[OPORD] Operation Parabole (2017), Wrecking Ball - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Parabole (2017), Wrecking Ball

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Isla Abramia
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information

After the sudden meteoric rise of cartel leader Rafael Mendez to Presidency in Isla Abramia due to corruption and bribery, we have obtained credible intel that he is supporting terrorist groups and militias across the Americas and the middle east.

NATO members have placed sanctions on the country but it hasn’t done much to the cartel due to most of the money coming in being drug money, most of the population has already fled the region due to the looting and violence that has ensued from the sanctions.

The entire region is to be treated as hostile however there are small numbers of scattered civilians left if you encounter them, as well as a small rebel force.
The military is to be considered hostile, Rafael Mendez has replaced the entire officer corps with his own men to control the army.

Cartel and military hierarchy is as follows from the intel we have gathered.

Friendly Forces

1x Squad sized group of US Special Forces
2x MH-6M Little Bird

Supporting Assets

Abramian Rebels are scattered around the region trying to organize themselves, they're not expected to be part of this until we initiate contact with them in the coming weeks.

Enemy Forces

Abramian Cartel consists of light vehicles, static anti-personnel weaponry, and infantry.

Abramian National Guard consists of light medium and armored vehicles, infantry, helicopters, static weaponry, and the possibility of Russian design jets.



UNITAF Forces will be flown north to sabotage local power and cause as much chaos as possible to distract from the wounded DEA Agent, then move south to make contact with him.

  1. Neutralize the local power grid by neutralizing the transformers in the power station.
  2. Destroy all enemy depots to distract from the DEA Agent search (Fuel, Ammunition and Vehicle)
  3. Find our missing DEA Agent “Phillips” and retrieve any intel you can find
  4. Act on the intel.

DEA Agent ID


Extracting the missing and potentially hurt DEA Agent and acting on the intel he provides.


Commander's Intent
The first task is to destroy the power plant in the city of Walden, to divert attention from our original plan to free the DEA agent. When we destroy the first objectiv we continue on our way to Rickwood where the DEA agent is located. Between the two cities we will destroy existences with ammunition and oil, and other enemy supplies.

Tasks and Sequencing
We will first be flown by helicopter to the shore near the power plant. From there we will secretly break into the power plant and destroy the source of electricity for the island. When that is over Wolf 1-1 will enter Walden and destroy the fuil depot while Wolf 1-2 will head to Military base. When 1-2 be close to objectiv. They will observe and report whether they can overcome the gobjectiv on their own. if they can 1-1 will wait for them in Walden or if they can't jump in to help. Hence the next targets are radio station, vehiclue depot and ammo depot. when all the goals are done, we will be transported to Rickwood where we will find a DEA agent who will give us information for the next goal.


In accordance with SOP

Pak in field.

Rules of Engagement
In accordance with SOP

Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP

Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
WOLF 1 250mHz 40mHz SPC Deksterus (Ret.) Squad Leader
WOLF 1-1 251mHz 250mHz PFC Luke Fireteam Leader
WOLF 1-2 252mHz 250mHz PFC Trifle (Ret.) Fireteam Leader
BULL 4 70mHz 43mHz Maj James Senior Game Master
In accordance with SOP


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1900hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1925hrs UTC
END-EX: 2100-2200hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Primary weapons
3x Mk 18 Mod 1 (M320) 12kg
5x Mk 18 Mod 1 (SOPMOD Stock) 12kg
2x M249 PIP (Short/Savit) 14kg
2x Mk 18 Mod 1 (AFG/SOPMOD Stock) 5kg
2x MP7A2 2kg
1x Mk 11 Mod 0 4kg

Muzzle attachments
10x NT4 QDSS (Black) 3kg
2x NT4 QDSS (Tan) 1kg
2x TA31RCO-RMR 0kg
2x Rotex-II (Black) 1kg
1x SR-25 Rifle Suppressor 0kg
1x Mk. 4 M5 (MRDS) 0kg

Other equipment
10x AN/PEQ-15/M952V Black (Light) 4kg
16x Map 1kg
6x Rugged Tablet 15kg
16x Radio 6kg
16x Compass 1kg
16x Watch 1kg
7x AFG Grip 3kg
8x GPS 3kg
2x SAW Bipod 2kg
2x [VSM] OGA OD DT FAPC (Gunner) 5kg
2x Personal Aid Kit 1kg
2x [VSM] OGA OD DT FAPC (Operator) 5kg
1x Harris Bipod 0kg
1x Helmet Camera 0kg
1x GD300 Android 0kg
1x UAV Terminal [NATO] 1kg

Weapon optics
10x G33 + XPS3 3kg
2x Burris FastFire 2 0kg

40x 30rnd PMAG M855A1 16kg
15x 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ 4kg
36x AN-M8HC White Smoke 15kg
1x M992 Illumination IR Flare 0kg
4x GL Stun Grenade Round 1kg
10x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 (Mixed) 21kg
2x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 4kg
4x 200rnd M249 Softpack M855 (Mixed) 8kg
20x 30rnd PMAG M856A1 (Tracer) 8kg
12x M112 Demolition Block 11kg
14x 40rnd MP7 SX FMJ 6kg
2x M84 Stun Grenade 0kg
1x 20rnd SR-25 M118 1kg
8x 20rnd SR-25 M62 (Tracer) 6kg

4x TFAR_rt1523g_big_bwmod Warning 0kg
3x VSM_OGA_OD_Backpack_Compact Warning 0kg
2x VSM_OGA_OD_carryall Warning 0kg
2x VSM_OGA_OD_Backpack_Kitbag Warning 0kg
1x B_UAV_01_backpack_F Warning 0kg

Secondary weapons
16x Glock 17 10kg

14x [VSM] Massif Combat Uniform Rolled Sleeves (OGA OD) 25kg
2x [VSM] Crye G3 (OGA OD) 4kg

Body armor
11x [VSM] OGA OD LBT6094 (Operator) 25kg
1x [VSM] OGA OD LBT Armatus (Gunner) 2kg

8x Vector 21 Nite 0kg
8x Binoculars 0kg

Sidearm optics
13x Pistol Flashlight 2kg
2x AN/PEQ-15 Black 1kg
1x AN/PEQ-15A 0kg

1x M136 (HEDP) 7kg

Total Equipment: 286kg

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