[OPORD] Operation Everglade (1984), Arctic Shield - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Everglade (1984), Arctic Shield

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Norway
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
The British have poked the Soviet Bear, The Soviets are now undertaking a full scale assault on the US line, the US must hold out as long as possible.

Friendly Forces
Infantry platoon King : 3x Infantry squad Attached light vehicle section Checkmate: 3x Tow Humvee Support assets Castle: 1x Team of support engineers Rook 4-1 1x Medical Emergency Response Team Knight 4-2 1x M119 Artillery support Hammer 4-3

Supporting Assets
British forces just to the south at point charlie.

Enemy Forces
Soviet conventional force with Armoured, Air & mechanised assets.


Hold Point Freedom as long as possible, we are expecting a huge soviet attack along the whole frontline. Primary Tasking a) Hold point freedom as long as possible to allow reinforcements to move in Secondary Tasking a) Hold Point Charlie if freedom falls.

Point Charlie still in US/UK Hands


Commander's Intent
The purpose of this mission is to hold Freedom point as long as possible but prevent getting cut off and over run. Incase of retreat it needs fallback plan are

Tasks and Sequencing
Phase 0 King and Checkmate will move to point freedom and setup some defense trenches there according to the lines drawn. Castle should prepare the field hospital to be able to evacuate if Point Freedom gets overrun. Secondary task for Castle is to prep the second defense line with some prepared trenches for the platoon to fallback to and prepare a resupply on each front line King 6 Should prepare fire solutions for killzone Zullu And should use the time we have given to pre range the killzone First defense zone Phase 1 When the decision is made to fallback The platoon is going to disengage per squad Order of disengage will be: King 3 Who will fallback towards the now empty field hospital and load up in the transport truck that Castle has prepared . this truck will take King 3 Towards second defense line king 3 location. King 3 will resupply and get ready to cover the other elements leaving. King 6 will call-in heavy fire barrage to cover the retreat of the other callsigns. King 1 Who will fallback towards the now empty field hospital and load up in the transport truck that Castle has prepared . this truck will take King 1 Towards second defense line king 1 location. King 1 will resupply and get ready to cover the other elements leaving. King 6 will call-in heavy smoke barrage to cover the retreat of King 2. And follow King 1 to prepare fire missions from second defense line. King 2 Who will fallback towards the now empty field hospital and load up in the transport truck that Castle has prepared . this truck will take King 2 Towards second defense line king 2 location. King 2 will resupply and hold the line. Checkmate During this retreat checkmate should disengage 1 vehicle with each squad disengage phase to speed up resupply and setup to receive the enemy in the next defense zone. Second defense zone Phase 2 Castle main task should to prepare the third defense line. And provide resupply at each section. and strengthen point Charlie if possible. King 6 Will Provide a Fire mission to provide smoke to block the enemy sight towards king 3 location. Secondary mission is to create a kill zone on the main road as well on the mountains to deter the enemy movement on those hills. When the decision is made to fallback The platoon is going to disengage per squad Order of disengage will be: King 1 Will disengage and move to the supermarket where truck of Castle should be in cover from the attack. This will take you to the third defense zone. where you should resupply and get ready to repel the enemy force. King 2 Will disengage and move to the supermarket where truck of Castle should be in cover from the attack. This will take you to the third defense zone. where you should resupply and get ready to repel the enemy force. king 3 Will spread load 3 infantry per vehicle intoCheckmate while Hammer Provide a smoke screen to stop the sight on the retreat of King 3 and Checkmate. They will move with all speed towards third defense line and resupply and setup to repel the enemy assault. Third defense zone Fall back point Charlie HQ to FOB


Castle Wil provide repairs and emergency resupply when called for. but main resupply should be done in each defense line. Extra notes for defense line - Use natural terrain as much as possible - Provide a safe and easy access to the resupply - If possible provide a small medical battle station for on site treatment of infantry. - Do not overbuild due to frames and due to not enough supplies at the HQ

Knight due to the order to hold out as long as possible it is unwanted to get medevacked from the front line.. Preferred method this mission should be treat them at the front line when possible in Pre build Medical battle station by Castle. With each retreat when the second squad is leaving you should be on route to setup at the next defense line taking any casualties with you.

Rules of Engagement
We do not expect the enemy to surrender due to the fact they have the upper hand

Fire Support Plan
Hammer together with King 6 should provide constant rounds flying to slow the enemy down and funnel them in to the valley. Also tasked with suppression and smoke screen to cover retreat of the platoon.

Close Air Support
King 7 together with Hitman should provide protection against fast movers and provide some ground suppression when retreating.


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
KING 9 40mHz 37mHz SSG Kevin Platoon Leader
KING 1 250mHz 40mHz Capt Korean Falcon Squad Leader
KING 2 260mHz 40mHz MSG Crossy Squad Leader
KING 3 270mHz 40mHz Maj James Squad Leader
CHECKMATE 9 361mHz 37mHz MSP Mattjamco Light Vehicle Section Commander
CASTLE 4 70mHz 43mHz SP2 Chelmy (Ret.) Logistics Support Chief
HAMMER 4-3 73mHz 70mHz SP3 Natlos (Ret.) Fire Support Chief
CROSSROAD H 87mHz 37mHz SP2 Dungworth Senior Game Master
Succession of command if King 9 goes down King 8 King 1 King 2 King 3 Checkmate


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1800hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
4x cwr3_b_uniform_m81_woodland_rolled Warning 0kg
11x cwr3_b_backpack_radio Warning 0kg
10x cwr3_b_vest_pasgt_alice_woodland_etool Warning 0kg
5x B_AssaultPack_rgr Warning 0kg
17x cwr3_b_vest_pasgt_alice_woodland_light Warning 0kg
6x cwr3_b_vest_pasgt_alice_woodland_gl Warning 0kg
6x cwr3_b_vest_pasgt_alice_woodland_mg Warning 0kg
3x cwr3_b_vest_pasgt_alice_woodland_medic Warning 0kg
3x cwr3_b_backpack_m5_medic Warning 0kg
3x cwr3_b_backpack_alice Warning 0kg

Other equipment
4x Earplugs 0kg
4x ALICE Belt (Officer) 3kg
51x Map 5kg
20x Radio 7kg
51x Compass 5kg
51x Watch 5kg
47x US BDU (M81) 43kg
3x Entrenching Tool 1kg
1x PASGT Vest ALICE AWS Chest Rig (M81) 2kg
1x PASGT Vest LBV-88 ALICE (M81) 2kg
3x PASGT Vest LBV-88 (M81) 7kg

Primary weapons
29x M16A1 84kg
12x M16A1 M203 51kg
6x M249E1 45kg

77x 5.56mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag 28kg
43x Painkillers 2kg
27x M67 Fragmentation Grenade 12kg
11x 40mm M441 (HE) Grenade 2kg
20x .45 ACP 7Rnd M1911 Mag 5kg
16x 5.56mm 30Rnd STANAG (Red tracer) Mag 6kg
1x Smoke Round (White) 0kg
1x Smoke Round (Red) 0kg
7x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 1kg
1x M18 Smoke Grenade (Orange) 0kg
3x M18 Smoke Grenade (Red) 1kg
36x 40mm M713 (Red smoke) Grenade 7kg
51x 5.56mm 200Rnd M249 (Red TE4) Box 93kg
6x Ammonium Carbonate 0kg
6x M72A6 (HEAT) Rocket 11kg
2x FIM-92F Stinger 20kg

19x Binoculars 0kg

Secondary weapons
10x M1911 11kg

6x M72A6 (Special) 5kg
2x FIM-92F Stinger 2kg

Total Equipment: 466kg

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