Operation Torrent, Day 14
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Lythium
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background InformationAlpha company will begin patrols consisting of Platoon attack, Movement to contact, React to Contact and Reconnaissance in AO KINGS LANDING NLT 181500NOV2020 IOT destroy enemy patrols. My intent is to destroy the enemy without loss of life, limb, or eyesight.
Supporting Assets
2 Levels up- The IBCT will support local municipals in removing insurgency cells located in AO WESTEROS Vic. ET31002100 IOT return control to allied nations. 1 Level up- The Battalion will patrol Areas of interest, and supply routes IOT insure friendly passage through AO NORTH. Bravo Company will be running route clearance operations in AO NORTH IOT clear paths for friendly operations. Charly Company will be located in Battalion CP Vic. ET33122217 IOT provide maintenance and recovery operations.
Enemy Forces
Company scouts report enemy patrols of 3-4 person fire teams, lightly armed, operating in AO KINGS LANDING in Vic. ET33002200. Their disposition is suspected to be of high moral with recent successful enemy attacks. Their most likely COA will to perform hit and run attacks on friendly troops. Their most Dangerous COA is to call in reinforcements of nearby company size elements
Tasking1st Platoon will conduct a humanitarian aid mission south towards Ramir(126-151), in order to regain order and cooperation from the local villagers whom came under heavy fire during previous missions. The area however is still not entirely clear, so the platoon will need to be on high alert. Despite this, urgency is necessary as wounded civilians within Compound A(127-153) require urgent attention. Both delivering of supplies and treatment of injured civilians are primary objectives.
Additionally, should time permit, 1st Platoon should continue to clear roads leading away from Kilo towards the South, headed for Tunkuf(095-142). Hostile forces along the way are to be engaged or captured. Once the platoon has decided it has gained enough ground, it is to contact Crossroads so that ANA forces can establish the front line and UTF elements can RTB.
Villagers are still permitted to carry weapons, however in the event UTF forces come under contact, 1st Platoon is to detain persons with weapons within the village. While secondary to other objectives, this will allow the platoon to exercise weapons freedom on potential attackers. Detained personnel should be kept secure and transported to the nearest ANP checkpoint available.
Tasks and SequencingHumanitarian Aid (Hotel-Alpha Phase)
Weapons Tight
- Patrol to Ramir
- Deliver Supplies
- Deliver Aid Service
- Contact HQ and await next phase
- Provide Security until phase Romeo-Papa
Road Patrol (Romeo-Papa Phase)
Weapons Free
- Survey roads towards south of Ramir towards Tunkuf
- Disarm IEDs and mark with Red paint
- Engage militia resitance until RTB is needed
- Request ANA reinfoncement for UTF RTB
ResupplyIn accordance with SOP
In accordance with SOP
Rules of Engagement
Recent ICOM chatter suggests that VBIEDs may be present in the region. While local ANA proceed to man checkpoints, 1st Platoon will need to be weary of this threat should the militia find out about the ongoing operations. A checkpoint on any road choke-point around the initial village should be established and held for duration of the humanitarian objectives. Furthermore, completion of primary objectives is believed to be what UNITAF needs to secure a deal in the region for civilians to not carry arms.
Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP
Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
In accordance with SOP
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord
STEP OFF: 1725hrs UTC
END-EX: 1900-2000hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC