Flag (2020), Dryacre Protocol

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Takistan
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
Following our initial infiltration of takistani land, we have progressed further east with satellite imagery and have located another substantial FOB attached to a local civilian town with a lot of traffic in and out, with us attacking this fob it is hoped that we can gain more intel and locate the named Cpt Tymo and any other potential officers and to also supply the civilians with much needed aid as there is word of mass casualties due to lack of water and starvation and biological exposure.

Friendly Forces
2x XL armoured Humvee w/ M2 HMG Gunner 1x XL armoured Humvee w/ M2 HMG Gunner & Commander Camera System

Supporting Assets
**No supporting assets due to limited AO and equipment at this time**

Enemy Forces
Enemy faction has advanced personal ballistic protection and access to medium armoured vehicles as of what we know at this time. **we are yet to find their full capability’s and affiliation at this time**


Following on from Intel obtained in the initial infiltration of the AO we have attained assets from our Central Base of Operations and are tasked with conducting a raiding party to secure the town and enemy FOB to the north east of the FOB in Kustab, due to the nature of the apparent Biological threat presented within the AO we must take the upmost care to civilians and to help them where needed whilst not presenting a threat and/or releasing chemical agents where possible to allow the civilian care/relief team to provide much needed supplies to the civilians in the area. Due to the condition and lack of incoming supplies in to the AO gas masks are in limited supply and are therefore limited for a short duration due to filter depletion and seal erosion.

After securing the enemy FOB and the town and quelling any and all conflict there shall be a civilian care/relief team tasked with securing and maintaining order and providing provisions to the local civilians in the area.


Commander's Intent
The purpose of this mission is to investigate reports of a certain Cpt Tymo expected to reside in an FOB to our east. Furthermore, upon securing the town, we are to provide security for the logistics convoy arriving to help the civilians with humanitarian aid.

Tasks and Sequencing
Phase 0: Gear up and attend brief at friendly FOB. Once ready to step off, form convoy in order of: 1. HUNTER 1-1 mounted in GUARDIAN 2. HUNTER 1 3. HUNTER 1-2 mounted in GUARDIAN 2 Step off towards Dismount Alpha. When mounted in convoy, the leadership of the element temporarily transfers to GUARDIAN, in order to accurately dictate convoy reactions. Phase 1: The infantry dismounts at Dismount Alpha, and continues on foot to investigate OBJ Neptune with 1 on the south side of the MSR and 2 on the north. The GUARDIAN callsigns are to escort on their own accord, but are not allowed, at any point during the mission, to be further than 100 meters from their assigned infantry team. Phase 2: The infantry mounts up the vehicles and the element continues towards Dismount Bravo. Once again on dismount HUNTER 1-1 is responsible for the south side of the road, while 2 is responsible for the north. Investigate OBJ Saturn and report back any findings to BANDIT H. Phase 3: Continuing on foot, HUNTER 1-1 is to set up at BOF H-1 marker to assault enemy FOB. HUNTER 1-2 is to set up at BOF H-2 marker to provide overwatch. Once both teams are in position, 1 will begin the assault on the FOB itself, with 2 moving onto sector B, when unable to provide accurate support any longer. Afterwards, 1 is responsible for securing the FOB, searching for any available intel and preparing for the friendly logistics element to arrive. 2 is to continue sweeping the town Sector B Through D.


GUARDIAN's vehicles are to be manually loaded with essential supplies, that should last us throughout the mission.

In accordance with SOP

Rules of Engagement
All POWs are to be handed over to and handled by HUNTER 1.

Fire Support Plan
No fire support available for this mission.

Close Air Support
No close air support available for this mission.


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
HUNTER 1 250mHz 40mHz SSG Hrusi Squad Leader
HUNTER 1-1 251mHz 250mHz SP1 BuLLDoG. Fireteam Leader
HUNTER 1-2 252mHz 250mHz SP3 Veagance (Ret.) Fireteam Leader
GUARDIAN 2 260mHz 40mHz SP2 Scape Light Vehicle Section Commander
BANDIT H 87mHz 37mHz SPC Fowlds Senior Game Master
Upon hearing codeword Aegis, all elements are to assume the enemy using chemical warfare. In case of the protocol activating, everyone is to equip their gasmasks, stored in Guardian's vehicles.


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1900hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1925hrs UTC
END-EX: 2100-2200hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC

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