Operation Eiche (2025), Maple Leaf
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Finland
United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Finland
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background InformationWith much of the Western coastland in Virolatie secure and the British-German front continuing to advance, the Canadian Joint Operations Command is beginning their initial insertion. From a multinational carrier group in the South-Eastern waters of the region, CJOC forces will begin by raiding enemy supply ports and securing infrastructure in order to disrupt Russian operations in the South-Eastern region.
Friendly Forces
Mechanized Light Infantry Platoon with an integrated APC section covered by Rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft. An allied Howitzer battery to the West may be requested for tasking only on an emergency basis due to infrastructure preservation concerns.
Supporting Assets
Allied ground support to the West currently out of range.
Enemy Forces
Russian Mechanized + foot patrols scattered through the forest and coast, with further IFV support likely to reinforce. Rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft expected.
TaskingSecure a beachhead and push into the South-Eastern region of Virolatie; secure Russian logistics ports and infrastructure in the area to use in the future and to deny the enemy. The intent of the Joint Ops Command will be to use these supply ports for our own logistics needs in the future, so preserving infrastructure is key. Primary Tasking -Secure the Southern Supply Port [A] -Secure the Northern Supply Port [B] -Secure the in-land Supply Yard Secondary Tasking -Secure the town of Kirkonkylä -Secure the village of Eirikkälä
Depending on the phase reached during the operation, ENDEX will likely be done at the beachhead, with Canadian ground forces taking over the furthest position reached.
Commander's IntentThe purpose of this mission is to secure a beachhead for future operations. Mission is considered a success when both ports and the supply yard have been captured.
Tasks and Sequencing
Phase 0 During phase 1 Romeo will transport Charlie platoon via LCU towards Beach head Alpha if this is deemed to close to enemy fire . ALZ will be beach head bravo Tango 1 & 2 should secure the airspace and focus on clearing out AA above the Yellow line while protecting Charlie platoon from any air threats. Sierra Provides close air support and observation for Charlie Charlie platoon will move up and Proceed to clear the immediate area. Phase 1 Charlie Will proceed towards the fortified port objective in a platoon wedge. once secured moves toward phase 2 in a line formation clearing the forest of possible enemy's Romeo will seup a forward logpack point once the port has been taken Phase 2 Charlie Platoon Moves forward in a platoon line clearing towards the second fortified port and secure it with the Charlie Vehicles protecting the flank. Tango 1 & 2 Should have taken out most of the AA above the Yellow Line and now focus on providing CAP and CAS. Sierra Protecting the ground forces with intel and there weapons when required can be used by Romeo for LOGPAK. Once the Second fortified port is taken Romeo wil provide LOGPAK for all ground elements. Phase 3 Charlie Next push will be in to the Supply yard where we need to try capture it as intact as possible. Phase 4 No discerned movement plan depends on enemy QRF and reaction But main task is to Secure both Garrisons objectives
ResupplyLogpak will be preped arranged and transported by Romeo in contact with charlie 8
Medivac is done via Romeo calls sign or airlifted via Sierra
Rules of Engagement
In accordance with SOP
Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP
Close Air Support
Tango 1 & 2 are multi role aircraft main task CAS & CAP
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
CHARLIE 9 | 40mHz | 37mHz | SSG Kevin Platoon Leader |
CHARLIE 1 | 250mHz | 40mHz | Capt Korean Falcon Squad Leader |
CHARLIE 1-1 | 251mHz | 250mHz | SPC Deksterus (Ret.) Fireteam Leader |
CHARLIE 1-2 | 252mHz | 250mHz | SPC Aynzerwulv APC/IFV Crewman (Commander) |
CHARLIE 2 | 260mHz | 40mHz | 1Lt WhiteWolf Squad Leader |
CHARLIE 2-1 | 261mHz | 260mHz | SFC SkullCollector Fireteam Leader |
CHARLIE 2-2 | 262mHz | 260mHz | APC/IFV Crewman (Commander) |
CHARLIE 3 | 270mHz | 40mHz | SP2 LegacyStetson Squad Leader |
CHARLIE 3-1 | 271mHz | 270mHz | PFC ryyszla Junior Team Leader |
CHARLIE 3-2 | 272mHz | 270mHz | APC/IFV Crewman (Commander) |
ROMEO 4 | 70mHz | 43mHz | Logistics Support Chief |
ROMEO 4-1 | 71mHz | 70mHz | PFC Siberian Logistics Support Chief |
OZONE H | 87mHz | 37mHz | MSP Mattjamco Senior Game Master |
In accordance with SOP
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC