Special Deployments, Operation Dark Tide: Torch light (Run 2)
United Task Force
United Task Force
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background InformationWith the failure of the Doomsday device Silhouette have revealed themselves to the world. While the battle of Tanoa was a massive blow to Silhouette, the company's reach and power remains a closely guarded secret. It is surmised that the company will try again however at this time we neither know when or how, without actionable intel the global community can do nothing but sit and wait. Fortunately Silhouette did make a mistake; During the chaos of the battle an aircraft escaped the AO and was tracked to a facility on the island of “Maldon”. From what we can tell the aircraft contained high level members of the organisation fleeing the battle. The Seal taskforce has been redirected to investigate. With more time to prepare high altitude surveillance of the island has been undertaken and it has been surmised that the island, much like Tanoa, is defended by a sophisticated security system. Unfortunately the defences and layout of the island prevent an Air assault. Command has decided upon launching a naval strike upon the island to secure High value targets and recover intel on Silhouette as a whole.
Friendly Forces
1 times Seal Unit with access too: 5x SDV 1x SOV 2x RHIB
Supporting Assets
No other forces are considered friendly in the AO
Enemy Forces
The Silhouette military wing consist of well trained and well equipped teams varying from 4 man patrols to 8 man squads. enemy forces are likely to use light armoured vehicles and High Tech static emplacements.
TaskingPrimary: The unit is tasked with acquiring Intel on who silhouette are, where they are operating and what's there plans are. Several high ranking members of the organisation have been tracked to the island and should be captured. Secondary: Destroy any silhouette weapons caches or military equipment.
End state is the recovery of sufficient Intel and the capture of the HVT's
Commander's IntentTo secure HVT and disrupt the enemy as much as possible.
Tasks and Sequencing
Phase 0 All elements board SDV's and move towards Phase line 1 Minimum depth should be 12 meters Phase 1 Delta teams take out Defense buoys defenses and then hack the CWIS and then proceed further inland evading all sea mines where possible. if not defuse only the ones to get to the RV point the fastest. Stealht is key Oscar sappers Tasking will be to clear al the mines in the corridor marker. Also clear out the 2 defence Bouy Either by placing charges under them set to blow when main attack on compound is happening, or hack them if possible Phase 2 Delta 1 Takes the blue route towards first objective avoiding contact with any elements Setup on a position to cover the road and the main location Delta 2 Takes the green route towards the first objective avoiding contact with any elements Setup to breach the compound and secure the HVT. Phase 3 Delta 1 Moves towards the next objective following the blue route Delta 2 Moves along the green route and moves to hack the communication array. Phase 4 Delta 1 Move in to take down the research Centre Delta 2 Provides a route for Delta 1 to fall back to after they completed their tasking Oscar Will setup explosives on the Military compound ready to blow the moment we are on the beach ready for extraction. Phase 5 All Delta callsigns are to move back towards the the RV points either for pickup by SOV boat or using the SDV to ex fill the location

ResupplyALL Operators should carry Disposable AT No Logpak available. SDVS can be used for a bit of transport of equipment at the start of the mission
In accordance with SOP
Rules of Engagement
In accordance with SOP
Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP
Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
OSCAR 9 | 40mHz | 37mHz | SSG Kevin SF Commander |
DELTA 1 | 250mHz | 40mHz | SPC Dreolic SF Commander |
DELTA 1-2 | 252mHz | 250mHz | SFC SkullCollector SF Team Leader |
DELTA 2 | 260mHz | 40mHz | SP2 LegacyStetson SF Commander |
DELTA 2-2 | 262mHz | 260mHz | SP2 Dungworth SF Team Leader |
HOTEL H | 87mHz | 37mHz | SP2 Chelmy (Ret.) Senior Game Master |
Command succession will be: Delta 1 followed by Delta 2 Incase of capture or compromised communication further codes can be called on the net King Raise frequency by 5 Bishop Lower frequency by 5
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord

STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC

Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.
Qty | Item | Weight |
Primary weapons | ||
10x | Mk 18 Mod 1 (Desert) | 25kg |
6x | Mk 18 Mod 1 (AFG) | 15kg |
Muzzle attachments | ||
16x | NT4 QDSS (Tan) | 5kg |
3x | TA31RCO (Desert) | 1kg |
6x | SILENCERCO OMEGA 9K | 2kg |
Sidearm optics | ||
16x | AN/PEQ-15/M952V (Laser) | 6kg |
6x | Pistol Flashlight | 1kg |
Ammunition | ||
56x | 30rnd PMAG M855A1 | 23kg |
12x | AN-M8HC White Smoke | 5kg |
44x | Chemlight (IR) | 4kg |
30x | 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ | 8kg |
30x | M112 Demolition Block | 27kg |
Other equipment | ||
16x | TD Stubby Grip (Tan) | 7kg |
64x | Tourniquet (CAT) | 3kg |
16x | Map | 1kg |
3x | Rugged Tablet | 8kg |
16x | AN/PRC-152 | 6kg |
16x | Compass | 1kg |
16x | Watch | 1kg |
2x | GD300 Android | 0kg |
11x | GPS | 4kg |
Uniforms | ||
16x | [VSM] Crye G3 (AOR1) | 25kg |
5x | tfw_ilbe_blade_arid Warning | 0kg |
11x | VSM_AOR1_Backpack_Kitbag Warning | 0kg |
Body armor | ||
16x | [VSM] AOR1 LBT6094 (Operator) | 36kg |
Optics | ||
16x | Vector 21 Nite | 0kg |
Night vision | ||
16x | NV Goggles (Wide) | 15kg |
Weapon optics | ||
13x | M552 CCO (Desert) | 2kg |
Secondary weapons | ||
8x | Glock 17 | 5kg |
5x | VMH3 | 12kg |