[OPORD] Operation Honeybadger (2001), Orthrus - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Honeybadger (2001), Orthrus

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Afghanistan
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
HUMINT has led us to identify some of the Taliban military command. We have been able to narrow the possible locations of these HVTs to two locations in the region. Following a credible threat to our base perimeter, 2 Platoons with Apache are being readied to attempt a snatch and grab on Taliban Military Commander, Mahfuz Waleed, and his two Lieutenants Abdus Smad and Khadem Naser. Our Window of opportunity is small, and closing by the minute.

Friendly Forces
2x Airborne Light Infantry Platoon 2x AH-64 Apache 2x UH-60 1x UH-60 MERT

Supporting Assets
Northern Alliance Forces are present north of the riverbed, we have notified them of our presence for this operation.

Enemy Forces
A large number of Taliban allied fighters live in the area of operations, intelligence estimates up to 300. Only 1/10 of this strength is estimated to be at high readiness, concentrated around known camps and strongholds. Our targets identified by intelligence are COMPOUND 1, a suspected Taliban Military Stronghold in western Sirika, and COMPOUND 2, the suspected residence of Mahfuz Waleed, in eastern Sirika. Intelligence recently located Mahfuz's wife at COMPOUND 2 and surveillance shows he spends most of his waking hours between these two locations. While he has not been seen since US Forces began operations from FOB Leatherneck, probability of his presence at either Compound 1 or Compound 2 is estimated at 90 percent certainty. We expect some patrols and nests to be manned, but most of the enemy force will be idle until the alarm is raised, those positions in which we suspect responses from have been marked on tactical maps based on known Taliban presence.


Capture alive Mahfuz Waleed, Taliban Tottah District Military Commander.

Return all deployed forces safely to Forward Operating Base Leatherback with the high value target alive.


Commander's Intent
The purpose of this mission is to snatch high value target Mahfuz Waleed alive by night raiding two compounds in eastern Tottah province, COMPOUND 1 and COMPOUND 2. Objectives must be upturned for intelligence and all occupants searched and detained during our occupation. The end state is the safe delivery of the HVT package and intelligence to FOB Leatherneck with minimum friendly or civilian casualties and collateral damage.

Tasks and Sequencing
Before step off at approximately 0430hrs local, DELTA and ECHO platoons form up in assigned buildings to be briefed by PltCo's on the movement plans, the Company Commander callsign PAPA will hold a briefing with Aircrews and Attachments, callsigns LONGBOW, GUARDIAN and BLACKSMITH on rules of engagement and maneuver plans. Miniature models of COMPOUND 1 and COMPOUND 2 have been constructed and can be utilized by DELTA and ECHO platoon to plan execution, pictures of high value targets have been distributed and recent aerial images have been prepared. SECTOR A DELTA platoon mount GUARDIAN and BLACKSMITH in UH-60 transport configuration to LZ Blue, escorted by Apaches LONGBOW 5-0 and LONGBOW 5-1, Apache LONGBOW 5-0 departs the flight and continues to escort DELTA platoon as the establish perimeters around LZ Blue, LONGBOW 5-1 escorts GUARDIAN and BLACKSMITH fight back to FOB Leatherback. ECHO platoon mount GUARDIAN and BLACKSMITH to LZ Blue, escorted by Apache LONGBOW 5-1. On insert LONGBOW 5-1 escorts GUARDIAN and BLACKSMITH back to FOB Leatherback, on safe return, LONGBOW 5-1 returns to LZ Blue to escort ECHO platoon. SECTOR B DELTA platoon and ECHO platoon move north through the Urugal Valley floor 1km to reach target area. If enemy presence is detected, or civilian presence which may hinder the mission, units will take appropriate action in order to protect the mission objective, care must be taken to avoid alerting enemy forces until HVT is secured. LONGBOW callsigns will scan ahead for threats and alert DELTA and ECHO platoons of movements in the AO. SECTOR C - Phase 1 DELTA and ECHO platoons establish their planned OPs as identified during base planning and execute synchronized raids on COMPOUND 1 (ECHO PLATOON) and COMPOUND 2 (DELTA PLATOON), these exact movement plans will be briefed verbally by the respective ECHO and DELTA platoon leaders. SECTOR C - Phase 2 Once both target compounds are secure, DELTA and ECHO platoons, supported by Apaches LONGBOW 5-0 and LONGBOW 5-1 will go-firm, securing perimeters in order to permit the search for intelligence and the processing of CPERS, weapons found are to be confiscated and destroyed. We expect civilian and Taliban to approach compounds once we go loud, so care must be taken to warn civilians off-site and to deny access to any Taliban response. The longer we remain in situ the more dangerous we expect the response to be. Once the target is secure, extraction in-situ will be planned by forward air controllers by establishing a tactical landing zone (TLZ) between COMPOUND 1 and COMPOUND 2 to extract the HVT, under escort of LONGBOW. SECTOR C - Phase 3 DELTA and ECHO platoons break contact back to SECTOR ALPHA for ex-filtration. Complications / actions-on - Contact prior to authorization: expedite movement to the primary objective and LONGBOW call-signs shift tasking to prioritize monitoring of escapees. - Target killed: body to be recovered - Secondary targets captured: extract in the same manner as the primary target - Loss of air-frame: primary tasking of at least one platoon will shift to search and rescue operations, crash site to be destroyed


Basic load must be sufficient for execution of the mission, logistics will be provided by airborne team callsign BLACKSMITH 5-3 as either airdrops or insertions, depending on contact. LONGBOW, GUARDIAN and BLACKSMITH callsigns can be serviced at FOB Leatherbacks service area.

The primary means of MEDEVAC is by air, callsign GUARDIAN 5-2 will deploy medics where required through authorization of the Commander and using tactical landing zones setup by the Company's Forward Air Controllers. Where required, casualties will be airlifted.

Rules of Engagement
EPWs should be searched, questioned and treated medically. At the earliest opportunity extracted safely to FOB Leatherneck. Those CPERS interned only for the safety of operations should be searched, questioned and released when suitable to do so.

Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP

Close Air Support
Where required, close air support will be provided by AH-64 Apaches, LONGBOW 5-0 and LONGBOW 5-1.


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
PAPA 9 45mHz 37mHz Maj James Company Commander
DELTA 9 40mHz 37mHz 1Lt WhiteWolf Platoon Leader
DELTA 1 250mHz 40mHz SP3 Shahid-e-Gomnam Squad Leader
DELTA 2 260mHz 40mHz SP2 LegacyStetson Squad Leader
ECHO 9 361mHz 37mHz SP1 Hotspur (Ret.) Platoon Leader
ECHO 1 362mHz 361mHz SFC SkullCollector Squad Leader
ECHO 2 290mHz 361mHz SPC Johannes (Ret.) Squad Leader
GUARDIAN 5-2 82mHz 80mHz SSG Jenkins Rotary Crew Chief (General)
BLACKSMITH 5-3 83mHz 80mHz SPC Aynzerwulv Logistics Support Chief
HOTEL H 87mHz 37mHz 2Lt Zuka Senior Game Master
The Company Commander, callsign PAPA will coordinate the efforts of platoons DELTA and ECHO and authorize the use of attachments as required. All air-frames should maintain an air-to-air frequency for situational awareness. DELTA and ECHO forward air controllers will have dedicated frequencies and LONGBOW callsigns will be assigned to a DELTA or ECHO Forward Air Controller when in the area of operations, other air-frames will be directed to contact DELTA or ECHO forward air controllers as required by their mission and taskings.


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1700hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1725hrs UTC
END-EX: 1900-2000hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Secondary weapons
11x M9 10kg

17x FRXA_tf_rt1523g_Ranger_Green Warning 0kg
1x FRXA_tf_rt1523g_big_Ranger_Green Warning 0kg
1x oliv_med_bag Warning 0kg
1x m81_iba2_flc_sql Warning 0kg
2x m81_iba2_a_var_4 Warning 0kg
2x oliv_camelbak_weistpack Warning 0kg
5x m81_iba2_a_var_5 Warning 0kg
2x m81_iba2_pl Warning 0kg
2x m81_iba2_flc_pl_gp Warning 0kg
5x m81_iba2_rcr_sql_gp Warning 0kg
7x m81_iba2_flc_grnd_gp Warning 0kg
8x m81_iba2_a_var_2 Warning 0kg
4x m81_iba2_flc_medic_gp Warning 0kg
10x dcu_camelbak_weistpack Warning 0kg
6x m81_iba2_ar_gp Warning 0kg
4x m81_iba2_flc_amg Warning 0kg
4x m81_3days_pack_2 Warning 0kg
2x m81_iba2_ilbv_var2_gp Warning 0kg

17x 9mm 15Rnd M9 Mag 5kg
28x Chemlight (Hi Red) 3kg
39x 5.56mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag 14kg
45x 5.56mm 30Rnd STANAG (Red tracer) Mag 16kg
20x Ammonium Carbonate 1kg
10x Painkillers 0kg
13x M67 Fragmentation Grenade 6kg
6x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 1kg
16x 40mm M441 (HE) Grenade 3kg
4x 40mm M713 (Red smoke) Grenade 1kg
8x M18 Smoke Grenade (Red) 1kg
2x Designator Batteries 1kg
8x M136 15kg
8x M18 Smoke Grenade (Purple) 1kg
46x 5.56mm 200Rnd M249 (Red TE4) Box 83kg
4x Spare barrel 11kg

Other equipment
9x Nomex Flightsuit (Tan) 8kg
20x Map Tools 1kg
9x Pilot Vest [USMC] 16kg
7x SPH-4 (Grey) 13kg
57x Map 5kg
57x Radio 21kg
57x Compass 5kg
57x Watch 5kg
48x US BDU (DCU) 44kg
16x DAGR 7kg
2x Rugged Tablet 5kg
12x Water Bottle 3kg
8x Cable Tie 0kg

Primary weapons
9x M4A1 (Carry handle) 27kg
2x M4A1 M203 (Carry handle) 9kg
9x M16A2 M203 44kg
5x M16A4 M203 25kg
14x M16A4 51kg
6x M249E2 45kg

26x Binoculars 0kg
2x AN/PEQ-1 SOFLAM 0kg

Sidearm optics
5x AN/PEQ-2 Laser (Black) 1kg

8x M136 Launcher 39kg

Total Equipment: 546kg

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