[OPORD] Operation Eiche (2025), Attrition - UNITAF - Arma 3 MILSIM

Operation Eiche (2025), Attrition

United Task Force
UNITAF Forces Finland
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.



Background Information
The battle for the town of Virojoki heats up as British and Canadian forces continue their joint offensive from the South and South-West of the urban sprawl. Layered defensive lines must be dismantled as allied forces push past them in order to create a safe path for friendly logistics and engineer forces. Heavy armoured losses across both areas of operation during the first phase of the siege of Virojoki have led to AO Tyrant being unable to deploy heavy armour offensively. AO Warlord has reserved remaining armoured assets due to expected enemy armour around MSR Iso Tie. Civilians are expected to still be in the town of Virojoki- under martial law they will likely be taking cover within structures. It is imperative that civilian life is taken into account during the clearance and securing of the town. Not all civilians will be responsive or accepting towards soldiers entering their homes, be respectful of their space and possessions regardless of the situations you come across.

Friendly Forces
2x Royal Marine Infantry Platoons.

Supporting Assets
Canadian forces will be committing a synchronised assault through AO Warlord.

Enemy Forces
Entrenched Russian infantry and medium armour supported by Heavy Armour.


Simply, Outlaw company's task is to continue the coalition push that we begun during the first phase of the siege of Virojoki. Defence lines King and Ace encompass the first section of AO Tyrant- they will need to be disabled to reach the main body of the town of Virojoki and to secure a path for logistics and humanitarian aid/ evacuation routes for civilians. Main positions to secure for this phase of the siege include an armoured depot, logistics depot and the urban area included within the AO boundary. A Russian-controlled dockyard to the East of AO Tyrant is included as a stretch objective. A civilian Aid Centre has been set up by the International Development & Aid Project in the grounds of Virojoki hospital. The safety of this centre must be ensured, though as a protected area armed personnel are not to enter or fight from the hospital grounds. Primary Tasking -OBJ Mimas- An armour depot, likely to have been evacuated of stationary armour but still occupied -OBJ Titan- A logistics depot -Assault and secure Defence Line King -Assault and secure Defence Line Ace Secondary Tasking -OBJ Tethys- A dockyard being used by enemy forces -Secure a safe route out of the town of Virojoki for any civilians wanting to evacuate -Secure and ensure the safety of the civilian Aid Centre in the town.

HQ wishes OBJ Titan to be secured as a minimum to consider this phase a success- future phases will be conducted using this foothold as a waypoint further into the town.


Commander's Intent
The main intent for the tasking today is to secure a significant amount of territory on the edge of Virojoki to put significant pressure on the Russian forces garrisoned there.

Tasks and Sequencing
Starting at staging point bandit Phase 1 a) Phantom will move to Phantom BOF. b) Fox will move towards defence line king & start engaging enemy positions. c) Once Fox is engaged, phantom will attack defence line king before moving towards Obj Mimas. Phase 2 a) Once objective Mimas is secure, Phantom & Fox will attack and secure defensive line ace. b) Phantom & Fox will then hold position short of the outskirts of the city for a full LOGPAK. Phase 3 a) Fox & Phantom will move in & assault the outskirts of the city in they're designated areas. b) Phantom will move through the city & secure objective titan. c) Fox will move through the city & secure road by road. NO ONE IS TO ENTER OR ENGAGE THE AID CAMP Dependant on time: Stretch objective: Dockyard - To be planned if it happens.


In accordance with SOP

In accordance with SOP

Rules of Engagement
In accordance with SOP

Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP

Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP


Communications Plan
Callsign Primary Frequency Superior Frequency ACTUAL
OUTLAW 9 45mHz 37mHz SP2 Dungworth Company Commander
PHANTOM 9 40mHz 37mHz SFC SkullCollector Platoon Leader
PHANTOM 1 250mHz 40mHz Capt Korean Falcon Squad Leader
PHANTOM 2 260mHz 40mHz 2Lt Zuka Squad Leader
FOX 9 361mHz 37mHz 1Lt WhiteWolf Platoon Leader
FOX 1 362mHz 361mHz 2Lt Aiedail Squad Leader
FOX 2 290mHz 361mHz Maj James Squad Leader
YELLOW 4 70mHz 43mHz SSG Hrusi Logistics Support Chief
STARLIGHT H 87mHz 37mHz MSP Mattjamco Senior Game Master
In accordance with SOP


TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord


FORM UP: 1700hrs UTC
STEP OFF: 1725hrs UTC
END-EX: 1900-2000hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC


Equipment Checklist
The following combined equipment list is issued as part of approved kit lists and across relevant personnel.

Qty Item Weight
Primary weapons
11x L85A3 with L123A2 Ladder 57kg
8x L110A3 LMG 64kg
10x L85A3 37kg
6x L85A3 22kg

10x tfw_ilbe_DD_mc Warning 0kg
12x VSM_Multicam_Backpack_Kitbag Warning 0kg
5x VSM_Multicam_carryall Warning 0kg
2x tfw_ilbe_whip_mc Warning 0kg

Weapon optics
20x TA31RCO-RMR 4kg
8x TA31RCO-RMR 1kg

297x 30rnd STANAG M855A1 121kg
11x 40mm HE Grenade Round (L123) 2kg
35x 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ 10kg
44x 40mm Red Smoke (L123) 8kg
44x 5.56mm 200rnd Boxmag 92kg
3x FGM-148 Missile 39kg

Secondary weapons
35x L131A1 22kg

36x Combat Uniform MTP RM [BAF] 65kg

Other equipment
62x Cable Tie 3kg
28x [VSM] Multicam DT FAPC (Operator) 64kg
36x Map 3kg
8x Rugged Tablet 20kg
36x Radio 13kg
36x Compass 3kg
36x Watch 3kg
4x GD300 Android 1kg
8x [VSM] Multicam DT FAPC (Gunner) 18kg
24x GPS 9kg
7x Grip-pod (Green) 1kg
4x Tourniquet (CAT) 0kg
3x Toolkit 11kg

35x Binoculars 0kg
1x Javelin CLU 0kg

7x NLAW Launcher 40kg
1x FGM-148 Javelin 5kg

Sidearm optics
7x AN/PEQ-15 Black 3kg
4x Flashlight (L131A1) 1kg

Muzzle attachments
7x SU-230/PVS MRDS 3kg

Total Equipment: 745kg

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