[OPORD] Operation Fulcrum (2013), Enduring Once More - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Fulcrum (2013), Enduring Once More

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Afghanistan
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
The ANA forces in this valley have been at war with local Taliban for some time now. While holding their own, yet making little progress the fierceness of war was simmering. In an unexpected turn, ISIS, who have been battling it out against both coalition forces and the Taliban, have pushed the ANA out of their airbase to between a rock and a hard place. BAF have set up in an old FOB just South West of Uzbin valley and are preparing to push into the valley to support. Our first tasking is to gain a foothold in the valley of Uzbin and the nearby towns. Find out what we can of the situation before going onward to save the ANA.

Friendly Forces
2x Infantry Fireteams 2x Coyote 1x Squad Element with integrated Ambulance

Supporting Assets
-ANA forces are encircled to the North East. Unlikely to be seen in our AO.

Enemy Forces
Taliban Probability of contact: High Insurgents Technical's & makeshift weaponized vehicles APC's AA vehicles and Manpads Unconventional tactics ISIS Probability of contact: Low Organised infantry Insurgents Technical's Armoured Humvvees and other armored transports APC's Tanks Conventional and Unconventional warfare tactics AA vehicles and Manpads


ISIS have pushed the ANA and are currently battling both ANA and Taliban Forces. BAF have set up in an old FOB just South West of Uzbin valley and are preparing to push into the valley to support. Our first tasking is to gain a foothold in Dabdzay, the valley of Uzbin, and the nearby towns. Find out what we can of the situation before going onward to save the ANA.

Having secured a foothold in Uzbin Valley and securing the nearby towns. Hopefully identifying some intel on the situation at current for the ANA forces.


Commander's Intent
As our Primary tasking, we are to ensure the towns surrounding our FOB are not harboring any hostile Forces, and conduct a Presence Patrol to gather Intelligence from the Populace, and the surroundings.

Tasks and Sequencing
Vigil 1-1 and Vigil 1-2 will be driven along the green Route in Watchman's Coyotes and dismount at the designated point. Afterwards. they are to conduct a Presence Patrol in the Town of Ebrahim Khel. In a Second Phase, they are to head North towards Dabuzay to investigate the Area and the local Mosque. In a Third Phase, and after Resupplying from Watchman's Vehicles if needed, they are to mount up and proceed South towards Dabkalay for any further Leads. Should at any point, Intel or a possible Hideout/ Hotspot be found, it is to be investigated, and any dangerous materials disposed of. Vigil 1's EOD Specialist is to be tasked per Squad Lead, and will carry explosives to dispose of Contraband.


-Logpacks in Vehicles, FTLs coordinate with Vic Commanders -EOD Specialist is to carry Demo Blocks -FTLs designate 1 Person per Fireteam to carry a Mine Detector, pref. Rifleman

Immediates are to be stowed and treated in the Ambulance, or at Squad Medic's discretion.

Rules of Engagement
EPWs / CPERs handed off to Squad Lead.

Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP

Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
VIGIL 1 250mHz 40mHz 2Lt Zuka Squad Leader
VIGIL 1-1 251mHz 250mHz SSG Kevin Fireteam Leader
VIGIL 1-2 252mHz 250mHz SSG Vyqe Junior Team Leader
WATCHMAN 2 260mHz 40mHz SPC Dreolic Light Vehicle Section Commander
CROSSROAD H 87mHz 37mHz MSG Crossy Senior Game Master
In accordance with SOP


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1800hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Primary weapons
3x L85A2 with L123A3 HWS 16kg
13x L85A2 RIS 50kg
1x L129A1 4kg
2x FN Minimi Para (RIS) 14kg
1x L85A2 RIS (Tan Rail Covers) 4kg

1x UK3CB_BAF_B_Kitbag_MTP Warning 0kg
1x UK3CB_BAF_TA648_308 Warning 0kg
2x B_AssaultPack_mcamo Warning 0kg
3x B_AssaultPack_cbr Warning 0kg
4x tfw_ilbe_blade_coy Warning 0kg
1x UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_SL_L_A Warning 0kg

Weapon optics
18x SUSAT L9A1 3kg
1x Trijicon ACOG TA31F 0kg

16x 5.56mm 30rnd Mag 7kg
27x 40mm HE Grenade Round (L123) 5kg
21x 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ 6kg
6x Painkillers 0kg
6x L101 Purple Smoke Grenade 1kg
12x Ammonium Carbonate 1kg
1x 7.62mm 20rnd Mag 1kg
2x 7.62mm 20rnd Tracer Mag 1kg
24x 100rnd M249 Softpack M855A1 (Mixed) 29kg
28x 5.56mm 30rnd Tracer Mag 11kg
1x 30rnd PMAG M855A1 0kg
6x M83 Smoke Grenade (White) 1kg
6x M112 4kg

Secondary weapons
6x Glock 17 4kg
1x L131A1 1kg
1x VMH3 2kg

17x Combat Uniform MTP [BAF] 31kg
4x Rolled Shirt MTP [BAF] 7kg
3x Smock MTP [BAF] 7kg

Body armor
1x Osprey Mk4 MTP SL (D) [BAF] 4kg
1x Osprey Mk4 MTP Medic (B) [BAF] 4kg
1x Osprey Mk4 MTP Marksman [BAF] 4kg
2x Osprey Mk4 MTP SL (C) [BAF] 7kg
2x Osprey Mk4 MTP MG (B) [BAF] 7kg
6x Osprey Mk4 MTP Rifleman (C) [BAF] 22kg
5x Osprey Mk4 MTP Rifleman (E) [BAF] 18kg
4x Osprey Mk4 MTP SL (A) [BAF] 15kg
1x Osprey Mk4 MTP Rifleman (A) [BAF] 4kg
1x Osprey Mk4 MTP Medic (D) [BAF] 4kg

1x Vector 21 Nite 0kg
7x Binoculars 0kg

Other equipment
24x Map 2kg
2x GD300 Android 0kg
24x Radio 9kg
24x Compass 2kg
24x Watch 2kg
1x Folding-grip and Harris Bipod 0kg
2x MicroDAGR 1kg
2x SAW Bipod 2kg
48x Tourniquet (CAT) 2kg
1x Grip-pod (Desert) 0kg
3x Entrenching Tool 1kg

2x M136 (HEDP) 13kg

Total Equipment: 333kg

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